Election of 1808
- jefferson is out after 2 terms
-james madison and george clinton (democratic republicans) gain 122 electoral votes
-pickney and king (running again) (federalists) gain 47 electoral votes
-the federalists are irrelevant and reside mostly in the north east now
Indian resistance
-1809: governor harrison of the indiana territory met with native american cheifs and signed away 3 million acres of native american landto the US government
-Tecumseh: native american leader who gathered allies to convince them to stop selling land to the US government
-Natives are armed with British weapons
-Battle of tippecanoe: the natives were defeated
-led by prophet (tecumsehs brother)
-general harrison had heavy losses
War Haws
-warhaws: powerful people looking for war
-they started to seek out war with Britian because they had given weapons to Native Americans
-led by senator John C. Calhoun of south carolina and Henry Clay of kentucky who was the speaker of the house
-they wanted great britain to repeal the orders in council
-they didn’t want to bow to british policy
-if they attacked it would force them to respect their neutral rights
Election of 1812
-Madison and Eldbridge Gerry (democratic republicans)
-Dewitt Clinton/James Ingersoll (F) 89 votes
War of 1812 (US first declaration of war)
-sick of britain interfering with trade and aiding native americas in the war with the US
-mostly at sea against british merchants
-US frigates: powerful warships, but fast enough to outrun larger ships
-USS. Constitution: most famous ship
-each had victories
-the british had over 80 ships just off our coast
1st phase
-Britain was distracted by France because of Napoleon
-Neither armies were well prepared
-Britain captures detroit
-US goal: take canada ( fails multiple times) led by the warhawks
Battle of lake erie
-commodore oliver hazard perry defeated the british navy in the great lakes
-british cant move south from canada because the US controls lake erie
-we get detroit back
Battle of thames
-US victory over british - tecumseh is killed
-US gains control of North west, british controls the south
2nd phase - 1814-1815
-1814: the tide changes
-Brits send 14,000 soldiers to canada
-British plan: 3 armies marching on 3 US areas, trying to divide the US
-11,000 man army comes from south montreal
-4,000 troops and navy attack the chesapeake river
-other troops sail to new orleans to control the mississippi river
DC burns
-Brits raiding and burning towns on the atlantic coast
-burn the white house, capitol, and more
-Dolly Madison saves famous george washington portrait
-Brits try to take baltimore but stop at fort mc henry → star spangled banner by francis scott key
-British withdraw ships
2nd phase
-New Orleans:
-Brits sent 60 ships, 7500 men (2000 killed)
-stopped by andrew jackson
-very defensive fight
-US victory
-Hartford Convention:
-north east federalists want to stop the war
-propose changes in government → focus on state rights
-didn’t like that it was on the coast, interfering with economy
-fails because of victory in New Orleans
Treaty of Ghent
-Armistice treaty signed 12/24/1815
-this ends the war 2 weeks before new orleans happened but it still happened because the news took a while to travel
-didn't address major issues like impressment and shipping rights
-US gains respect of Britain, they are finally taken seriously and they forge a friendship
-Nationalism grows, patriotism over US’s second big win of the British
-Louisiana purchase
-new cultural identity
-weakens the federalist party
Andrew Jackson
-jackson defeated Native Americans creek nation in march 1814
-jacksons victory at horseshoe bend destroyed the military power of native americans in the south
-surrendered 23 million acres, ⅗ of alabama, and ⅕ of georgia
Regional economies
Industrial revolution
-industry moves from households and workshops to factories
-factory system enables using power driven machines
-changes in manufacturing spark the industrial revolution
Great Britain starts a revolution
-18th century: british generate power from streams
-develop power driven machines for mass production and build factories
-britain's factors for industrialization:
-land and resources
-large labor force
-capital (money)
-US depends on GB for trading
The industrial revolution in the US
-post 1776, US income relies on international trade
-embargo act of 1807 and War of 1812 shut down trading and shipping
-americans begin investing in building factories
New England industrializes
-1793: Samuel Slater builds Slater Mill in pawtucket, RI
-1813: Lowell, Appleton, and Jackson mechanize cloth making
-build weaving factories in Waltham, MA and Lowell, MA
-By the late 1820’s, Lowell becomes a booming business center
-The workforce:
-mostly young women leave family farms to work in Lowell
-Waltham system: employing young unmarried women in Lowell
-the work required an easy few skills
-children employed in large numbers in factories
Immigrants join the workforce
-business owners turn to immigrants to replace striking union members
-european immigration to the US increases from 1830-1860 to north and west areas
Irish immigration
-irish settle in large eastern cities
-disliked because they were catholic and poor
-resented because they worked for low pay
-americans begin to see immigrants as a threat
German Immigration
-German Immigration in upper mississippi valley
-farmers → professionals, artisans, shopkeepers
-reasons for immigration:
-fleeing economic depression and over crowding
-escaping religious persecution
-heavy taxes
-forced military service
-faced less persecution than irish
Two economic systems develop
-north: manufacturing economy
-south: agriculture economy
Agriculture in the north
-farms in the north are small and grow only what the family needs
-in old northwest, farmers raise 1 or 2 types of crop and they have livestock
-sell farm products at city market, buy other items
-grains don't need labor or yield great profit so they don’t need slaves
-northern slavery dying out by late 1700s
Cotton is king in the south
-cotton in high demand due to industrialization of textiles
-cotton is only grown in limited areas
-eli whitney’s cotton gin allows farmers to grow more cotton for profit
-farmers move west to cultivate cotton with cotton gin
-wealthy farmers buy land and import slaves
Slavery becomes entrenched
-during revolution decades, slavery decreased
-cotton became profitable, demand for slaves increases
-increase in the south parallels increase in slave population
-1790-700000 →1800- 1,200,000
-the price of slaves doubled between 1795 and 1804
Erie Canal and Internal Improvements
-railroads not yet common in use, first steam engine built 1825
-many states build turnpikes, toll roads pay for themselves
-most of improved highways and bridges were built by private developers
-federal government funds highways to connect different regions
-1838, national road extends from cumberland, MD to vandalia, IL
-inventors improve water transportation
-rafts and floats could move downstream only, steamboat answered the problem of moving upstream
-canals improved network of transportation
-cost more than building roads
-more efficient than moving goods on land
-erie canal links hudson river to lake erie, atlantic ocean to great lakes
-other states build over 3,000 miles of canals by 1837
Clay proposes the American system
-madison's plan to unite our regions creates a strong economy
-develop transportation, make internal improvements
-establish protective tariff
-revive national bank
-henry clay promotes american system
-north produces manufsctuiring goods
-south and west produce food and cotton
-national currency and transportation facilitate trade
-all regions sustain the others, making the US economically independent
Tariffs and the national bank
-madison proposes tariff of 1816–tariff on imports
-increases cost of foreign goods
-people more likely to buy american goods
-helps pay for improvements
-northeast welcomes the tariff, south and west oppose the higher prices
-clay and calhoun sway congressmen to approve
-lost leaders agree national bank and national currency benefit all
-1816, second bank of US chartered to stabilize the economy
Election of 1816
-james monroe (dr) 183 votes
-rufus king (f) 34 votes
-madison did not seek re election for his 3rd term
-james monroe became president
A new national spirit
-advances in transportation, manufacturing, and economy made americans hopeful
-1816, james monroe elected president
-begins era of good feelings
-goes on goodwill tour to win over federalists in NE
-govt. Peaceful, people happy post war of 1812
Sectional issues
-congress abolished the american slave trade in 1808
-by 1819: 11 free states and 11 slave states
-north opposed slavery for moral and economic reasons
-south defended it because their labor relied on it
-west leaned towards southern beliefs
The missouri compromise
-1819: 100,000 people have settled in missouri, mostly southerners
-apply for statehood
-conflict in congress over whether this would be a free or slave state
-northwest ordinance: had prohibited slavery in the land between the mississippi and ohio territory
-missouri compromise: preserves balance between slave and free states by admitting main into the union as a free state and missouri as a slave state
-this was mainly for political reasons like the ⅗ compromise
-divides the louisiana territory at 36’ 30’ line, slavery was legal south of the line
-adams onis treaty: in 1819 spain gave up FL to the US and gives claim to the oregon territory
-Special trade in st. augustine and pensacola
-recognized spanish sovereignty over texas
-the US agreed to pay 5 million to US citizens who had claims against spain for damages in the war
The monroe doctrine
-spain and portugal: want to reclaim their old colonies in the US (latin america)
-Russia: has alaska and trading posts in CA
-latin american colonies recently independent
-the us and brits issue a joint statement opposing french or spanish interference in south america
-americans opposed to new colonies in the americas
–decided we should act independently in case we want to claim cuba or any other latin american country
-Monroe doctrine: 1813, warned europe not to interfere in western hemisphere
-US won't interfere with europe or existing colonies
-defend american interest
-US was independent and wants to be left alone
Nationalism pushes america west
-settlers are going into NW territory for land and economic opportunities and there were social gains possible on the frontier like Jim Beckworth who was a trader scout, and rancher
-when a territories population reaches 60,000 they can apply for statehood and as of 1818 the US has 22 states
The marshall court
-chief justice john marshall believed in a powerful central government and he also regarded business community as an agent of progress
-in cases between 1819 and 1824 Marshall upheld the sanctity of contracts and the supremacy of the supreme court
-the importance of marbury VS madison is it established judicial review
The supreme court boosts national power
Main idea: federal supremacy
-McCulloch VS Maryland: 1819, no state can interfere with the workings of the federal government
Maryland passed law to tax the second bank of the US which was chartered by congress
McCulloch, the cashier at the baltimore branch of the bank refused to pay the tax
Maryland sued McCulloch and collected the tax
The supreme court ruled in favor of McCulloch,holding that congress has the power to create a national bank and states cannot tax the federal government
-constitution and federal laws always take precedence over state laws
-principal of national supremacy, allows the federal government to create a central bank, enforce treaties, and pass legislation
-marshall court blocks state interference in business and commerce
-Gibbons VS Ogden: 1824, federal government controls interstate trade
-2 men both wanted to operate steamboats between NJ and NY
-Ogden had license from NY and Gibbons had one from the federal government. Ogden sued, said he had more of a claim
-Gibbons won, congress overpowers NY. congress has the power to regulate almost everything
Nationalism shapes foreign policy/ territory and boundaries
-nationalism: national interests come before region, foreign concerns
-secretary of state: john quincy adams, makes treaties with Britain post war of 1812
-Rush Bagot agreement: reduce the great lakes fleet from both sides
-convention of 1818-to set US-Canada border, to jointly occupy oregon territory
-Andrew Jackson: president monroe sends Jackson to get seminoles out of US, staying in Spanish FL, kept attacking georgia and alabama
-enters FL, captures 2 spanish forts
-US govt. Backed jackson,argued that spain could not protect its territory/stop the seminoles from launching attacks in the US (basically said they have bad control over their territory)