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Quiz #3 Vocabulary

  1. Trifurcated -  having three roots

  2. Bilateral -  having two sides

  3. balanced occlusion - when the teeth occlude simultaneously and are all balanced 

  4. centric occlusion - the natural position of the jaw when the mouth is closed

  5. compensating curve - the curve in denture teeth that is added to handle the movements of the jaw when you talk or eat. 

  6. Symmetry - when two sides are the same/mirroring each other. 

  7. Festooning - the carving of the 

  8. balancing side - the opposite side of the jaw that grinds food. 

  9. working side - the side of the jaw that grinds food when you chew

  10. Bifurcated -  having two roots

  11. centric relation- the natural position of your jaw when it is relaxed. 

  12. cuspid line -  the line denoting where the anterior teeth are

  13. curve of Spee - the curve that makes an upward slope from the anterior teeth to the posterior. 

  14. freeway space - the space between your upper and lower jaw when your jaw is relaxed 

  15. occlusion - when your upper and lower teeth come together to close. 

Quiz #3 Vocabulary

  1. Trifurcated -  having three roots

  2. Bilateral -  having two sides

  3. balanced occlusion - when the teeth occlude simultaneously and are all balanced 

  4. centric occlusion - the natural position of the jaw when the mouth is closed

  5. compensating curve - the curve in denture teeth that is added to handle the movements of the jaw when you talk or eat. 

  6. Symmetry - when two sides are the same/mirroring each other. 

  7. Festooning - the carving of the 

  8. balancing side - the opposite side of the jaw that grinds food. 

  9. working side - the side of the jaw that grinds food when you chew

  10. Bifurcated -  having two roots

  11. centric relation- the natural position of your jaw when it is relaxed. 

  12. cuspid line -  the line denoting where the anterior teeth are

  13. curve of Spee - the curve that makes an upward slope from the anterior teeth to the posterior. 

  14. freeway space - the space between your upper and lower jaw when your jaw is relaxed 

  15. occlusion - when your upper and lower teeth come together to close.