Alevel History short answer test 1917-20

Paper 1 Revision: In Search of the American Dream 1917-1996

USA 1917-1920: Essay Questions

  • How far do you agree that America benefitted from war?

  • How accurate is it to say that economic factors had the biggest impact on presidential policies?

USA 1917-1920: Politics

  • Wilson's Re-election (1916)

    • Campaign slogan: "He kept us out of the War"

    • Position as a progressive president highlighted by legislations like the Adamson Act, which limited railroad workers to an 8-hour workday.

  • Entry into WWI (1917)

    • Driven by response to German aggression.

    • Marked a transition to a larger role for the state in American life.

  • Draft and Military Involvement

    • Approximately 5 million men drafted for military service in WWI.

  • Treaty of Versailles

    • Wilson promoted the treaty domestically, facing significant political opposition from Congress and public sentiment.

    • Republicans gained control of Senate in the 1918 mid-term elections, resulting in Wilson’s decreased political power.

  • Political Consequences

    • Wilson’s unpopularity led to the exclusion of the Democratic Party from power for 12 years post-1920.

USA 1917-1920: Economics

  • Impact of WWI on Taxation

    • Introduction of the income tax for the first time due to the financial demands of the war.

  • Post-War Employment and Economy

    • A surge in unemployment as returning soldiers left the armed forces, contributing to downward pressure on wages.

  • Economic Downturns

    • The USA faced two significant recessions in the aftermath of WWI.

  • Labor Strikes

    • A high volume of labor unrest, with 3,600 separate strikes reported throughout 1919, reflecting economic discontent.

USA 1917-1920: Society

  • Great Migration

    • Increased demand for labor in northern factories led to escalated migration from rural southern areas to urban centers, known as the Great Migration.

  • Urban Segregation

    • Northern cities demonstrated de facto segregation, leading to increasing racial tensions and race riots.

  • Jim Crow Laws in the South

    • Used to maintain legal segregation; these laws intensified societal divisions.

  • Fear of Communism

    • The First Red Scare emerged in 1919, with anti-immigrant sentiments prevailing. Immigrants were scapegoated for introducing radical ideas like communism, leading to the infamous Sacco and Vanzetti case.

  • Palmer Raids

    • Law enforcement arrested 6,000 foreign 'aliens' on suspicion of communism as a reaction to rising fears.

  • Restriction on Immigration

    • The Literacy Tests Act of 1917 effectively closed doors to many immigrants and overrode Wilson’s presidential veto.

  • Women's Suffrage

    • The 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote in 1919, a significant achievement influenced by their contributions and roles during the war, although job opportunities diminished post-war.

USA 1917-1920: Essay Questions

  • How far do you agree that America benefitted from war?

  • How accurate is it to say that economic factors had the biggest impact on presidential policies?


  • Overview of the American social, political, and economic landscape from 1917 to 1920 and its lasting implications on the concept of the American Dream.

Theme 1:

  • Possible focus on the political developments under Wilson's administration and their impacts on society and policymaking.

Theme 2:

  • The social consequences of war, especially regarding race relations and women's rights, as reflections of broader cultural shifts.

Theme 3:

  • Analysis of economic challenges faced during the post-war period, including strikes, unemployment, and the role of government in managing the economy.


  • Summary of findings related to the essay questions, assessing the balance of benefits and challenges that America faced as a result of WWI.
