3.3 Covalent Compounds:

  1. has the greatest variety of compounds.

  2. What is a covalent compound?

  3. What is the molecular formula for a covalent compound

  4. What are the elements that exits as molecules but also have identical nonmetal atoms.

  5. Covalent Compounds?

The Covalent Bond:

  1. What is a single bond?

The Molecular Formula of a Covalent Compound:

  1. What is a diference between a covalent compound and a continuous array of cations and anions?

  2. Difference between molecular formula and a formula unit?

  3. What makes something a continuous array of cations and anions

Naming Simple Binary Covalent Compounds:

  1. Binary Covalent Compounds:

  2. How do you name a binary covalent compound
