Understanding key concepts related to fluid mechanics, including density, pressure, buoyancy, and principles that govern fluid behavior.
Buoyancy in a Liquid
Archimedes’ Principle
Pressure in a Gas
Atmospheric Pressure
Pascal’s Principle
Buoyancy in a Gas
Bernoulli’s Principle
Fluids are materials capable of flowing, including gases and liquids.
Properties of fluids are influenced primarily by density and pressure.
Density is an essential property of solids, liquids, and gases, indicating how compact a substance is.
Represents the "lightness" or "heaviness" of materials of equal size.
Formula: Density = Mass / Volume
Mass: grams (g) or kilograms (kg)
Volume: cm³ (cubic centimeters) or m³ (cubic meters)
Density often expressed in kg/m³ or g/cm³.
Example: The density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm³, indicating it's 13.6 times denser than water (1 g/cm³).
Weight Density = Weight / Volume
Density of salt water: 64 lb/ft³, greater than fresh water at 62.4 lb/ft³.
100 kg of lead vs 100 kg of water:
Both have the same mass, but lead is denser due to smaller volume.
Pressure is the force exerted per unit area by one object on another.
Formula: Pressure = Force / Area
Units: lb/ft², N/m² (Newtons per square meter), or Pascals (Pa).
Pressure in a liquid is depth-dependent rather than volume-dependent.
As depth increases, pressure due to liquid weight increases.
Example: Swimming deeper doubles the pressure exerted on the body due to the weight of water above.
Pressure is exerted equally in all directions within a liquid.
Water pressure acts perpendicular to the surfaces of containers, and liquid spurts at right angles from holes in the container.
Greater depth results in higher exiting speeds of water.
Pressure at any depth within a container is the same regardless of container shape.
Equation for liquid pressure: Liquid pressure = Weight Density × Depth
Example: The force of gravity acting on water in a tower generates reliable water pressure in pipes.
Buoyancy refers to the apparent loss of weight experienced by submerged objects, equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.
If a buoyant force exceeds an object’s weight, the object floats.
If the weight surpasses the buoyant force, the object sinks.
Equal buoyant force and weight allow an object to remain at a constant depth.
An immersed body is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.
This applies to both gases and liquids.
A submerged object displaces a volume of fluid equal to its own volume, leading to the concept of buoyant force resulting from pressure differences.
Molecules in gases are spaced further apart than in liquids, and gases expand to fill available space.
Gas pressure is related to the motion of bouncing gas molecules against walls.
Definition: For a fixed amount of gas at constant temperature, the product of pressure and volume remains constant.
Equation: P1 × V1 = P2 × V2
Atmospheric pressure arises from the weight of air pressing down due to gravity.
Varies with altitude—most atmosphere is below 30 km.
Average atmospheric pressure at sea level is approximately 101 kPa (kilopascals).
Barometers measure atmospheric pressure and can indicate altitude.
States that changes in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid are transmitted uniformly throughout the fluid.
Example: Pressure applied on one piston in a hydraulic system increases pressure in another piston.
States that an increase in fluid speed results in a decrease in pressure within the fluid.
Can be observed with streamlines: closer streamlines indicate faster flow and lower pressure.
Applied in various fields such as aerodynamics (aircraft wings) and fluid flow measurement.