Bone | Definition |
cranium | Greek kranion meaning head |
clavicle | Latin clavicula, diminutive form of the Latin word clavis meaning key |
scapula | Latin noun scapulae meaning shoulder-blades |
humerus | Latin noun humerus meaning upper arm or shoulder |
ulna | from the Latin noun ulna meaning elbow, arm. |
radius | from the Latin word radius meaning ray, spokes of a wheel. |
spinal column or vertebrae | from the Latin spina meaning thorn |
sternum | derived from the Greek word sternon meaning breast or chest (male) |
sacrum | from the the Latin word sacer meaning sacred |
coccyx | from the Greek word kokkux = a cuckoo, since the coccyx resembled the cuckoo’s beak in shape. |
pelvis or hip bone | Latin pelvis meaning a basin |
tibia | from the Latin tibia, a flute or pipe |
patella | Latin patella, diminutive of patera - small, round dish |
fibula | from the Latin fibula, a broach or clasp |
tarsus | Greek tarsos meaning a wicker basket, crate |
carpals | Derived from the Greek word karpos meaning wrist |
metacarpals | The part that comes after the wrist |
phalanges | the plural form of the Greek phalanx meaning line of battle, or the ordering of infantry |