Fronde civil disturbances - in France between 1648 and 1653 attempted to curb growing Royal power.
Metacom’s War - King Phillip’s War: English colonists used underhanded tactics to control Native American lands
Ana Nzinga - Ruler of Ndongo in south-central Africa (present-day Angola.
Matamba - African state conquered by Nzinga
Russian territory expanded west to the Baltic and east to Siberia, expanding Serfdom.
Mirs - Village communes, controlled the small landholders among the peasants
Steppes - Grassy, treeless land that held skilled fighting peasants.
Black Sea - sea near Southwest Moscow.
Yemelyan Pugachev - Began a peasant rebellion against Catherine the Great in 1774. Pretended to be Catherine’s murdered husband and rebelled with a ton of peasants. Captured by the Russian army and executed by the Russian government.
Pugachev Rebellion - caused Catherine to increase her oppression of the peasants and gain more support from nobles.
The Maratha - Hindu warrior group, fought the Mughals in a series of battles from 1680-1707. Created the Maratha Empire.
The Pueblo Revolt - The Pueblo and Apache, fought colonizers who were trying to convert their religion. They killed about 400 Spaniards, destroyed churches. Spanish reconquered them in 1692.
England defeated Spanish colonists and took control of much of Jamaica in 1655.
Maroon wars - Slaves in the Caribbean and former Spanish territories in the Americas fought to gain freedom.
Queen Nanny - Escaped slave that united all the maroons of the island.
Gloucester Country Rebellion - First recorded slave revolt (1663)
Metacom’s War - Indigenous effort to drive British from New England. Resulted in the destruction of 12 towns.
Mohegan and Pequot - Native American groups that sided with the English.