Medical terminology often includes Greek and Latin roots, which provide meanings to specific terms used in healthcare. Understanding these roots can aid in comprehending complex medical terms.
Definition: Refers to the kneecap; literally means "little dish."
Description: Bone is convexed on the outside and concaved on the inside, resembling a dish.
Definition: Pertains to the head; specifically relates to the brain.
Associated Term: Encephalitis – inflammation of the brain.
Ankalo: Diffuse or bind.
Anthropo: Human.
Arthro: Joint.
Articulo: Joint.
Axolo: Armpit.
Brachio: Upper arm.
Bucco: Cheek.
Calcs: Heel.
Capito: Pertains to the head.
Carpo: Wrist.
Cephalo: Head.
Cervico: Neck.
Chiro: Hand.
Chondro: Cartilage.
Clido: Clavicle.
Condo: Knuckle.
Costo/Pleura: Rib.
Cocxa/Ischio: Hip joint.
Cranio: Skull.
Cubito: Ulna, elbow, or forearm.
Dactylo: Fingers, toes, or phalanges.
Dento/Danto/Odonto: Tooth.
Dorso: Back.
Fascio/Facit: Face.
Fibro: Fiber.
Frans/Fronto: Forehead or in front of something.
Genu: Knee.
Gingivo: Gum.
Glosso/Linguo: Tongue.
Hallux: Great toe.
Hammertoe: Defect.
Ilio/Ilium: Flank.
Inguino: Groin.
Lamino: Thin flat plate of the vertebra.
Laparoe: Belly.
Ligo/Desis: To bind.
Lumbro: Loin.
Meno: Hand.
Milio: Limbs.
Mento/Genio: Chin.
Myello: Spinal cord or marrow.
Myo/Myos: Muscle.
Nario/Naress: Opening to the nose.
Naso/Rhino: Nose.
Muca: Back of the neck.
Occipito: Back of the head.
Olmo: Shoulder.
Scapulo: Shoulder blade.
Oro/Os/Stoma: Mouth.
Orbito: Bony socket or cavity (like the eye socket).
Osteo: Bone.
Palmo: Palm of the hand.
Pecto/Stetho/Thoraco: Pertaining to the chest.
Pedo/Podo/Pes: Foot.
Ped/Peda: Child; Pedia: To educate.
Planto: Sole of the foot.
Pollux: Thumb.
Populus: Back of the knee.
Phalangeo: Digits.
Rachio: Spine.
Sacro: Saucer or sacred; also relates to sacrum.
Spondylo: Vertebra.
Sterno: Sternum or breastbone.
Talus: Ankle.
Tarso: Instep of the foot.
Teno/Tendo/Tendino: Stretcher, tense, or tone.
Definition: The process of bending a joint, decreasing the angle between bones.
Example: Bending the elbow.
Definition: The process of increasing the angle of a joint.
Example: Straightening a bent elbow.
Definition: The process of drawing a limb away from the midline of the body.
Example: Lifting the leg sideways.
Definition: The process of drawing a limb toward the midline of the body.
Example: Bringing the leg back toward the center.
Inversion: Turning something inward.
Eversion: Turning something outward.
Cranial Cavity: Houses the brain.
Thoracic Cavity: Contains the lungs and heart.
Abdominal Cavity: Contains most digestive structures.
Pelvic Cavity: Located below the abdominal cavity.
Spinal Cavity: Holds the spinal cord inside the vertebrae.
Divided into Four Quadrants:
Upper Right Quadrant (URQ)
Lower Right Quadrant (LRQ)
Upper Left Quadrant (ULQ)
Lower Left Quadrant (LLQ)
Divided into Nine Regions:
Epigastric Region: Above the stomach.
Umbilical Region: Around the navel.
Hypogastric Region: Below the stomach.
Lumbar Regions: Located on each side of the umbilical region.
Inguinal Regions: Located on each side of the hypogastric region.
Hypochondriac Regions: Above the lumbar regions, near the ribs.
Total Number of Bones: 206.
Axial Skeleton: 80 bones in the head and trunk.
Appendicular Skeleton: 126 bones in the limbs.
Cartilage: Connective tissue that provides structure and support between bones.
Ligaments: Connective tissue bands that hold bones together.
Tendons: Attach muscle to bone, facilitating movement.
Myofilaments: Smallest components of muscle fibers.
Myofibril: Group of myofilaments.
Muscle Fiber Bundles: Comprised of myofibrils, surrounded by endomysium.
Fasciculus: Group of muscle fiber bundles surrounded by epimysium.
Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy:
Genetic defect leading to muscle integrity loss; affects skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles.
Symptoms: Progressive muscle weakness, often wheelchair-bound by puberty, with rapid heart rate and breathing difficulties.
Myasthenia Gravis:
Autoimmune condition causing muscle weakness, particularly in the face and throat.
Diagnosis: Electromyography, anti-AChR antibody testing.
Treatments: Anticholinesterase drugs, corticosteroids, and surgery.
Chronic pain in fibromuscular tissues due to various factors, including autoimmune responses.
Common pain locations: Neck, lower back.
Treatment options include medications and lifestyle adjustments.
Anterior Poliomyelitis:
Inflammation of the spinal cord's anterior motor horn due to viral infection.
Can cause paralysis and affects motor impulses.