• makes the paragraph easily understandable to a reader

  • presents how connected each sentences are in a paragraph

  • this can be through:

  • Cohesive Devices:

    • pronouns(this, that)

    • key words (e.g. main topic or key points)

    • synonymous words

    • transitional phrases/devices (e.g. for instance, for example)


  • ideas in sentence level should be leveled with each other

Cohesive Devices:

  • pronouns

  • key words (e.g. main topic or key points)

  • transitional phrases/devices (e.g. for instance, for example)


  • connective-ness of ideas in paragraph level

  • Devices:

    • key words, but sometimes synonymous key words/platforms

  • All key words should still remain the same throughout the paragraph

! stick with the same key words over and over again to avoid cohesive and cohesion violation


  • piecing together different references plus your own analysis input that combines together into one whole reference that makes sense

    • can use this by finding a paper that can support your reference

    • make sure that after you make you own inference, you cite a paper/author that can support your idea

Possible Errors:

  • thesis statement should be cohesive with the body paragraphs

  • (e.g. key point in thesis: marketing, key point in body: advertising)

  • if you don’t want to put page number to separate your ideas, and you want to separate an idea, use transitional words like: this could be inferred

Reminders for the paper:

  • always add a concluding sentence at the end of your paper (e.g. to conclude, thus, therefore, hence) applies for thesis statement as well

    • don’t use “in conclusion” since it’s not the conclusion for the whole paper

    • can construct the concluding sentence by paraphrasing the topic sentence

  • Declare the use if AI through references if used(send ss and appendix)

! Proposing/Finding a research gap is the sole purpose of the research paper

How to use AI ethically:

  • You Can use AI, but it needs to be ethical

    • Step 1: ask AI to summarize the paper, look for ideas, etc.

    • Step 2: Get the gist of what AI wrote

    • Step 3: close the AI tab and then write in your own words

  • How to check if your paper is with AI

    • Turnitin Index may be inconsistent, so you need to check with at least 3 other AI checkers

    • If its consistently high with AI, paraphrase and do revision until the percentage becomes lower

  • Scenario: draft showed 100% AI, then final paper shows 55% AI(w/ paper still showing parts that don’t have revision)

    • Even though it went down by a lot, there are still AI portions on the paper which show that the student didn’t revise enough

    • student should revise until there is no portion left that has AI

Corrective Feedback Terms:

Vague Boundary of Ideas: you weren’t able to distinguish your own idea with your researched/borrowed idea

Highlighted References: wrong format of references

Problematic Problem Sentence: doesn’t give emphasis to the thesi statement

! Proofreading is different from giving corrective Feedback

! (Surname 1, year; surname 2, year; surname 3, year)– for multiple authors

How to Differentiate EDE and PSE thesis:

EDE: MSME’s could be caused by [3 points]

PSE: Slow growth of MSME could be addressed by bookkeeping literacy.


  • Extensively define something that has not been defined before

  • thesis should provide new information that others could not have thought of before


  • Provides a applicable solution to the problem
