Group Activity Overview: Students will be grouped into eight sections, representing different historical periods related to the development of science and technology to create a presentation.
Ancient Period: Comical Skit
Medieval Period: Comical Skit
Renaissance Period: Roleplay
Intellectual Revolution: Roleplay
Industrial Revolution: Roleplay
19th and 20th Century: Broadcasting
Philippine History (Prehistoric to American Period): Broadcasting
Philippine History (Marcos Era to Present): Broadcasting
Clarity of Speech and Expression:
Always expresses emotion effectively.
Usually expresses through speech, voice, facial expressions, and gestures.
Often expresses; rarely uses good expression.
Rarely expresses through any form.
Presentation Organization and Delivery:
Clearly delivers information in creative ways.
Usually clear but can lack creativity.
Often delivers but lacks vivid and creative approaches.
Cannot deliver information adequately.
Accuracy of Information:
All presented information is accurate and well-researched.
Most information is based on the module with minimal research.
Some information presented inaccurately.
No research and information presented is largely incorrect.
Organization of Presentation:
Clear and concise organization reflecting a logical progression.
Fairly logical but lacks structure.
Vague organization with unclear points.
Poor organization distracts from the overall presentation.
Length of Presentation:
Minimum of 7 minutes to a maximum of 13 minutes.
Various gradations in timing representing scoring from above.
Exploration: The guide focuses on how science and technology influence society while examining the role of society in shaping these domains.
Key Questions Raised:
How do innovations affect daily life?
What responsibilities accompany technological breakthroughs?
Objective: To spark curiosity and provide a comprehensive understanding of the interwoven relationships between science, technology, and society.
Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society:
Importance of science in shaping societal dynamics.
Definitions of science and its interrelated nature with technology.
Historical Context:
Overview of the evolution of science, technology, and society across historical periods.
Emphasis on the role of significant revolutions in shaping modern understanding.
Intellectual Contributions:
Contributions of different civilizations (e.g., Mesoamerican, Middle Eastern) to science and technology.
Scientific revolutions that have profoundly impacted society, such as Copernican, Darwinian, and Freudian revolutions.
Concept Mapping: Encourage students to visualize connections between ideas.
Rubric: Accuracy, Organization, Creativity, Clarity
Assessment: Series of questions tailored to assess understanding of content and interrelations.
This course invites students to recognize the dynamic interplay of S&T across different eras, enhancing their ability to navigate and respond to future challenges.