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Unit 11 Islamic Empire

  • Islam: Splits after the death of the great prophet Muhammad

  • Debate over the new leader

  1. Sunni: Caliph (Conquer)

  2. Shia: Imam (Educate)

  • Conquered: The Middle East, Northern Africa, parts of Southeast Asia, parts of Eastern Europe, and invades Spain (The Moors)

  • Ottomans: Conquered the Byzantine Empire -> Ottoman Empire

    • Renamed Constantinople -> Istanbul

  • Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Empire)

    • Religiously tolerant (The Children of the Book/The other 2 monotheistic faiths)

  • Ibn Battuta: greatest Muslim explorer

  • Muslim social policy: no forced conversion

  • Sikhism

    • Begins in India

    • Blends Hinduism (reincarnation) and Islam (monotheism)

Unit 11 Islamic Empire

  • Islam: Splits after the death of the great prophet Muhammad

  • Debate over the new leader

  1. Sunni: Caliph (Conquer)

  2. Shia: Imam (Educate)

  • Conquered: The Middle East, Northern Africa, parts of Southeast Asia, parts of Eastern Europe, and invades Spain (The Moors)

  • Ottomans: Conquered the Byzantine Empire -> Ottoman Empire

    • Renamed Constantinople -> Istanbul

  • Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Empire)

    • Religiously tolerant (The Children of the Book/The other 2 monotheistic faiths)

  • Ibn Battuta: greatest Muslim explorer

  • Muslim social policy: no forced conversion

  • Sikhism

    • Begins in India

    • Blends Hinduism (reincarnation) and Islam (monotheism)