Feature articles discuss broader topics, while news articles focus on specific events or incidents.
Feature articles provide background, context, and a more comprehensive understanding of a particular subject.
News articles report on immediate events and facts.
Key Characteristics of Feature Articles
Wider Scope:
Feature articles provide a larger perspective rather than focusing on a singular event.
Examples include discussions on climate change, economic conditions, and upcoming elections, rather than just reporting on one specific event.
Commonly found in the middle sections of newspapers and magazines.
Understanding Scrutiny
To scrutinize means to examine or judge carefully.
Example Application:
In competitions (e.g., cake decorating), judges scrutinize entries for quality and adherence to standards.
Scrutiny implies a thorough evaluation process.
Probationary Drivers
"Probationary" refers to being under observation or in a testing phase where full privileges are not yet granted.
Contextual Usage:
In road statistics, young drivers (ages 18-25) are often involved in accidents and fatalities at high rates compared to experienced drivers.
Probationary drivers face stricter monitoring and evaluation regarding their driving behavior.
Overview of Distinction Between Article Types
Example of News Article:
Reporting on a prime minister's visit to assess flood damage in Queensland is a focused news article.
Example of Feature Article:
An article exploring the overall impact of floods—how many homes were affected, the scope of community impact, and the underlying causes—is a feature article.
Feature articles often adopt a more formal tone due to their in-depth analysis and broader context.