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Section 3b. Advantages and Disadvantages of Types of Attitude Measurement

Self Reports:



Directly asking persons opinion

Lowered validity: May not tell the truth (outwit via bogus pipeline)

Fixed response provides a range of suitable answers making it easy for the participant to chose

Some people are not aware of or able to express their attitudes clearly

Free response allows depth of qualitative answers

Free responses are hard to interpret and time consuming to summarise

→ Bogus Pipeline:

  • A technique that uses fake polygraph measure to reduce false answers that occur due to social desirability

  • The Person is told they are being monitored by a polygraph that detects if they are lying. Unknown to them, this polygraph is fake. Subjects reveal their true attitudes

Behavioural Counts:



Objective measurements to infer a relationship between behaviour and attitude when these are consistent

The relationship between attitude and behaviour is not always consistent so measurement may not be accurate

Identifies the attitude as positive or negative

Inter-rater differences / researcher bias

Easy way to conduct research from a distance without directly asking the participants to complete a survey

Difficult to identify the strength of an attitude

Implicit Association Test:

  • Measures the affective and cognitive bases of attitudes, not behaviour

  • A computer based measure that requires users to connect two concepts rapidly with a characteristic

    → male / female are the two concepts and ‘logical’ is the characteristic.

  • Easier pairings producing faster responses are interpreted as more strongly associated in memory than more difficult pairings with slower responses.



Easy and quick to test online

 Test-retest reliability is not high

Researcher bias less likely

(objective data)

IAT effects are smaller with picture rather than word stimuli

Allows beliefs and values to be tested without as much social desirability bias

Decreased validity: Participant variables such as age, stress, tiredness can decrease speed of responses


Section 3b. Advantages and Disadvantages of Types of Attitude Measurement

Self Reports:



Directly asking persons opinion

Lowered validity: May not tell the truth (outwit via bogus pipeline)

Fixed response provides a range of suitable answers making it easy for the participant to chose

Some people are not aware of or able to express their attitudes clearly

Free response allows depth of qualitative answers

Free responses are hard to interpret and time consuming to summarise

→ Bogus Pipeline:

  • A technique that uses fake polygraph measure to reduce false answers that occur due to social desirability

  • The Person is told they are being monitored by a polygraph that detects if they are lying. Unknown to them, this polygraph is fake. Subjects reveal their true attitudes

Behavioural Counts:



Objective measurements to infer a relationship between behaviour and attitude when these are consistent

The relationship between attitude and behaviour is not always consistent so measurement may not be accurate

Identifies the attitude as positive or negative

Inter-rater differences / researcher bias

Easy way to conduct research from a distance without directly asking the participants to complete a survey

Difficult to identify the strength of an attitude

Implicit Association Test:

  • Measures the affective and cognitive bases of attitudes, not behaviour

  • A computer based measure that requires users to connect two concepts rapidly with a characteristic

    → male / female are the two concepts and ‘logical’ is the characteristic.

  • Easier pairings producing faster responses are interpreted as more strongly associated in memory than more difficult pairings with slower responses.



Easy and quick to test online

 Test-retest reliability is not high

Researcher bias less likely

(objective data)

IAT effects are smaller with picture rather than word stimuli

Allows beliefs and values to be tested without as much social desirability bias

Decreased validity: Participant variables such as age, stress, tiredness can decrease speed of responses