Ch 30 - Barriers to Development 

  • Poverty trap (poverty cycles): any linked combination of barriers to growth and development that forms a circle, thus self-perpetuating unless the circle can be broken

    • High income inequality can be a barrier to growth and development for a number of reasons

    • Low level of savings, low investments = low growth

  1. How does a lack of infrastructure and tech hinder economic progress?

    • Lack of access to infrastructure:

      • Transport

      • Public utilities and services

      • Communication services

    • Lack of appropriate technology

      • Tech appropriate to use with existing factor endowments

  1. How does low human capital affect economic progress?

    • Lack of access to education

    • Improve role of women in society

    • Improve levels of health

    • Lack of access to healthcare

  2. Dependence of primary sector in relation to economic progress:

economic progress

  • If a country is dependent on a narrow range of exports, they will face a great vulnerability and uncertainty

  • Price elasticity of demand for commodities and price elasticity of supply commodities to be relatively inelastic

  1. Capital fight: is the movement of large sums of money out of a country as a reaction to political or economic instability

    a. Debt repayments cause a major drawbacks to money borrowed previously

    b. Landlocked countries trade less and have slower growth rate than countries that have coasts

  2. How does debt influence economic progress?

    • Debt repayments cause a major drawbacks to money borrowed previously

  3. Political and social barriers to development:

    1. Legal systems and property rights

    2. Right to own assets

    3. Right to establish use of assets, benefit from assets, selling of assets

      • Ineffective tax structure (tax revenue provides governments with means of finance

      • Banking system (most developing countries have dual finance markets

  4. Lack of governance and corruption:

    1. corruption: dishonest exploitation of power for personal gain

    2. political instability

    3. unequal political power or status
