The cell – Basic unit of life: Chapter 5 

The cell – Basic unit of life: Chapter 5 

  • Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms
  • All living organisms consists of one (unicellular organisms – bacteria) or more cells
  • Each of these cells has the basic characteristics of life

The study of cells: 

  • Robert Hooke; English scientist
  • Robert coined the term ‘cell’
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek; Dutch optician
  • He was the first person to study animal cells
  • Robert Virchow said that all cells develop from already existing cells
  • Lwoff stated that when living organisms are studied on a cellular level, concept of unity is visible.
  • Unity of structure because all cells consist of a nucleus in cytoplasm
  • Unity of function because all cells have the same basic metabolism
  • Unity of composition because the same macromolecules are found in all cells

How are cells studied?

  • Light microscope: Make light shine through the object; lenses enlarge and focus the image
  • Magnification: The ratio between the size of the image and the real size of the object
  • Resolution: The sharpness
  • The transmission electron microscope uses material embedded in plastic; thin sections are made of this plastic. Electrons move through the material and hit a photographic film
  • Scanning electron microscope is used to study the surface structure of objects

The Cell: 

  • Living matter is known as protoplasm
  • A cell is the smallest unit of protoplasm
  • Protoplasm is made up of nucleus and cytoplasm
  • A cell consists of the nucleus and the cytoplasm
  • Cytoplasm is everything but the nucleus
  • Cell membrane encloses the liquid contents of the cell,
  • the ground plasma (hyaloplasm)


Chemical composition of the protoplasm: 

  • The protoplasm consists of inorganic as well as organic components

Inorganic components: 

  • Water: Main component of the protoplasm
  • 90% of an organism can consist of water
  • Water serves as a solvent, a medium for chemical reactions, reagent in chemical reactions
  • Gases: Oxygen/Carbon dioxide are dissolved in the ground plasm
  • Mineral salts: Ionic form; E.g Sodium chloride, phosphate, potassium ions

Organic components: 

  • Proteins: Important structural component of cell membranes
  • All enzymes are proteins -/ some hormones are proteins
  • Carbohydrates: Sugars and starch -/ most important source of energy
  • Liquids (fats): Structural component of cell membrane -/ stored as reserve energy
  • Nucleic acids: DNA and RNA

Physical nature of protoplasm: 

  • Water is the solvent in biological systems

Protoplasm is really a composition of different types of solutions:

  • True solution: The solution is homogenous
  • All the particles have the same size and cannot be seen with the naked eye
  • Salts, sugars and gases dissolved in water -/ examples of true solutions
  • Suspension: Solution is heterogeneous
  • Particles can be seen with the naked eye/ will often sink to the bottom when the solution is not stirred
  • Cell organelles floating in the ground plasm form a suspension
  • Emulsion: Solvent and the dissolved substance are liquids
  • Oil droplets dispersed in water form an emulsion
  • Colloidal solution: Particles of the dissolved substance are too big (heavy) to float, but too small (light) to sink to the bottom
  • Colloidal particles sometimes have similar electrical charges and repel each other
  • Remain in suspension
  • Particles can form strings or clumps (aggregates)
  • Aggregates can hold water in the spaces between particles
  • Proteins form colloidal solutions
  • In a more solid form the solution is in a gel state
  • A more liquid state is described as a sol
  • Endoplasm is ground plasm in the central area of the cell
  • Endoplasm is usually in a sol state
  • While the ground plasm bordering the cell membrane (ectoplasm) is in a gel state
  • Sol and gel states are irreversible
  • Temperature, pressure and pH play a role in the conditions of the protoplasm

Cellular wall structure: 

Cell wall: 

  • Are found in plant cells only
  • Not part of the living protoplasm
  • Found directly outside the cell membrane
  • Formed by the cell membrane
  • Cell walls consists of cellulose fibres impregnated with carbohydrates


Primary cell walls: Consists of fibres arranged in disorderly manner

  • The fibres are permeated with pectin (secondary carb), sugary substances

Secondary cell walls: Consists of neatly arranged fibres permeated with lignin (woody substances)

  • Secondary cell walls also contain suberin (water proof substance)  


Functions of the cell wall: 

  • Lend support to the plant wall
  • Responsible for the shape of the plant cell
  • Offer protection against mechanical injury to the plant cell

  • Plasmodesmata are thin, cytoplasmic threads, they reach through the cell wall
  • They connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cells
  • In plant cells with secondary wall gaps occur from place to place in the cell wall
  • Gaps are known as pits
  • When a pit is surrounded by a raised part or ‘collar’, it is known as a bordered pit
  • Pits allow lateral transportation between cells



Cell Membrane: 

  • Consistency of olive oil
  • Fluid structure
  • A very tough barner
  • The part that encloses the cell contents
  • Part of the living protoplasm
  • Cell membrane plays an important protective role, being differentially permeable  
  • Cell membrane controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell
  • The most acceptable theory about the structure of the cell membrane is the floating mosaic model 
  • The cell consists of two layers of phospholiphydrophylic (fats with phosphate ions) -/ protein molecules move around in here
  • Cell membrane is not a static structure and can change continuously
  • The protein part of the cell membrane is hydrophylic -/ allows water soluble molecules to move through the cell membrane
  • The phospholipid part is hydrophobic -/ only allows substances that are not water soluble to penerate the membrane
  • Proteins often act as carrier molecules
  • Carrier molecules take substances through the cell membrane, against concentration gradient -/ this is known as active transport
  • Substances such as ions and other small molecules move through the tiny pores in the cell membrane

Functions of the cell membrane: 

  • Enclose the cell contents
  • Differentially permeable/ controls everything that enters or leaves the cell
  • Forms an important part of the cellular  immunity system
  • Membranes inside of the cell play an important role in bringing parts of the cell in contact with one another 


Transport in cells: 

  • Transport inside cells (intracellular transport) takes place through diffusion
  • Osmosis allows transport from cell to cell (Intercellular transport)
  • Dissolved substances can therefore spread evenly through the ground plasm
  • Substances can also dissolve from cell to cell

Tempo of diffusion is influenced by: 

  • Concentration gradient in the system, bigger the difference in concentration, faster the diffusion will be
  • Temperature in the system, a high temperature promotes diffusion
  • Pressure in the system, when the pressure on the system increases, tempo of diffusion will increase

Active transport:

  • Substances move through a membrane against the diffusion gradient (low to high concentration)
  • It is called active because energy is needed
  • High water potential arises from many free water molecules in a solution that can do work ( a solution with very little dissolved molecules)
  • Pure water has the highest possible water potential

Osmosis definition: Osmosis is the movement of a solvent (water in the case of cells) from a high to a low water potential through a differentially permeable membrane


  • Most important organelle in any cell
  • Largest of the cellular structures
  • Often be seen when using a light microscope
  • All cells have a nucleus; even red blood corpuscles that do not have nuclei
  • Nucleus is surrounded by a double differentially permeable nuclear membrane -/ Outer one being continuous with the ER
  • Pores occur in the nuclear membrane
  • Bringing nuclear contents into direct contact with the ground plasm
  • Space between the two membranes is known as the perinuclear space
  • Nuclear plasma is the liquid contents of the nucleus
  • The chromatin network is found in the nuclear plasma
  • The chromatin network consists mainly of DNA
  • One or more solid bodies are found in the nuclear plasm
  • The Nucleolus consists mainly of RNA and proteins -/ plays a role in protein synthesis

Functions of the nucleus: 

  • Control of the cell membrane
  • Differentiation/ specialisation of cells
  • Transfer of hereditary information
  • Reproduction of cells/ organisms

All organisms can be divided into two groups

  • Prokaryotes
  • Eukaryotes
  • ‘Karyo’ refers to the nucleus

  • Prokaryotes do not have true nuclei (chromatin is not surrounded by a membrane)
  • Eukaryotes do have proper nuclei (nuclear membrane present)
  • Bacteria are prokaryotes
  • Unicellular/ multicellular organisms are eukaryotes
  • Chromatic network consists of the macromolecule DNA
  • During cell division the chromatic network shortens/ thickens to become visible as chromosomes
  • Chromosomes bear the hereditary factors, known as genes
  • Number of chromosomes per cell is a unique characteristic -/ differs from species to species
  • Each cell in the human body contains 46 chromosomes
  • Egg cells/ sperm cells have 23 chromosomes each


  • Regarded as the ‘power station’ of the cell
  • The organelles are responsible for cellular respiration
  • Cellular respiration is the gradual release of energy from an energy-rich fuel molecule in the presence of oxygen, with water/ carbon dioxide as waste products
  • Energy is temporarily stored in the energy carrier of the cell, ATP
  • Mitochondria are small, oval-shaped, surrounded by a double membrane
  • Inner membrane is folded to increase the surface/ surrounds the liquid part of the organelle (the matrix)
  • Folds of the inner membrane are called cristae
  • Cristae serve as a basis for enzyme systems
  • Enzyme systems are responsible for cellular respiration
  • Mitochondria also contains DNA
  • The DNA is in a specific ring structure, known as plasmid
  • Mitochondrial DNA is transferred from the mother via the egg cell to the next generation
  • Genetic history of a person can be studied by using this DNA, maternal side
  • Mitochondrial DNA can also be used to identify somebody/ to connect a person to a crime

Mitochondrial disease: Genetics with a single parent 

  • Mitochondria is the furnace of the cell
  • Oxygen and food materials are burned there to produce energy
  • Mitochondria have their own piece of DNA; small enclosed circle
  • Sperm do not transmit mitochondria; mitochondria are passed down from the egg cell
  • Some diseases lead to blindness because the optic nerve is damaged
  • Some diseases lead to muscle weakness; several causes brain damage
  • All are rare, but all show the characteristics patter of inheritance through the females

Endoplasmatic Reticulum: 

Endoplasmatic reticulum is a system of membranes inside the cell that:

  • Brings cell contents in contact with the outside environment (extracellular environment)
  • Enlarges the internal surface of the cell
  • Acts as an internal transport system
  • Serves as a basis for attachment for the ribosomes, playing a role in protein synthesis

  • ER with ribosomes is also known as granular (GER)/ coarse ER
  • Smooth or agranular ER (AER) do not have ribosomes


  • Small, roundish; found in ground plasm
  • Bases of protein synthesis
  • The genetic code for the various proteins is brought from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes by the RNA
  • Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins
  • Amino acids are arranged and bound in a certain sequence on the ribosomes

Golgi apparatus: 

  • A membrane system
  • Consisting of a number of dictyosomes
  • System of stacked, flat membranous

Functions of Golgi apparatus: 

  • Associated with secretion in the cell
  • Plays a role in the forming of other membrane systems
  • Changes/ sorts proteins
  • Plays role in formation of lysosomes


  • Organelles found in plant cells only
  • Three types of plastids: Chloroplast; Chromoplasts and Leucoplasts


  • Oval shaped
  • Surrounded by a double membrane
  • Liquid contents is known as stroma
  • Layers of membranes, the lamellae, are found in the stroma
  • Thickenings known as thylakoids occur on the lamellae
  • A stack of lamellae is known as granum

  • Thylakoids contain enzymes, co-enzymes, Cytochromes and various pigments
  • Most important pigments are the green chlorophyll/ carotenoids, the yellow, the orange and red
  • The pigments absorb light for photosynthesis
  • Give colour to plant structure
  • In chloroplasts the carotenoids are masked by chlorophyll = green chloroplast -/ cause of the green colour of plant parts
  • Photosynthesis takes plants in the chloroplasts
  • Photosynthesis is the conversion of radiant energy to chemical potential energy
  • Chemical potential energy is bound with water/ carbon dioxide to from the energy-rich organic molecule glucose with oxygen as a by-product


  • Structure is the same as that of chloroplasts; chloroplasts do not contain chlorophyll  
  • Chromoplasts are found in most plant parts -/ are responsible for the colour of flowers, leaves that change colour
  • Chloroplasts lose their chlorophyll/ change to red, orange or yellow


  • Colourless plastids responsible for food storage in plant cells
  • The reserve food can be oil droplets, proteins or starch




  • A fluid filled cavity in the ground plasma -/ surrounded by a membrane
  • Common in plant cells but not all animal cells

Vacuoles in plant cells: 

  • Membrane in a plant cell is called a tonoplast/ the liquid contents the cell sap
  • Tonoplast is differentially permeable
  • Cell sap consists of water with dissolved substances (sugar and salts)
  • Turgor pressure is the pressure that the contents of a cell exert on the cell wall -/ caused by the uptake of water into the vacuole until it is full/stiff
  • When a vacuole is full to the maximum is it turgid
  • Cell loses a large amount of water and becomes soft it is flaccid

Functions of the vacuole:

  • Storage of dissolved substances
  • Lend support to the plant cell – turgor pressure –
  • Promote osmosis – creating a low water potential inside the plant cell –

Vacuoles in animal cells: 

  • Small
  • More than one of the same type will occur
  • Phagosomes: In unicellular organisms. Food vacuoles fuse with the lysosomes and digestion takes place
  • Contractile vacuoles: Unicellular animals. Play a role in excretion of excess water (osmoregulation). Refers to the ability to contract rhythmically, move to the surface
  • Lysosomes: small vesicles (bubbles) in the ground plasma – contains hydrolytic enzymes; digestive enzymes –
  • Lysosomes protect the cell against foreign substance/ structures / play a role intracellular digestion
  • Lysosomes can fuse with foreign substances/ food particles
  • Digestive enzymes destroy foreign substances and break down food particles into smaller substances
  • Membrane of a lysosomes is resistant to the digestive enzymes, does not have the typical membrane structure


  • Consist of microtubules (small tubes)
  • Two centrioles are found next to the nucleus in animal cells – area known as the centrosome –
  • Centrioles lie at a 90 degree angel with one another
  • Exact function of the centriole is not known
  • It may play a role in the motility of some cells

Differences between plant and animal cells: 

Plants cells: 

  • Contains plastids
  • Have cell walls
  • No centrioles
  • One, large vacuole

Animal cells: 

  • No plastids
  • No cell wall
  • Have centrioles
  • No or few, small vacuoles

Differentiation and Specialisation: 

  • Unicellular organisms – all cell functions are performed by organelles/ molecules
  • Multicellular organisms – cells specialise; different cells perform different functions – division of labour takes place –
  • When cells specialise = performed more effectively
  • Cells must also differentiate; their structure must be suitable for the functions

Specialisation and differentiation: 

  • Voluntary muscle cells: Cylindrical with myofibrils – can shorten when muscles contract
  • Neurons: (nerve cells) – outgrowths that conduct impulses
  • Wood vessels segments: Xylem are hollow tubes – water is transported –
  • Root hair cells: Finger like outgrowths to increase the surface for water absorption

  • In plants the meristematic cells differentiate/ specialise  (perform specific functions)
  • In animals the stem cells will differentiate/ specialise

The relative size of cells: 

  • Cells are generally very small (there are exceptions)
  • Cells have to ingest food and get rid of waste products – occur via the cell membrane
  • Various substances must be transported inside the cell
  • Surface of the cell must be large enough to let enough substances move through the cell membrane to provide for the total volume of the cell – this is known as the surface-volume-ratio of the cell
