chapter one
utterson and enfield go on a walk , enfield tells a story about a door and a man that tramples a girl
chapter two
utterson examines jekylls will and finds that his property is left to a man named hyde , utterson finds mr hyde and becomes appalled by his appearance, utterson finds out that he has a key to jekylls back door
chapter three
during a party utterson confronts jekyll about hyde , jekyll denies any blackmail from hyde
chapter four
hyde kills carew, utterson takes the police to hydes apartment but is nowhere to be found
chapter five
utterson finds jekyll in his lab and jekyll shows him a letter from hyde saying that he has gone and will not be returning, guest compares jekyll and hydes handwriting and they are both the same
chapter six
hydes disappearance has a positive impact on jekyll, however soon returns to a reclusive state , utterson visits lanyon however lanyon refuses to talk about jekyll , lanyon dies
chapter seven
utterson and enfield go on another walk and see jekyll from his window however he suddenly vanishes
chapter eight
utterson and poole break into jekylls lab and find hydes dead body
chapter nine and ten
utterson reads jekyll and lanyons letters and confessions