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Affixes (vocabulary)

Affixes are divided in 3 sections prefixes, infixes and suffixes.

Prefixes: a prefix is placed before a root word or based form of a word.

Examples: irregular, dislike, unwanted

Infix: is one of the most rarely use affix in English grammar. They appear in the middle of the words.

Examples: mothers-in-law, passersby

Suffix: they are words added at the of a root word.

Examples: harmless, neatness

Prefixes Meaning

  • Un- Not;the opposite

  • Re- Again

  • Pre- Before

  • Anti- Against

  • Non- Not

  • Mis- Wrong


  • certain-uncertain

  • Assign-reassing

  • Caution-precaution

  • Hero-antihero

  • Sense-nonsense

  • Spell-misspell

Suffixes Meaning

  • -ly Full off

  • -er Someone Who or more

  • -ility The quality of being

  • -ity State or condition

  • -tion Is used with verbs to make nouns (expressing action, state or associated meaning)

  • -ing Is used with verbs to form nouns (expresses the result, product or material of the action)


  • Even-evenly

  • Dense-denser

  • Geography-geographer

  • Available-availability

  • Certain-certainly

  • Sparse-sparsity

  • Fluctuate-fluctuation

  • Populate-populating


Affixes (vocabulary)

Affixes are divided in 3 sections prefixes, infixes and suffixes.

Prefixes: a prefix is placed before a root word or based form of a word.

Examples: irregular, dislike, unwanted

Infix: is one of the most rarely use affix in English grammar. They appear in the middle of the words.

Examples: mothers-in-law, passersby

Suffix: they are words added at the of a root word.

Examples: harmless, neatness

Prefixes Meaning

  • Un- Not;the opposite

  • Re- Again

  • Pre- Before

  • Anti- Against

  • Non- Not

  • Mis- Wrong


  • certain-uncertain

  • Assign-reassing

  • Caution-precaution

  • Hero-antihero

  • Sense-nonsense

  • Spell-misspell

Suffixes Meaning

  • -ly Full off

  • -er Someone Who or more

  • -ility The quality of being

  • -ity State or condition

  • -tion Is used with verbs to make nouns (expressing action, state or associated meaning)

  • -ing Is used with verbs to form nouns (expresses the result, product or material of the action)


  • Even-evenly

  • Dense-denser

  • Geography-geographer

  • Available-availability

  • Certain-certainly

  • Sparse-sparsity

  • Fluctuate-fluctuation

  • Populate-populating