Vocab #2

  1. Credibility (n) - the quality of being believable or trustworthy

    1. Jude cried wolf so he lacked credibility 

  2. Generalization (n) - the process of abstracting common properties of instances

    1. Stereotypes

  3. Jargon (n) - technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject

    1. Specialty terms specific to a specific thing 

  4. Red herring (n) - diversion intended to distract from the main issue

  5. Adroit (adj) - dexterous, proficient, skillful

    1. Ballet dancers are very adroit.

  6. Acerbic (adj) - bitter, harsh, caustic

    1. Buff dudes are usually acerbic

  7. Breach (v) - act of breaking, violation

    1. What whales do to get air

  8. Broach (v) - introduce, bring upon, mention

    1. Students are weary of broaching about certain topics to their parents

  9. Capitulate (v) - to submit, give in, surrender

    1. You capitulate to puppy dog eyes

  10. Circumspect (adj) - cautious, wary

    1. Many Americans were circumspect after the election 

  11. Cogent (adj) - logically forceful, compelling, convincing

    1. Make a cogent argument when writing a paper 

  12. Delineate (v) - describe, outline, depict

    1. The research paper project will be to delineate the subject

  13. Diatribe (n) - extreme and bitter speech, tirade

    1. Parents often diatribe their children when they are disrespectful

  14. Fatuous (adj) - ludicrous, insane, idiotic

  15. Fraught (adj) - full of, accompanied by

  16. Gratuitous (adj) - free, voluntary; unnecessary, unjustified, excessive

    1. My parents don’t mind cursing in movies unless it becomes gratuitous 

  17. Hackneyed (adj) - trite, common, overdone, banal

    1. The plot of the book was hackneyed so I got bored reading it

  18. Haughty (adj) - arrogant, disdainful

    1. The Matradez’s haughty attitude wouldn’t seat us because we weren’t dressed right

  19. Ilk (n) - type or kind

    1. I like art and museums you know things of that ilk

  20. Imbue (v) - to infuse with

    1. The lord imbued my spirit with a love I’ve never known

  21. Innocuous (adj) - dull, harmless

    1. The Flintstones is an innocuous cartoon. 

  22. Jettison (v) - eliminate, discharge

    1. Daniel was jettisoned from the team after he backtalked the coach 

  23. Machination (n) - plot or scheme

    1. Jude’s bank robbery scam didn’t work because it was to machination  

  24. Maladroit (adj) - clumsy, unskilled

  25. Myopic (adj) - nearsighted

    1. Students often leave HHA because they are myopic 

  26. Nadir (n) - the lowest point

    1. Rockbottom 

  27. Neophyte (n) - a novice or beginner

    1. I am a neophyte at Dungeons and Dragons 

  28. Primeval (adj) - ancient, of primitive beginnings

    1. Crocodiles are considered a primeval species

  29. Repentant (adj) - penitent, sorry, apologetic

    1. I was repentant after cheating on a test

  30. Subjugate (v) - to bring under control, subdue

    1. My parents make it their goal to subjugate my siblings and i 

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