John D. Rockefeller: Associated with the Standard Oil Company in 1870
Adam Smith: Author of 'Wealth of Nations'
Alexander Graham Bell: Inventor of the telephone
Thomas Edison: Credited with creating the first successful incandescent light bulb
Andrew Carnegie: Headed the largest steel company in the world
Promontory: Location in Utah where the first transcontinental railroad was completed
World's Fair took place in 1893
Fire destroyed Chicago in 1871
Inflation: Rapid increase of prices due to the increase of money in circulation
Samuel Gompers: Leader of the first successful national labor union
Homestead Act: Legislation that opened the Great Plains for settlement
Grover Cleveland and Chester Arthur: Presidents who served two nonconsecutive terms
Pendleton Civil Service Act: Legislation passed during this period
Age of Industry was known as the Gilded Age due to...
Colorado is known as the centennial state
President in favor of gold standard: William McKinley
Atlanta Compromise Speech by Booker T. Washington
Wyoming granted rights to women first
Theodore Roosevelt: Promoted the Square Deal
William H. Taft: Associated with Dollar Diplomacy
Monopoly: Definition as a company with complete market control
16th Amendment: Granted Congress power to tax personal income
Communism: Ideology promoting a classless society
Wright brothers' first powered flight in 1903
Opening of the Panama Canal
Beginning of the Spanish-American War in 1898
Populist Party supported free coinage of silver
First battle of the Spanish-American War in the Philippines
Selective Service Act: Required men from 21-30 to register for the draft
Charles Lindbergh: First person to fly solo across the Atlantic
Billy Sunday: Baseball player turned evangelist
William Jennings Bryan: Lawyer who defended the Bible in the Scopes trial
John S. Pershing: Led the American Expeditionary force in WWI
J. Edgar Hoover: Investigated communist activities in America
Kellogg-Briand Pact aimed at peace
Central Powers and Allied Powers in WWI
Alvin York: American war hero from WWI
18th Amendment: Prohibition of alcohol sales
Teapot Dome Scandal and Third Communist International
John Maynard Keynes: Influential social economist from Great Britain
John L. Lewis: Organized the committee for Industrial Organizations
John Steinbeck: Author of 'The Grapes of Wrath'
Harry Rimmer: Lectured against evolution
Dividends: Profits and earnings on stock
Speculation: Practice of buying risky investments
President Hoover's beliefs on helping during the Great Depression
Works Progress Administration contributions to society
Tennessee Valley Authority's impact through hydroelectric projects
Start of the Great Depression in 1929
FDIC provided insurance through member banks
Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and Social Security Act