Science notes quiz

  1. Magnet: An object that attracts iron and other materials that have magnetic qualities

  2. Magnetic force: A force of attraction or repulsion created by a magnet

  3. Magnetic pole: A place on a magnet that is the strongest point

  4. Magnetic potential energy: stored energy due to the interactions of magnetic poles

  5. Magnetic domain: A region where the magnetic fields of the atoms all point in the same direction.

  6. Electric field: Invisible region around any charged object where an electric force is applied

  7. Electrically neutral: Equal amounts of positive and negative charge

  8. Electrically charged: Unbalanced amount of positive and negative charge

  9. Induction: Charging An object without touching

  10. Electric insulator: Charges cannot easily move

    Bonus: Electric conductor: Charged particles can easily move
