Untitled Flashcards Set

Major World Religions Judaism ● Symbol: The Star of David ● Founder: Abraham ● When: 3,000 B.C. ● Where: Israel ● Holy Book(s): Torah / Talmud ● House of Worship: Synagogues ● Followers: Jews ● Basic Beliefs: ○ Monotheistic ○ Jews are the chosen people of God ○ Jerusalem / Israel are holy lands ○ Not allowed to eat pork and shellfish; meat and dairy may not be combined; meat must be ritually slaughtered and salted to remove blood. Christianity ● Symbol: Christian Cross ● Founder: Abraham, Jesus ● When: 30 A.D. ● Where: Israel ● Holy Book(s): Old Testament (Judaism), New Testament (Stories of Jesus) ● House of Worship: Church ● Major Divisions: Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox ● Followers: Christians (2 Billion) ● Basic Beliefs: ○ Monotheistic ○ Jesus Christ is the son of God (Holy Trinity and saints) ○ Death and resurrection to redeem mankind from sin ○ Ten Commandments Islam ● Symbol: Crescent and Star ● Founder: Abraham, Muhammad ● When: 620 A.D. ● Where: Arabian Peninsula ● Holy Book(s): Quran, Hadith ● House of Worship: Mosque ● Major Divisions: Sunni, Shia ● Followers: Muslims (1.3 Billion) ● Basic Beliefs: ○ Monotheistic ○ "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of God" ○ Five Pillars of Islam 1. Shahada (Faith) – The declaration of faith: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.” 2. Salah (Prayer) – Performing five daily prayers facing Mecca. 3. Zakat (Charity) – Giving a portion of one’s wealth to the poor (usually 2.5% of savings). 4. Sawm (Fasting) – Fasting from dawn to sunset during Ramadan as an act of devotion. 5. Hajj (Pilgrimage) – A pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if financially and physically able. Hinduism ● Symbol: Om symbol ● Founder: Ancient priests of India ● When: 5,000-3,000 B.C. ● Where: India ● Holy Book(s): Vedas ● House of Worship: Temple ● Major Divisions: Numerous schools and traditions ● Followers: Hindus (900 Million) ● Basic Beliefs: ○ Polytheistic ○ Reincarnation (rebirth) ○ Karma (a person's actions in this and previous states of existence decide their fate in future existences) ○ Ultimate Goal: Oneness with “Brahman” (God, Reality) ○ Gods: ■ Brahma (the Creator) ■ Vishnu (the Preserver) ■ Shiva (the Destroyer) ■ Ganapati (Remover of Obstacles) ■ Saraswati (Goddess of Learning) Buddhism ● Symbol: Dharma Wheel ● Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) ● When: 500 B.C. ● Where: Northern India ● Holy Book(s): Tripitaka ● House of Worship: Monastery ● Major Divisions: Mahayana, Theravada ● Followers: Buddhists (360 Million) ● Basic Beliefs: ○ Non-theistic ○ Life is suffering, caused by wanting things, caused by ignorance ○ Reincarnation and Karma ○ Dharma: Path of righteousness and living one’s life according to codes of conduct ○ 8-Fold Path: Allows escape to Nirvana (state of perfect peace and happiness) ○ Nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain – a state of enlightenment, free from desires and suffering. Sikhism ● Symbol: Khanda ● Founder: Guru Nanak ● When: 1500 A.D. ● Where: India, Pakistan ● Holy Book(s): Adi Granth ● House of Worship: Gurdwara ● Followers: Sikhs (23 Million) ● Basic Beliefs: ○ Monotheistic ○ Mixture of Islam and Hinduism ○ Belief in Reincarnation and Karma ○ 5 Ks: ■ Kesh: Uncut hair and beard, symbolizing higher consciousness. ■ Kangha: Wooden comb to maintain cleanliness. ■ Katchera: Cotton underwear, a reminder of purity. ■ Kara: Steel bracelet, representing bondage to Truth. ■ Kirpan: Sword, representing the defense of Truth. Animism ● Retained Tribal Ethnic Religion: Found in parts of the world, especially Sub-Saharan Africa. ● Followers: At least 100 million adherents. ● Basic Beliefs: ○ Certain inanimate objects (rocks, rivers, mountain peaks, etc.) possess spirits or souls. ○ Spirits live in natural elements like water bodies, mountains, and celestial bodies. ○ Each tribe has unique characteristics and beliefs. ● Examples of Gods: ○ Fūjin: God of wind ○ Hachiman: God of war ○ Inari Ōkami: God of rice and agriculture ○ Izanagi-no-Mikoto: The first man ○ Izanami-no-Mikoto: The first woman
