
Key concepts:

  • Conflict theory- Conflict between the ruling class (bourgeoise) and subject class (proletariat) over control of resources

  • The ruling class exploits the labour of the subject class to maximise profits

  • The subject class only own their labour and is looking to achieve the highest wages possible for their labour

  • The ruling class owns the forces of production- materials and goods used to generate profit

Key thinkers:

  • Marxism

    • Karl Marx

      • Stratification, religion, work

  • Neo-Marxism

    • Antonio Gramsci- Humanistic Marxism

      • Religion, stratification

    • Louis Althusser- Structural Marxism

      • Education, crime, family

Karl Marx:

  • A society divided into two classes as a result of capitalism- proletariat and bourgeoisie

  • Marx suggested that the bourgeoisie was able to maintain control as it controlled the superstructure of society

  • Members of the subject class are alienated from the product of their labour

  • Society would become increasingly polarised until the proletariat realised its exploitation and revolts

Antonio Gramsci:

  • The ruling class maintains dominance through hegemony- political and moral beliefs passed down through social institutions to justify ruling-class dominance

  • Gramsci suggested subject class was aware of this- dual consciousness

  • Through education, a new generation of intellectuals connected to the masses will challenge hegemonic beliefs and lead to a revolution

Louis Althusser:

  • Ideological state apparatus- controls the way in which individuals think, meaning less likely to challenge the ruling classes- family, education, media, religion

  • Repressive state apparatus- controls through force those do not conform- police, legal system, armed forces

Contributions of Marxism:

  • Remains an important political, economic and philosophical ideology

  • Influenced democratic socialist policies to tackle social-class inequality

  • Economic crises of capitalism, such as the 2008 global financial crisis, and growing inequality show Marx was right

  • The process of globalisation has seen greater contraception of wealth into private hands and cultural imperialism- Marxism explains this