Fungi are eukaryotic heterotrophs that secrete digestive enzymes onto their food source and then absorb the predigested food.
Fungi are characterized by cell walls that contain chitin.
A fungus may be a unicellular yeast or a filamentous, multicellular mold.
The body of most multicellular fungi consists of long, threadlike filaments called hyphae that branch and form a tangled mass called a mycelium.
In most fungi perforated septa, or cross walls, divide the hyphae into individual cells.
In some fungi the hyphae are coenocytes that form an elongated, multinuclear cell.
Most fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually by means of spores.
Spores are produced on aerial hyphae.
When fungal spores land in a suitable spot, they germinate.
When fungi of two different mating types meet, their hyphae fuse, a process called plasmogamy.
The cytoplasm fuses, but the nuclei remain separate.
The fungi enter a dikaryotic (n + n) stage in which each new cell formed has one nucleus of each type.
Karyogamy, fusion of the nuclei, takes place in the hyphal tip and results in a diploid (2n) zygote nucleus.
Meiosis produces four genetically different haploid (n) nuclei.
Each nucleus becomes part of a spore.
When the spores germinate, they form new mycelia by mitosis.
Genetically similar asexual spores are produced by mitosis.
When these spores germinate, they also develop into mycelia.
Like animals, some fungi have flagellate cells—for example, chytrid gametes and spores—and the flagellate cells propel themselves with a single posterior flagellum.
Also like animal cells, fungal mitochondria have platelike cristae.
Based on chemical and structural characters, fungi are classified, along with animals and choanoflagellates, as opisthokonts.
Chytrids, or chytridiomycetes, produce flagellate spores at some stage in their life cycle.
No other fungi have flagella.
Thus, chytrids probably were the earliest fungi to evolve; the most recent common ancestor of all fungi was a flagellate protist.
Chytrids reproduce both asexually and sexually.
Their gametes and zoospores are flagellate.
Allomyces, a common chytrid, spends part of its life as a multicellular haploid thallus and part as a multicellular diploid thallus.
The haploid thallus produces two types of flagellate gametes that fuse.
Both plasmogamy and karyogamy occur, producing a flagellate zygote.
The diploid thallus bears zoosporangia that produce diploid zoospores and resting sporangia in which haploid zoospores form by meiosis.
The haploid zoospores form new haploid thalli.
Zygomycetes, such as the black bread mold, Rhizopus, form a haploid thallus that produces both asexual spores and sexual spores.
Asexual spores germinate and form new thalli.
In sexual reproduction hyphae of two different haploid mating types form gametangia.
Plasmogamy occurs as the gametangia fuse.
Karyogamy occurs, and a diploid zygote is formed; the zygote develops into a zygospore.
Meiosis produces recombinant haploid zygospores.
When zygospores germinate, each hypha develops a sporangium at its tip.
Spores are released and develop into new hyphae.
Microsporidia, currently classified as zygomycetes, are opportunistic pathogens that penetrate and infect animal cells with their long, threadlike polar tubes
Glomeromycetes have coenocytic hyphae.
They reproduce asexually with large, multinucleate spores called blastospores.
Glomeromycetes are symbionts that form intracellular associations called mycorrhizae with the roots of plants.
Because they extend their hyphae into root cells, glomeromycetes are endomycorrhizal fungi.
The most common endomycorrhizae are called arbuscular mycorrhizae because the hyphae inside the root cells form branched, tree-shaped structures known as arbuscules.
Ascomycetes include yeasts, cup fungi, morels, truffles, and blue-green, pink, and brown molds.
Some ascomycetes form mycorrhizae; others form lichens.
Ascomycetes produce asexual spores called conidia; they produce sexual spores called ascospores in saclike asci.
The asci line a fruiting body called an ascocarp.
In ascomycetes haploid mycelia of opposite mating types produce septate hyphae.
Plasmogamy occurs, and nuclei are exchanged.
A dikaryotic (n + n) stage occurs in which hyphae form and produce asci and an ascocarp.
Karyogamy occurs, followed by meiosis.
The recombinant nuclei divide by mitosis, producing eight haploid nuclei that develop into ascospores.
When the ascospores germinate, they can form new mycelia.
Basidiomycetes include mushrooms, puffballs, bracket fungi, rusts, and smuts.
These fungi produce sexual spores called basidiospores on the outside of a basidium.
Basidia develop on the surface of gills in mushrooms; mushrooms are a type of basidiocarp (a fruiting body).
Hyphae in the basidiomycetes have septa. plasmogamy occurs with the fusion of two hyphae of different mating types.
A dikaryotic secondary mycelium forms.
Then a basidiocarp develops, and basidia form.
Karyogamy occurs, producing a diploid zygote nucleus.
Meiosis produces four haploid nuclei that become basidiospores.
When basidiospores germinate, they form haploid primary mycelia.
Most fungi are decomposers that break down organic compounds in dead organisms, leaves, garbage, and wastes into simpler nutrients that can be recycled.
Mycorrhizae are mutualistic associations between fungi and the roots of plants.
The fungus supplies water and nutrient minerals to the plant, and the fungus obtains organic compounds from the plant.
Glomeromycetes form endomycorrhizae with roots.
Some ascomycetes and basidiomycetes are ectomycorrhizal fungi that form mycorrhizae when their hyphae coat tree roots, but do not penetrate the root cells.
A lichen is a combination of a fungus and a photoautotroph (an alga or cyanobacterium).
In this symbiotic relationship, the photoautotroph provides the fungus with organic compounds.
The fungus may provide the photoautotroph with shelter, water, and minerals.
Lichens have three main forms: crustose, foliose, and fruticose.
Fungi cause huge economic losses by damaging food and crops.
On the other hand, some fungi, like mushrooms, are foods; others, like yeasts, are used to produce beer, wine, and bread; and still others are used to produce cheeses or industrial chemicals.
Biologists use the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other fungi as model organisms for research in molecular biology and genetics.
Fungi are also being investigated for the biological control of insects.
Fungi are used to make many medications, including penicillin and other antibiotics; they are used in bioremediation and to control pests biologically.
Fungi are opportunistic pathogens in humans.
They cause human diseases, such as histoplasmosis; some fungi produce mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins, which can cause liver damage and cancer.
Fungal hyphae infect plants through stomata.
Hyphal branches called haustoria penetrate plant cells and obtain nourishment from the cytoplasm.
Fungi cause many important plant diseases, including brown rot, corn smut, and wheat rust.