Spanish 3 U1E3 Vocab
conectar- to connect
desarmar- to take apart
desconectar- to turn off
desenchufar- to unplug
desyerbar- to weed
encender (e-ie)- to turn on
enchufar- to plug in
esconderse- to hide
regar (e-ie)- to water
reparar- to repair
vaciar- to empty
armar- to assemble
el basurero- trash can, wastebasket
la bombilla- light bulb
el televisor- television set
el cortacésped- lawnmower
desorganizado(a)- disorganized
el desván- attic
el gabinete- cabinet
las malas hierbas- weeds
el sótano- basement
animarse- to get encouraged, interested
dedicarse a- to apply yourself to something
desanimarse- to get discouraged
entusiasmarse- to get excited
oponerse a- to oppose
ponerse nervioso(a)- to get nervous
Sentirse (e-ie) frustrado(a)- to feel frustrated
apoyarse- to support each other
ayudarse- to help each other
conocerse bien/mal- to know each other well
contarse (o-ue) chismes- to tell each other gossip
contarse secretos- to tell each other secrets
llevarse bien/mal- to get along well/ badly
odiarse- to hate each other
pelearse- to fight with each other
perdonarse- to forgive each other
quejarse- to complain
saludarse- to greet each other
telefonearse- to phone each other
organizado- organized
conectar- to connect
desarmar- to take apart
desconectar- to turn off
desenchufar- to unplug
desyerbar- to weed
encender (e-ie)- to turn on
enchufar- to plug in
esconderse- to hide
regar (e-ie)- to water
reparar- to repair
vaciar- to empty
armar- to assemble
el basurero- trash can, wastebasket
la bombilla- light bulb
el televisor- television set
el cortacésped- lawnmower
desorganizado(a)- disorganized
el desván- attic
el gabinete- cabinet
las malas hierbas- weeds
el sótano- basement
animarse- to get encouraged, interested
dedicarse a- to apply yourself to something
desanimarse- to get discouraged
entusiasmarse- to get excited
oponerse a- to oppose
ponerse nervioso(a)- to get nervous
Sentirse (e-ie) frustrado(a)- to feel frustrated
apoyarse- to support each other
ayudarse- to help each other
conocerse bien/mal- to know each other well
contarse (o-ue) chismes- to tell each other gossip
contarse secretos- to tell each other secrets
llevarse bien/mal- to get along well/ badly
odiarse- to hate each other
pelearse- to fight with each other
perdonarse- to forgive each other
quejarse- to complain
saludarse- to greet each other
telefonearse- to phone each other
organizado- organized