Cultural heritage, tourism and regional competitiveness- The Motor Valley cluster Fernando G. Alberti ⇑ , Jessica D. Giusti

Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Regional Competitiveness


  • Industry Importance: Tourism is a critical industry for regional competitiveness.

  • Research Focus: The relationship between cultural heritage and competitiveness, especially via tourism, is largely unexplored.

  • Case Study: The Motor Valley cluster in Modena, Italy, serves as a model of this relationship from 1999 to 2011.

Motor Valley Cluster

  • Identity and Heritage: The region has a strong identity linked to its motorsport heritage since the 1800s.

  • Cluster Composition: Includes major motor industry firms, artisans, tourism organizations, sport facilities, and cultural heritage sites (both tangible and intangible).

  • Mechanism of Competitiveness: The cluster operates on a self-reinforcing mechanism, fueled by tourism flows.

Policy Implications

  • For Policy Makers: Understanding how to leverage cultural heritage and tourism for regional competitiveness is essential.

  • Cultural Heritage as Economic Driver: Heritage should be seen as a driver for creating new clusters rather than just a resource to be preserved.

Literature Review

  • Competitive Advantage: Regions can build competitiveness by enhancing cultural heritage.

  • Tourism Clusters: Literature indicates potential for tourism-based clusters to leverage local culture and enhance regional economies.

  • Sustainability: Balancing the economic enhancement of cultural heritage with its preservation is crucial.

Theoretical Frameworks

  • Porter’s Diamond Model: Emphasizes firm strategy, structure, rivalry, factor conditions, and demand conditions as key elements for competitiveness.

  • Cluster Dynamics: Clusters generate innovation and competitiveness from interconnected institutions and industries.


  • Research Design: Longitudinal case study focused on the Motor Valley cluster from 1998 to 2011, using extensive qualitative research.

  • Data Collection: Mixed methodology, including document analysis and in-depth interviews with local industry stakeholders.

Key Findings

  • Synergistic Relationships: Tourism and cultural heritage can create virtuous circles that enhance regional competitiveness.

  • Tourism Impact: The touristic sector accounts for a substantial portion of Italy's GDP and job market.

  • Cluster Development: Formation required recognizing local assets and integrating various stakeholders effectively.

Competitiveness Assessment

  • Growth Indicators: The cluster's initiatives led to increased visitor numbers, economic activity, and international visibility for local firms.

  • Reputation and Identity: The Motor Valley branding brought together diverse industry actors, enhancing local pride and economic stability.

Future Research Directions

  • Extend research on how tourism can enhance various forms of cultural heritage beyond industrial contexts.

  • Investigate stakeholder roles in cluster formation and effectiveness in governance structures.
