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Large scale map = lots of detail, not much area

Small scale map = lots of area, not much detail

ratio= 1:1000

Linear = line

Statement = words

Landscape = desert etc

Landform = valley mountain etc

Latitude = horizontal

Longitude = vertical

Map needs:

  • Title

  • Scale

  • Legend

  • Longitude and latitude

Bearings = degrees on compass

Mountain types:

Block - earth's crust cracks and makes upward pressure

Volcanic - magma pushes its way towards  the earth's surface forcing the land to rise and it causes a volcano to appear

Fold - tectonic plates collide and make upward pressure


Large scale map = lots of detail, not much area

Small scale map = lots of area, not much detail

ratio= 1:1000

Linear = line

Statement = words

Landscape = desert etc

Landform = valley mountain etc

Latitude = horizontal

Longitude = vertical

Map needs:

  • Title

  • Scale

  • Legend

  • Longitude and latitude

Bearings = degrees on compass

Mountain types:

Block - earth's crust cracks and makes upward pressure

Volcanic - magma pushes its way towards  the earth's surface forcing the land to rise and it causes a volcano to appear

Fold - tectonic plates collide and make upward pressure