Current and future study and employment (WJEC) - Spanish


A. School/College Life 

  • Typical school/college day

    • Details:

      • Discuss the structure of a typical Spanish school day compared to a UK school day.

      • Include common phrases for times (e.g., a las ocho, a mediodía).

      • Describe the length of classes and breaks.

      • Explain the concept of la hora del recreo (break time).

    • Grammar:

      • Use of the present tense to describe routines (e.g., Tengo clase de matemáticas a las nueve. - I have maths class at nine).

      • Use of time expressions (e.g., antes de, después de, durante).

      • Use of reflexive verbs for routines. (e.g. Me levanto a las siete. - I get up at seven)

    • Examples:

      • "Mi día escolar empieza a las ocho y media. Primero, tengo clase de inglés, luego, biología. A mediodía, como en la cafetería." (My school day starts at half past eight. First, I have English class, then biology. At midday, I eat in the cafeteria.)

      • "Los martes, tengo dos horas de educación física." (On Tuesdays, I have two hours of physical education.)

  • School/college facilities

    • Details:

      • Describe the different areas of the school/college and their functions.

      • Include vocabulary for specific facilities (e.g., el laboratorio, el gimnasio, el patio).

      • Describe the use of those facilities.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of descriptive adjectives (e.g., la biblioteca grande, el gimnasio moderno).

      • Use of the verb "hay" to describe what exists in a place. (e.g. En mi colegio hay una biblioteca grande. - In my school there is a big library.)

    • Examples:

      • "En mi colegio, tenemos un laboratorio de ciencias muy bien equipado. También, hay un gimnasio grande donde jugamos al baloncesto." (In my school, we have a very well-equipped science lab. Also, there is a large gym where we play basketball.)

      • "La cafetería es muy popular durante el recreo." (The cafeteria is very popular during break time.)

  • School/college rules and regulations

    • Details:

      • Discuss common rules (e.g., punctuality, behavior, dress code).

      • Use phrases for expressing rules (e.g., Se debe, Está prohibido).

      • Discuss consequences for breaking rules.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of the impersonal "se" (e.g., Se debe llegar a tiempo. - One must arrive on time).

      • Use of the infinitive to express rules (e.g., No correr en los pasillos. - Do not run in the hallways).

      • Use of the conditional tense to express rules. (e.g. Se debería estudiar más. - One should study more.)

    • Examples:

      • "En mi colegio, se debe llevar uniforme. Está prohibido usar el móvil en clase." (In my school, one must wear a uniform. It is forbidden to use a mobile phone in class.)

      • "Si llegas tarde, recibes una detención." (If you arrive late, you receive a detention.)

  • School/college activities

    • Details:

      • List common activities and clubs (e.g., el club de teatro, el equipo de fútbol).

      • Discuss the benefits of participating in extracurricular activities.

      • Describe the frequency of those activities.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like participar en, unirse a, practicar.

      • Use of frequency adverbs. (e.g. siempre, a veces, nunca)

    • Examples:

      • "Participo en el club de ajedrez todos los miércoles." (I participate in the chess club every Wednesday.)

      • "Me gusta mucho jugar al fútbol con el equipo del colegio." (I really like to play football with the school team.)

  • Relationships

    • Details:

      • Describe how students interact with teachers and classmates.

      • Discuss the importance of friendships at school/college.

      • Describe common social interactions.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like hablar con, ayudar a, conocer a.

      • Use of personal pronouns.

    • Examples:

      • "Me llevo muy bien con mis compañeros de clase." (I get along very well with my classmates.)

      • "Mis profesores son muy amables y siempre me ayudan." (My teachers are very kind and always help me.)

  • School uniform

    • Details:

      • Describe the components of the school uniform.

      • Discuss opinions about wearing a uniform.

      • Describe the colors of the uniform.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of descriptive adjectives for clothing.

      • Use of verbs like "llevar" (to wear).

    • Examples:

      • "En mi colegio, llevamos una camisa blanca, pantalones negros y una chaqueta azul." (In my school, we wear a white shirt, black trousers and a blue jacket.)

      • "Creo que el uniforme es práctico, pero a veces es aburrido." (I think the uniform is practical, but sometimes it is boring.)

  • School trips

    • Details:

      • Describe places visited on school trips.

      • Discuss the purpose of school trips.

      • Describe activities done on school trips.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of the preterite tense to describe past trips.

      • Use of verbs like "visitar" (to visit), "ir a" (to go to).

    • Examples:

      • "El año pasado, fuimos a Madrid en un viaje escolar. Visitamos el museo del Prado." (Last year, we went to Madrid on a school trip. We visited the Prado museum.)

      • "Los viajes escolares son una buena manera de aprender sobre otras culturas." (School trips are a good way to learn about other cultures.)

B. School/College Studies

  • Core subjects (e.g., maths, science, languages) 

    • Details:

      • List common core subjects in Spanish schools/colleges.

      • Discuss a range of optional subjects and their popularity.

      • Describe the content of specific subjects.

      • Include vocabulary for school subjects (e.g. matemáticas, ciencias, inglés, historia, geografía, educación física, dibujo, música).

    • Grammar:

      • Use of the present tense to describe current studies.

      • Use of definite and indefinite articles with subject names.

      • Use of verbs like estudiar, aprender

    • Examples:

      • "Estudio matemáticas, ciencias y español. También, he elegido historia y dibujo como asignaturas optativas." (I study maths, science, and Spanish. Also, I have chosen history and drawing as optional subjects.)

      • "Las ciencias son muy interesantes porque aprendemos sobre el mundo natural." (Sciences are very interesting because we learn about the natural world.)

  • Learning styles and preferences

    • Details:

      • Discuss different learning styles (e.g., visual, auditory, kinesthetic).

      • Express preferences for certain learning methods (e.g., group work, individual study).

      • Describe effective study techniques.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like preferir, aprender, gustar.

      • Use of adverbs to describe learning (e.g., fácilmente, mejor).

      • Use of phrases like me gusta aprender...

    • Examples:

      • "Prefiero aprender visualmente, así que me gusta usar mapas mentales." (I prefer to learn visually, so I like to use mind maps.)

      • "Me gusta estudiar en grupo porque podemos ayudarnos mutuamente." (I like to study in a group because we can help each other.)

  • Exams and assessments

    • Details:

      • Describe the types of exams and assessments taken (e.g., written exams, oral exams, coursework).

      • Discuss the importance of exams and assessments.

      • Express feelings about exams.

      • Include vocabulary like exámenes, pruebas, evaluaciones, notas

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like hacer, aprobar, suspender, estudiar para.

      • Use of adjectives to describe exams (e.g., difícil, fácil, importante).

      • Use of the future tense when discussing future exams.

    • Examples:

      • "Tengo que estudiar mucho para mis exámenes finales." (I have to study a lot for my final exams.)

      • "Los exámenes orales me ponen muy nervioso." (Oral exams make me very nervous.)

  • Reasons for studying certain subjects

    • Details:

      • Discuss personal reasons for choosing certain subjects.

      • Describe career aspirations related to subject choices.

      • Explain the importance of certain subjects for future opportunities.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like querer, desear, necesitar, elegir.

      • Use of phrases like para ser, para trabajar como.

      • Use of the future tense to talk about future goals.

    • Examples:

      • "Estudio ciencias porque quiero ser médico." (I study sciences because I want to be a doctor.)

      • "He elegido español porque creo que es importante para el futuro." (I have chosen Spanish because I think it is important for the future.)

  • The importance of education

    • Details:

      • Discuss the benefits of education for personal and professional development.

      • Describe the role of education in society.

      • Express opinions about the value of education.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like aprender, desarrollar, contribuir.

      • Use of abstract nouns like educación, conocimiento, oportunidad.

      • Use of phrases like es importante que...

    • Examples:

      • "La educación es importante para tener un buen futuro." (Education is important to have a good future.)

      • "Creo que la educación nos ayuda a desarrollar nuestras habilidades." (I think education helps us to develop our skills.)

  • School equipment

    • Details:

      • List common school equipment.

      • Describe the use of different equipment.

      • Express opinions on the availability and quality of equipment.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of nouns related to school supplies (e.g. bolígrafo, lápiz, cuaderno, libro, ordenador).

      • Use of verbs like necesitar, usar, tener.

      • Use of adjectives to describe equipment (e.g. nuevo, viejo, útil).

    • Examples:

      • "Necesito un bolígrafo y un cuaderno para la clase de español." (I need a pen and a notebook for Spanish class.)

      • "En mi colegio, tenemos ordenadores nuevos en la biblioteca." (In my school, we have new computers in the library.)


A. Employment

  • Part-time jobs

    • Details:

      • Describe common part-time jobs for students (e.g., repartidor de periódicos, dependiente en una tienda, camarero/camarera).

      • Discuss the benefits and challenges of having a part-time job.

      • Describe the typical hours and pay.

      • Include vocabulary such as trabajo a tiempo parcial, sueldo, horario.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of the present tense to describe current part-time jobs.

      • Use of verbs like trabajar, ganar, ayudar.

      • Use of adverbs of frequency (e.g., a veces, siempre).

    • Examples:

      • "Trabajo como camarero los fines de semana. Gano un poco de dinero para mis gastos." (I work as a waiter on weekends. I earn a little money for my expenses.)

      • "A veces, trabajo como repartidor de periódicos antes de ir al colegio." (Sometimes, I work as a newspaper delivery person before going to school.)

  • Work experience

    • Details:

      • Describe the importance of work experience.

      • Discuss different types of work experience placements.

      • Describe the skills gained from work experience.

      • Include vocabulary like experiencia laboral, prácticas, habilidades.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of the past tense to describe past work experience.

      • Use of verbs like aprender, hacer, desarrollar.

      • Use of the perfect tense. (e.g. He hecho prácticas en...)

    • Examples:

      • "El año pasado, hice prácticas en una oficina. Aprendí mucho sobre el mundo laboral." (Last year, I did work experience in an office. I learned a lot about the working world.)

      • "La experiencia laboral es muy importante para conseguir un buen trabajo." (Work experience is very important to get a good job.)

  • Skills for employment

    • Details:

      • Discuss essential skills for the workplace (e.g., communication, teamwork, problem-solving).

      • Describe how these skills are developed.

      • Explain the importance of language skills in the workplace.

      • Include vocabulary like habilidades, comunicación, trabajo en equipo, resolver problemas.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like desarrollar, mejorar, necesitar.

      • Use of adjectives to describe skills (e.g., importante, útil, necesario).

    • Examples:

      • "Es importante tener buenas habilidades de comunicación para trabajar en equipo." (It is important to have good communication skills to work in a team.)

      • "Aprender español me ayudará a conseguir un trabajo en una empresa internacional." (Learning Spanish will help me get a job in an international company.)

  • The world of work

    • Details:

      • Discuss the changing nature of work.

      • Describe different work environments.

      • Explain the importance of job satisfaction.

      • Include vocabulary like entorno laboral, satisfacción laboral, cambios.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of the present tense to describe the current work enviroment.

      • Use of verbs like cambiar, adaptarse, disfrutar.

      • Use of abstract nouns.

    • Examples:

      • "El mundo laboral está cambiando rápidamente debido a la tecnología." (The world of work is changing rapidly due to technology.)

      • "Es importante disfrutar de tu trabajo." (It is important to enjoy your work.)

  • Applying for jobs

    • Details:

      • Describe the process of applying for a job (e.g., writing a CV/resume, attending an interview).

      • Discuss the importance of a good CV/resume.

      • Describe how to prepare for an interview.

      • Include vocabulary like solicitar un trabajo, currículum vitae, entrevista.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like escribir, solicitar, prepararse.

      • Use of the imperative for giving advice.

      • Use of the perfect tense when talking about prior actions in applications.

    • Examples:

      • "Tienes que escribir un buen currículum vitae para solicitar un trabajo." (You have to write a good CV/resume to apply for a job.)

      • "He solicitado un trabajo en una tienda de ropa." (I have applied for a job in a clothes shop.)

B. Skills and Personal Qualities

  • Communication Skills

    • Details:

      • Discuss the importance of both written and verbal communication in the workplace.

      • Describe how to develop effective communication skills (e.g., active listening, clear speaking).

      • Explain the role of language skills in international communication.

      • Include vocabulary like comunicación verbal, comunicación escrita, escuchar, hablar.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like comunicar, expresar, entender.

      • Use of adverbs to describe communication (e.g., claramente, eficazmente).

      • Use of the subjunctive when expressing the need for someone to communicate. (e.g. Es necesario que comuniques claramente.)

    • Examples:

      • "Es importante comunicar tus ideas claramente a tus compañeros de trabajo." (It is important to communicate your ideas clearly to your co-workers.)

      • "Saber español me permite comunicarme con personas de otros países." (Knowing Spanish allows me to communicate with people from other countries.)

  • Teamwork and Collaboration

    • Details:

      • Discuss the benefits of working effectively in a team.

      • Describe how to contribute positively to a team (e.g., sharing ideas, supporting others).

      • Explain the importance of respecting different perspectives.

      • Include vocabulary like trabajo en equipo, colaborar, apoyar, respetar.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like colaborar, compartir, ayudar.

      • Use of phrases like trabajar juntos, ponerse de acuerdo.

      • Use of reflexive verbs when showing cooperation. (e.g. Nos ayudamos mutuamente.)

    • Examples:

      • "En un buen equipo, todos colaboran para alcanzar el objetivo." (In a good team, everyone collaborates to achieve the goal.)

      • "Es importante respetar las opiniones de los demás cuando trabajas en equipo." (It is important to respect the opinions of others when you work in a team.)

  • Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

    • Details:

      • Discuss the ability to identify and solve problems effectively.

      • Describe how to develop critical thinking skills (e.g., analyzing information, evaluating options).

      • Explain the importance of being able to think creatively.

      • Include vocabulary like resolver problemas, pensamiento crítico, analizar, evaluar.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like analizar, evaluar, resolver, pensar.

      • Use of conditional sentences to explore potential solutions.

      • Use of abstract nouns relating to thought processes.

    • Examples:

      • "Es importante analizar la situación antes de tomar una decisión." (It is important to analyze the situation before making a decision.)

      • "Necesitamos resolver este problema de forma creativa." (We need to solve this problem creatively.)

  • Time Management and Organization

    • Details:

      • Discuss the ability to manage time effectively and prioritize tasks.

      • Describe how to stay organized and meet deadlines.

      • Explain the importance of being punctual.

      • Include vocabulary like gestión del tiempo, organización, priorizar, plazos.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like organizar, planificar, cumplir.

      • Use of time expressions (e.g., a tiempo, antes de, después de).

      • Use of the imperative to give organizational instructions.

    • Examples:

      • "Es importante planificar tu tiempo para cumplir con los plazos." (It is important to plan your time to meet deadlines.)

      • "Organiza tus tareas por orden de prioridad." (Organize your tasks by order of priority.)

  • Personal Qualities

    • Details:

      • Discuss the importance of personal qualities like responsibility, reliability, and adaptability.

      • Describe how these qualities contribute to success in the workplace.

      • Explain the importance of being motivated and enthusiastic.

      • Include vocabulary like responsabilidad, fiabilidad, adaptabilidad, motivación, entusiasmo.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of adjectives to describe personal qualities (e.g., responsable, fiable, adaptable, motivado, entusiasta).

      • Use of abstract nouns to describe qualities.

      • Use of verbs that show personal attributes. (e.g. ser, mostrar)

    • Examples:

      • "La responsabilidad es una cualidad importante en cualquier trabajo." (Responsibility is an important quality in any job.)

      • "Mostrar entusiasmo en el trabajo es muy positivo." (Showing enthusiasm at work is very positive.)

  • Adaptability and Resilience

    • Details:

      • Discuss the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and overcome challenges.

      • Describe how to develop resilience and learn from setbacks.

      • Explain the importance of being open to new ideas and experiences.

      • Include vocabulary like adaptabilidad, resiliencia, superar, desafíos.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like adaptarse, superar, aprender.

      • Use of phrases like ser flexible, afrontar los retos.

      • Use of the subjunctive to show doubt about future events.

    • Examples:

      • "Es importante ser adaptable en un mundo laboral que cambia constantemente." (It is important to be adaptable in a constantly changing work world.)

      • "Debemos aprender a superar los desafíos con resiliencia." (We must learn to overcome challenges with resilience.)

C. Post-16 Studies

  • Types of Post-16 Education

    • Details:

      • Describe different options available after GCSEs, such as A-levels, vocational courses (e.g., BTECs), and apprenticeships.

      • Discuss the differences between academic and vocational pathways.

      • Explain the concept of bachillerato in Spanish-speaking countries.

      • Include vocabulary like bachillerato, formación profesional, aprendizaje, nivel A.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like elegir, estudiar, seguir.

      • Use of the future tense to discuss future study plans.

      • Use of the conditional tense when talking about hypothetical studies.

    • Examples:

      • "Después de mis GCSEs, me gustaría estudiar nivel A en matemáticas y español." (After my GCSEs, I would like to study A-levels in maths and Spanish.)

      • "En España, los estudiantes hacen el bachillerato antes de ir a la universidad." (In Spain, students do the bachillerato before going to university.)

      • "Si no quiero ir a la universidad, podría elegir la formación profesional." (If I don't want to go to university, I could choose vocational training.)

  • University and Higher Education

    • Details:

      • Describe the process of applying to university.

      • Discuss different types of university courses and degrees.

      • Explain the concept of student life and campus culture.

      • Include vocabulary like universidad, carrera universitaria, solicitud, campus.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like solicitar, estudiar, graduarse.

      • Use of the future tense to discuss university plans.

      • Use of the perfect tense when talking about completed studies.

    • Examples:

      • "Me gustaría ir a la universidad para estudiar medicina." (I would like to go to university to study medicine.)

      • "El próximo año, voy a solicitar plaza en varias universidades." (Next year, I am going to apply for places at several universities.)

      • "Cuando me gradúe, buscaré un trabajo en un hospital." (When I graduate, I will look for a job in a hospital.)

  • Studying Languages Post-16

    • Details:

      • Discuss the benefits of continuing to study languages after GCSEs.

      • Explain how language skills can enhance career prospects and travel opportunities.

      • Describe different options for studying languages at A-level and university.

      • Include vocabulary like idiomas, oportunidades laborales, viajar, nivel avanzado.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like aprender, hablar, utilizar.

      • Use of phrases like para mejorar mis oportunidades, para viajar por el mundo.

      • Use of the subjunctive to express desires relating to language learning.

    • Examples:

      • "Estudiar idiomas me abrirá muchas puertas en el futuro." (Studying languages will open many doors for me in the future.)

      • "Quiero seguir aprendiendo español para poder viajar por Latinoamérica." (I want to continue learning Spanish so I can travel through Latin America.)

      • "Es importante que hablemos otros idiomas." (It is important that we speak other languages.)

D. Career Plans 

  • Career Options

    • Details:

      • Describe how to research different career paths, including job descriptions, required qualifications, and salary expectations.

      • Discuss the importance of using online resources, career fairs, and networking.

      • Explain how to gather information about the job market.

      • Include vocabulary like investigar, opciones laborales, cualificaciones, salario.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like investigar, buscar, informarse.

      • Use of the infinitive to express purpose (e.g., para informarse, para buscar).

      • Use of the conditional tense to discuss possible employment.

    • Examples:

      • "Debes investigar las cualificaciones necesarias para ser médico." (You must research the qualifications needed to be a doctor.)

      • "Voy a buscar información sobre diferentes opciones laborales en internet." (I am going to look for information about different career options on the internet.)

      • "Si tuviera las cualificaciones adecuadas, trabajaría como ingeniero." (If I had the right qualifications, I would work as an engineer.)

  • Setting Career Goals

    • Details:

      • Discuss the importance of setting short-term and long-term career goals.

      • Describe how to create a plan to achieve these goals.

      • Explain the importance of being flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances.

      • Include vocabulary like metas profesionales, planificar, adaptable, flexibilidad.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like planificar, establecer, alcanzar.

      • Use of the future tense to discuss future goals.

      • Use of the subjunctive to express desires for the future.

    • Examples:

      • "Es importante establecer metas profesionales realistas." (It is important to set realistic career goals.)

      • "Voy a planificar mis estudios para alcanzar mi meta de ser abogado." (I am going to plan my studies to achieve my goal of being a lawyer.)

      • "Quiero que mi trabajo me permita viajar por el mundo." (I want my job to allow me to travel the world.)

  • Networking and Mentoring

    • Details:

      • Discuss the importance of networking with professionals in chosen fields.

      • Describe how to find and build relationships with mentors.

      • Explain how networking and mentoring can provide valuable career advice and opportunities.

      • Include vocabulary like contactos profesionales, mentor, consejo, oportunidades.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like contactar, conocer, pedir consejo.

      • Use of conditional sentences to express possible outcomes of networking.

      • Use of indirect object pronouns.

    • Examples:

      • "Es importante contactar con profesionales en tu campo de interés." (It is important to contact professionals in your field of interest.)

      • "Si conoces a un mentor, puedes pedirle consejo sobre tu carrera." (If you know a mentor, you can ask them for advice about your career.)

      • "Mis contactos me han dado muchas oportunidades de trabajo." (My contacts have given me many work opportunities.)

  • Developing a Career Portfolio

    • Details:

      • Describe how to create a career portfolio that showcases skills, experiences, and achievements.

      • Discuss the importance of including examples of work, certificates, and references.

      • Explain how to use a career portfolio when applying for jobs or further education.

      • Include vocabulary like portafolio profesional, habilidades, experiencias, referencias.

    • Grammar:

      • Use of verbs like crear, incluir, mostrar.

      • Use of the imperative to give instructions.

      • Use of the perfect tense to show prior achievements.

    • Examples:

      • "Debes crear un portafolio profesional para mostrar tus habilidades." (You must create a professional portfolio to show your skills.)

      • "Mi portafolio incluye ejemplos de mis trabajos y mis certificados." (My portfolio includes examples of my work and my certificates.)

      • "He incluido todas mis referencias en mi portafolio." (I have included all my references in my portfolio.)