Industry Importance: Tourism is a critical industry for regional competitiveness.
Research Focus: The relationship between cultural heritage and competitiveness, especially via tourism, is largely unexplored.
Case Study: The Motor Valley cluster in Modena, Italy, serves as a model of this relationship from 1999 to 2011.
Identity and Heritage: The region has a strong identity linked to its motorsport heritage since the 1800s.
Cluster Composition: Includes major motor industry firms, artisans, tourism organizations, sport facilities, and cultural heritage sites (both tangible and intangible).
Mechanism of Competitiveness: The cluster operates on a self-reinforcing mechanism, fueled by tourism flows.
For Policy Makers: Understanding how to leverage cultural heritage and tourism for regional competitiveness is essential.
Cultural Heritage as Economic Driver: Heritage should be seen as a driver for creating new clusters rather than just a resource to be preserved.
Competitive Advantage: Regions can build competitiveness by enhancing cultural heritage.
Tourism Clusters: Literature indicates potential for tourism-based clusters to leverage local culture and enhance regional economies.
Sustainability: Balancing the economic enhancement of cultural heritage with its preservation is crucial.
Porter’s Diamond Model: Emphasizes firm strategy, structure, rivalry, factor conditions, and demand conditions as key elements for competitiveness.
Cluster Dynamics: Clusters generate innovation and competitiveness from interconnected institutions and industries.
Research Design: Longitudinal case study focused on the Motor Valley cluster from 1998 to 2011, using extensive qualitative research.
Data Collection: Mixed methodology, including document analysis and in-depth interviews with local industry stakeholders.
Synergistic Relationships: Tourism and cultural heritage can create virtuous circles that enhance regional competitiveness.
Tourism Impact: The touristic sector accounts for a substantial portion of Italy's GDP and job market.
Cluster Development: Formation required recognizing local assets and integrating various stakeholders effectively.
Growth Indicators: The cluster's initiatives led to increased visitor numbers, economic activity, and international visibility for local firms.
Reputation and Identity: The Motor Valley branding brought together diverse industry actors, enhancing local pride and economic stability.
Extend research on how tourism can enhance various forms of cultural heritage beyond industrial contexts.
Investigate stakeholder roles in cluster formation and effectiveness in governance structures.