Vibration & Waves
Wave Properties
Wave Speed
Types of Waves
Wave Interaction with Objects
Wave Superposition & Interference
Standing Waves
Natural Frequency
Source of Sound Waves
Intensity & Loudness
Doppler Effect
Shock Waves
Electromagnetic Waves
Vibration: Oscillation in time (e.g., cell phone on vibrate).
Wave: Oscillation in space and time (e.g., sound waves).
Examples of Waves:
Sound waves
Electromagnetic waves
Ocean waves
Earthquake waves
Waves can be single pulses or continuous.
Graphical representation of vibrations results in a sine curve.
Wavelength (𝜆): Distance of one complete wave.
Amplitude (A): Maximum displacement from equilibrium.
Period (T): Time for one cycle.
Frequency (f): Number of cycles per second (Hz).
Velocity (v): Distance the wave travels in one second.
Longitudinal: Medium vibrates parallel to the energy transfer direction.
Transverse: Medium vibrates perpendicular to the energy transfer direction.
Reflection: Wave bounces off surfaces.
Refraction: Wave changes speed and direction across media.
Absorption: Wave energy is dissipated.
Transmission: Wave propagates through a medium.
Diffraction: Wave bends around obstacles.
Interference: Overlap of waves leading to constructive or destructive outcomes.
Constructive interference: Amplitudes add together.
Destructive interference: Amplitudes partially or totally cancel out.
Formed by interference of waves traveling in opposite directions.
Condition: Wavelength or frequency as multiples of string length.
Longitudinal waves requiring a medium for transmission.
Speed depends on medium structure and temperature.
Eardrum vibrates at the frequency of sound waves.
Intensity: Power per area (W/m²); related to amplitude squared.
Loudness: Subjective perception influenced by multiple factors.
Change in frequency due to relative motion of source and listener.
Higher pitch as the source approaches; lower pitch as it departs.
Occurs when an object exceeds the speed of sound, creating a shock wave.
Consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields.
Speed in a vacuum: c = 3.00 x 10^8 m/s.
Range: 400 nm to 700 nm.
Colors perceived based on different wavelengths.
Waves can carry energy; media do not transport energy itself.
Sound travels through different media with varying speeds.
The phenomenon of resonance plays a significant role in sound production in musical instruments.