Presenter: Vanessa Paddon, Dermatologist at St Vincent's Hospital.
Definition: The branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders, including diseases of hair and nails.
Understand the functions of the skin at a basic level.
Observe and describe common skin lesions.
Understand skin phototypes.
Practice in Australia:
Skin conditions account for about 15% of patient encounters at GP visits.
Skin cancer is the second most common reason for referral to a specialist.
Largest Organ: Weighs over 5 kg in a 70 kg person.
Epidermis: Stratified cellular layer.
Dermis: Connective tissue layer.
Subcutaneous fat layer.
Appendages: Includes hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands.
Mainly composed of keratinocytes that are layered.
Basal layer divides and migrates upwards approximately every 30 days.
Top layer (stratum corneum) is highly insoluble.
Cell Types:
Melanocytes: Produce melanin pigment.
Langerhan’s cells: Immune function.
Merkel cells: Mechanosensors.
Function: Supportive matrix made of proteins and polysaccharides.
Collagen (85% of dry weight): Provides tensile strength.
Elastic fibers (2-4%): Provide elasticity and resilience.
Contains blood supply, lymphatics, nerves, and ground substance, which holds water in the skin.
Primary Roles:
Mechanical barrier.
Immune defense.
Protection from UV radiation.
Synthesis of vitamin D.
Appendage Functions:
Nails: Protect ends of fingers/toes, assist in pinching and prising.
Hair: Offers social and psychological value.
Lesion: An area of altered skin (could be solitary or multiple).
Eruption: Widespread multiple lesions.
Dermatosis: General term for skin disease.
Definition: A small non-palpable area of color change, less than 1.5 cm in diameter.
Definition: A small palpable lesion, less than 0.5 cm in diameter.
Definition: A solid mass in the skin, elevated or palpable, more than 0.5 cm in diameter.
Definition: A large non-palpable area of color change.
Definition: A palpable flat lesion greater than 1 cm in diameter.
Definition: A small fluid-filled blister less than 0.5 cm in diameter.
Definition: A large fluid-filled blister.
Definition: A closed cavity or sac containing fluid or semisolid material.
Definition: A purulent vesicle (contains pus).
Definition: A localized collection of pus.
Definition: Loss of epidermis that heals without scarring (often follows a blister).
Definition: Loss of epidermis and dermis which heals with scarring.
Variations: Erythematous (red), Hyperpigmented, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Black, Green, Pink, and more.
Texture Variations:
Scaly: Thin flakes of skin that are often dry, appearing as raised areas or spots on the skin surface.
Crusted: A hardened layer of dried exudate or serum that forms a protective covering over damaged skin, often associated with healing lesions.
Fissured: Thin, linear breaks in the skin that can occur in areas of dryness or irritation, sometimes painful or bleeding.
Lichenified (thickened): Thickened skin that has developed as a result of prolonged scratching or irritation; often has a leathery appearance.
Atrophic (thinned): Skin that appears thinner and fragile, often resulting from aging, certain diseases, or long-term use of topical steroids.
Indurated: Hardened or thickened skin, often due to chronic inflammation or the presence of underlying lesions.
Seborrhoeic: Associated with seborrheic dermatitis; characterized by oily, flaky, and often greasy patches on the skin.
Verrucous: Rough and warty in texture, resembling a wart; often elevated with a bumpy surface.
Grouped: Lesions that are clustered together.
Linear: Lesions that appear in a line or band-like formation.
Annular (ring-shaped): Lesions that form a circular or ring-like appearance.
Round/discoid: Lesions that are round and coin-shaped.
Reticular: Lesions that have a lace-like or net-like pattern.
Serpiginous: Lesions that have a wavy, snake-like appearance.
Localized: Lesions that are confined to a specific area of the skin.
Generalized: Lesions that are widespread across the body.
Unilateral: Lesions that are present on one side of the body.
Bilateral: Lesions that are present on both sides of the body.
Trunk vs Limbs: Lesions may be located primarily on the torso (trunk) or on the arms and legs (limbs).
Acral: Lesions found on the extremities, such as hands and feet.
Sun exposed: Lesions that typically occur on areas of the skin that are frequently exposed to sunlight.
Intertriginous: Lesions located in skin folds where two skin surfaces touch, such as underarms and groin.
Definition: Ultraviolet radiation is a known carcinogen.
Types of UV Radiation:
UVC: Completely absorbed by the atmosphere.
UVB: Effective for causing sunburn.
UVA: Penetrates deeply, causes photoaging.
Impact: Both UVA and UVB contribute to skin cancer development.
Definition: International standard measurement of sunburn-inducing UV radiation.
Factors Influencing UV Index:
Time of day, year, cloud cover, altitude, and surrounding surfaces.
Overview: Numerical classification of human skin color based on response to UV light and basic color:
Type I: Pale white, burns easily, no tan.
Type II: Fair skin, tans with difficulty, burns easily.
Type III: Darker white skin, tans after initial sunburn.
Type IV: Light brown/olive skin, tans easily, minimal burning.
Type V: Brown skin, tans easily, rare burning.
Type VI: Dark brown/black skin, tans very easily, does not burn.
Key Learnings:
Basic understanding of skin anatomy and functions.
Ability to describe different skin lesions.
Recognition of Fitzpatrick skin phototypes for appropriate assessment and treatment.