Postmodernity / Postmodernism

What is postmodernity?

  • The era that follows on from modernity- theory often attributed to ideas of Michael Foucault- poststructuralism

  • Postmodernity emerged in the late 1970s- thought to have accelerated after the collapse of communism in the late 1980s

  • Globalisation and increased access to knowledge have challenged old metanarratives of society

Features of postmodernity:

  • Increased diversity and choice- greater tolerance of ‘others’ and individual choices over lifestyles:

    • Family, culture and identity, education

  • Increased hybridity- merging of cultures and development of new ones:

    • Subcultural groups in education

  • Influence of globalisation:

    • Crime, education, family, culture and identity, beliefs and media


  • People have developed ‘incredulity towards metanarrative’- they no longer blindly believe that there is one truth

  • People try to develop their own perspective on events- ‘technical language games’

  • Solutions to problems are small-scale rather than all-encompassing


  • Death of social and rise of individualism

  • Signs and symbols in society come to have meanings of their own that we cannot distinguish from reality- hyperreality

  • We see images that are often an illusion of reality- these are called simulacrum -most evident in media -for example media personalities

The role of media:

  • Media saturation in society helps to create hyperreality and simulacra by bombarding people with images until we no longer believe what is real

  • Examples of hyperreality - Instagram celebrities, social media influencers

  • Society becomes fragmented and unstable- reactions against these narratives -no fixed values

Postmodernity and narrative:

  • People no longer believe in a single truth and question the role of ‘experts’

  • Recent evidence- global climate crisis, COVID-19 pandemic

  • Society broken down into smaller individual narratives and multiple identities- leads to uncertainty and confusion

  • Structural identities such as class, gender and ethnicity become less certain

Evidence of postmodernism:

  • Diversity of family and personal lives

  • Greater fluidity in relationships, identity and appearance

  • Emergence of hybrid cultures

  • Impacts of globalisation- education, family, crime, beliefs

  • Increased media-saturation

Evaluations of postmodernism:

  • Ignores power and inequality and ignores ruling-class control of institutions such as media and education

  • Do people absorb media images and assume this is reality? Do people question what they see?

  • Structures in society still exist- class, gender and ethnicity are still relevant concepts in contemporary society