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GE Quiz 2a (1)

  1. Define the following – ‘Stab in the back myth’, ‘Dikat’, ‘War Guilt’, ‘November Criminals’

Stab in the back – belief that Germany had been betrayed at the end of WW1 by Jews and socialists. Diktat – dictated peace, the Treaty of Versailles. War Guilt – Germany would accept the blame for starting WW1. November Criminals – Those who signed the peace agreement to end WW1 – Weimar government.

  1. What party was founded by Anton Drexler in January 1919?

The German Worker’s Party (DAP)

  1. What does ‘National Socialism’ mean?

Strong patriotism with government control.

  1. What was the 25 point programme?

A set of policy aims for the Nazi party containing, nationalist and anti semitic objectives.

  1. Give two of the ‘points’ from the 25 point programme (the aims of the early Nazi party)

Union of all Germans in a Greater Germany

Destruction of the Treaty of Versailles

Lebensraum – Living space in the East

German citizenship reserved for those of German blood

Equal rights and obligations for all citizens

Nationalisation of public industries

Profit sharing in heavy industries

Welfare provision for the elderly

State provision for the education of gifted children

Strong central government

  1. To what level had membership of the DAP increased by June 1920?


  1. When did the DAP become the NSDAP (Nazi Party)?

August 1920

  1. By the end of 1920 what level had party membership risen to?


  1. Who were Hitler’s four most trusted lieutenants in the early 1920s?

Ernst Rohm, Rudolf Hess, Hermann Goering, Julius Streicher

  1. When did Hitler replace Drexler as party leader?

June 1921

  1. When were the Sturm Abteilung created?

  2. Where were the SA recruited from and what were their duties?

They were recruited from demobilised unemployed soldiers. They protected the party at rallies. They attacked party enemies such as the Communists.

  1. What happened during the Munich Putsch?

Attempt to take over the government of Bavaria by the Nazis. Storm troopers began to take over official buildings. Weimar police broke up uprising, it was not supported by the German people. Hitler and Ludendorf (leaders were arrested)

  1. Why was Hitler’s trial after the Munich putsch significant?

It gave national coverage to the Nazi party raising its profile and Hitler’s publicity

  1. What did Hitler dictate whilst in prison for 9 months?

Mein Kampf (my struggle)

  1. What did Hitler realise about gaining power after the failure of the Munich Putsch?

That power would have to be gained through constitutional means this was known as the Reichstag principle.

  1. How did the NSDAP perform in elections in the 1920s?

Their share of the vote continued to fall, gaining only 12 seats by 1928.

  1. What did membership numbers rise to by 1929?

3000 – 100,000

  1. Despite some success in the elections of the 1920s why did the Nazis not have greater success?

Weimar govt was working during the ‘Golden years’, moderate parties were more popular due to stability of the Stresemann years.

  1. What global event significantly helped the Nazis to gain votes?

The Great Depression.

GE Quiz 2a (1)

  1. Define the following – ‘Stab in the back myth’, ‘Dikat’, ‘War Guilt’, ‘November Criminals’

Stab in the back – belief that Germany had been betrayed at the end of WW1 by Jews and socialists. Diktat – dictated peace, the Treaty of Versailles. War Guilt – Germany would accept the blame for starting WW1. November Criminals – Those who signed the peace agreement to end WW1 – Weimar government.

  1. What party was founded by Anton Drexler in January 1919?

The German Worker’s Party (DAP)

  1. What does ‘National Socialism’ mean?

Strong patriotism with government control.

  1. What was the 25 point programme?

A set of policy aims for the Nazi party containing, nationalist and anti semitic objectives.

  1. Give two of the ‘points’ from the 25 point programme (the aims of the early Nazi party)

Union of all Germans in a Greater Germany

Destruction of the Treaty of Versailles

Lebensraum – Living space in the East

German citizenship reserved for those of German blood

Equal rights and obligations for all citizens

Nationalisation of public industries

Profit sharing in heavy industries

Welfare provision for the elderly

State provision for the education of gifted children

Strong central government

  1. To what level had membership of the DAP increased by June 1920?


  1. When did the DAP become the NSDAP (Nazi Party)?

August 1920

  1. By the end of 1920 what level had party membership risen to?


  1. Who were Hitler’s four most trusted lieutenants in the early 1920s?

Ernst Rohm, Rudolf Hess, Hermann Goering, Julius Streicher

  1. When did Hitler replace Drexler as party leader?

June 1921

  1. When were the Sturm Abteilung created?

  2. Where were the SA recruited from and what were their duties?

They were recruited from demobilised unemployed soldiers. They protected the party at rallies. They attacked party enemies such as the Communists.

  1. What happened during the Munich Putsch?

Attempt to take over the government of Bavaria by the Nazis. Storm troopers began to take over official buildings. Weimar police broke up uprising, it was not supported by the German people. Hitler and Ludendorf (leaders were arrested)

  1. Why was Hitler’s trial after the Munich putsch significant?

It gave national coverage to the Nazi party raising its profile and Hitler’s publicity

  1. What did Hitler dictate whilst in prison for 9 months?

Mein Kampf (my struggle)

  1. What did Hitler realise about gaining power after the failure of the Munich Putsch?

That power would have to be gained through constitutional means this was known as the Reichstag principle.

  1. How did the NSDAP perform in elections in the 1920s?

Their share of the vote continued to fall, gaining only 12 seats by 1928.

  1. What did membership numbers rise to by 1929?

3000 – 100,000

  1. Despite some success in the elections of the 1920s why did the Nazis not have greater success?

Weimar govt was working during the ‘Golden years’, moderate parties were more popular due to stability of the Stresemann years.

  1. What global event significantly helped the Nazis to gain votes?

The Great Depression.