Apartheid Background:
Purpose of Apartheid:
The purpose of apartheid is to impose segregation and enforce Africans as cheap labor. Also to further condition the belief of white superiority and black inferiority.
(The following is not necessary to know but important for background understanding)
Pre-Apartheid Laws:
1911 Mines and Works Act
1911 Natives’ Labour Regulation Act
1913 Natives Land Act
1923 Natives Act
1924 Industrial Conciliation Act
1927 Native Administration Act
1936 Native Trust and Land Act
1936 Representation of the Natives Act
National party
Party platform
Post WWII black africans took many soldiers jobs for less money
Strikes and protests by black workers frightened many Afrikaners
During WWII many blacks moved from rural farms to cities for work
White farmers missed cheap labor
Racial mixing should be avoided at all costs
United party would increase civil rights of black africans
White supremacy
Cut all ties with GB and form independent republic
United party
Poorly organized with old and tired leader seeming to advocate for status quo
National party accused opponents of supporting racial integration
Most whites firmly behind segregation and agreed:
Cheap african labor necessary
Country must be governed in interests of white majority
Election concluded there was a need for radical, rigorous and well planned scheme to implement ideas above
This starts the era of apartheid
Beginning of Apartheid:
No master plan to impose apartheid
State employed more white people
Afrikaner males support national party to show gratitude
Europeans only signs pop up on cape town trains
Malan announces universities segregated
Petty Apartheid Laws: (day-to-day restrictions. Local area restrictions)
Began being implemented after 1948 election
1949 Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
Marriages between two races is illegal
Implied to all people of color (POC&White…. POC&POC)
1950 Immorality Act l
Sex between 2 different races is illegal
1953 Bantu Education Act
Vocational training over education
African schools had to focus on skill-based learning rather than traditional European schooling
Focus on vocational education
Needlework for girls
Soil conservation
1953 Native Labor Act
Africans could not join unions or participate in strikes
1953 Separate Amenities Act
All public areas/services must be divided by race
Buses, restrooms, hospitals, restaurants, etc
Grand Apartheid Laws: (Restrictions that applied across South Africa)
1950 Population Registration Act
All South Africans had to be registered into one of the four racial groups
Racial Groups:
1950 Group Areas Act
No mixed neighborhoods
Registration of all land ownership
Government could designate areas for specific, racial groups
Government could move people out
1951 Native Resettlement Act
forced removal and resettlement
Government could move Africans from Johannesburg to anywhere they wanted
1951 Bantu Authorities Act
Africans could only live on their tribal reserves
Had to live in their tribal homeland (13.5%)
8 separate homelands were created for each tribal language and ethnic group
The government promoted this as “separate development”
Meant to be self-governing
South African gov’t appointed chiefs in these areas