makes the paragraph easily understandable to a reader
presents how connected each sentences are in a paragraph
this can be through:
Cohesive Devices:
pronouns(this, that)
key words (e.g. main topic or key points)
synonymous words
transitional phrases/devices (e.g. for instance, for example)
ideas in sentence level should be leveled with each other
Cohesive Devices:
key words (e.g. main topic or key points)
transitional phrases/devices (e.g. for instance, for example)
connective-ness of ideas in paragraph level
key words, but sometimes synonymous key words/platforms
All key words should still remain the same throughout the paragraph
! stick with the same key words over and over again to avoid cohesive and cohesion violation
piecing together different references plus your own analysis input that combines together into one whole reference that makes sense
can use this by finding a paper that can support your reference
make sure that after you make you own inference, you cite a paper/author that can support your idea
Possible Errors:
thesis statement should be cohesive with the body paragraphs
(e.g. key point in thesis: marketing, key point in body: advertising)
if you don’t want to put page number to separate your ideas, and you want to separate an idea, use transitional words like: this could be inferred
Reminders for the paper:
always add a concluding sentence at the end of your paper (e.g. to conclude, thus, therefore, hence) applies for thesis statement as well
don’t use “in conclusion” since it’s not the conclusion for the whole paper
can construct the concluding sentence by paraphrasing the topic sentence
Declare the use if AI through references if used(send ss and appendix)
! Proposing/Finding a research gap is the sole purpose of the research paper
How to use AI ethically:
You Can use AI, but it needs to be ethical
Step 1: ask AI to summarize the paper, look for ideas, etc.
Step 2: Get the gist of what AI wrote
Step 3: close the AI tab and then write in your own words
How to check if your paper is with AI
Turnitin Index may be inconsistent, so you need to check with at least 3 other AI checkers
If its consistently high with AI, paraphrase and do revision until the percentage becomes lower
Scenario: draft showed 100% AI, then final paper shows 55% AI(w/ paper still showing parts that don’t have revision)
Even though it went down by a lot, there are still AI portions on the paper which show that the student didn’t revise enough
student should revise until there is no portion left that has AI
Corrective Feedback Terms:
Vague Boundary of Ideas: you weren’t able to distinguish your own idea with your researched/borrowed idea
Highlighted References: wrong format of references
Problematic Problem Sentence: doesn’t give emphasis to the thesi statement
! Proofreading is different from giving corrective Feedback
! (Surname 1, year; surname 2, year; surname 3, year)– for multiple authors
How to Differentiate EDE and PSE thesis:
EDE: MSME’s could be caused by [3 points]
PSE: Slow growth of MSME could be addressed by bookkeeping literacy.
Extensively define something that has not been defined before
thesis should provide new information that others could not have thought of before
Provides a applicable solution to the problem