Setup Experiment:
Two mice are placed in separate containers, one with a plant.
Observation of the mouse without the plant dying due to lack of oxygen, illustrating the consequences of photosynthesis.
Emphasizes the importance of photosynthesis for oxygen production, humorously refers to its known existence before the experiment.
Compare & Contrast Cellular Processes:
Focus on cellular respiration, fermentation, and photosynthesis regarding:
Overall reaction
Energy yield
Cellular location in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Photosynthesis Components:
Pigments to harvest light energy.
Light-Dependent Reactions: Photosystems, Electron Transport Chain, Reduction of NADP+, ATP synthesis.
Calvin Cycle: Involves CO2 fixation, carbohydrate production, regeneration of RuBP.
Plant Adaptations: C3 plants, C4 plants & CAM plants.
Levels of understanding about photosynthesis:
Options ranging from no knowledge to clear comprehension that one can explain to others.
Key Vocabulary:
Autotroph, Proton, Pigment, Electron Transport Chain, Photon, Oxidative Phosphorylation.
Sources of Dry Mass in Trees:
Soil nutrients
Air taken through leaves
Water absorbed by roots
Sunlight hitting leaves.
Energy Sources:
Heterotrophs: Obtain energy by consuming organic molecules.
Autotrophs: Synthesize organic molecules from inorganic sources (e.g., CO2, H2).
Photoautotrophs: Use light as an energy source for producing organic molecules.
Photosynthesis contributes to:
Formation of organic molecules from sunlight utilizing photoautotrophs.
Cellular respiration employs these organic molecules to generate ATP and energy for organisms.
6CO2 + 6H2O + Light Energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2
Components include Carbon, Water, Light, and the products Sugar and Oxygen.
Occurs in Chloroplasts:
Primarily in leaf cells rich in chloroplasts.
Water sourced from root absorption; gas exchange (CO2 & O2) through stomata.
Chloroplast Anatomy:
Thylakoid Membrane: Forms thylakoids containing pigments (e.g., chlorophyll).
Stroma: Fluid space between membranes, where the Calvin Cycle occurs.
Light-Dependent Reactions: Produce ATP and NADPH using light energy.
Calvin Cycle: Utilizes energy from ATP and NADPH to synthesize sugar.
Electron Transfer:
NADP+ acts as an electron acceptor, getting reduced to NADPH during light reactions, carrying electrons for synthesizing carbohydrates.
Location: Thylakoid membranes.
Converts light energy into chemical energy in ATP and NADPH, producing oxygen.
Critical for sustaining aerobic respiration, supplying most of Earth's oxygen.
Electromagnetic Radiation:
Light is made of photons traveling in wave patterns, with visible light detectable by human eyes (380-740nm).
The sun emits a full spectrum, but the atmosphere blocks some.
Color Perception:
Objects reflect wavelengths of light, interpreted by the brain as colors.
Plants primarily appear green due to chlorophyll, which absorbs other wavelengths.
Chlorophyll Degradation:
As the growing season ends, chlorophyll breaks down, revealing other pigments like carotenoids.
Excitation of Electrons:
Absorption of light energy boosts electrons to higher energy states.
This can lead to heat release or fluorescence.
ETC Role:
Transports excited electrons, creating a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane to drive ATP synthesis through chemiosmosis.
Water Splitting:
Water molecules provide protons and electrons for replacing those used in photosystems, contributing to O2 production.
Photosystem I details:
Light-harvesting complex that re-excites electrons for participation in the second ETC.
Results in NADPH formation without proton pumping.
ETC and water splitting enhance H+ concentration in the thylakoid lumen.
Main processes include oxygen production, ATP formation via chemiosmosis, and NADP+ reduction to NADPH.
Historical Perspective:
Cyanobacteria initiation of O2 production drastically altered the atmosphere, causing significant extinction events.
Transition from primitive anaerobic life to oxygen-breathing organisms.
Light-independent reactions that synthesize carbohydrates using ATP, NADPH, and CO2 in the stroma.
Energy Source:
Serve as precursors for organic molecules and energy storage for both plants and animals.
Three Main Stages:
Carbon Fixation: Incorporating CO2.
Reduction Phase: Conversion processes utilizing ATP and NADPH.
Regeneration: Preparing the cycle for the next round of carbon fixation.
Recap of electron transport, ATP generation, and oxygen production.
Final output includes Glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate (G3P) and the conversion to glucose.
Challenges in low CO2 and high O2 conditions, resulting in less efficient forms of carbon fixation by rubisco.
Gas Exchange Regulation:
Stomata open during day but close in hot, dry conditions to conserve water, affecting CO2 intake.
Efficient CO2 Utilization:
Structure allows for better function under low CO2 conditions with spatial separation between gas uptake and photosynthesis.
Adaptation to Environment:
C4 plants thrive in hot, arid climates while C3 plants flourish in cooler surroundings, highlighting their metabolic adaptations.
Water Conservation:
Adaptation for arid conditions allows CO2 fixation at night to minimize water loss.
Differences in end products, locations, and energy sources.
Similarities in metabolic processes, glucose involvement, and ATP synthesis utilization.