l' ambiance (f)
l' ampleur (f)
les applaudissements (mpl)
le bénéfice à bout briser des rêves la capacité maximale coûter déambuler en définitive
en dehors demeurer en dessous en dessus le droit d'asile échapper éclater le fantasme la fermeté la fermeture la filière le fléau la frange la frontière hormis inaudible inaugurer
l' inverse (m)
atmosphere breadth, extent applause
at the end of one's tether to shatter dreams maximal capacity to cost to stroll
finally, when all is said and done outside
to stay, remain
right of asylum to escape to burst, break out fantasy
firmness closure, closing route
scourge fringe border, frontier excluding, except unbearable, impossible to listen to to inaugurate, open the opposite
| mener à | to lead to |
| la mondialisation | globalisation |
| la mutation | change |
| au niveau européen | at the European level |
| nulle part | nowhere |
| s' offusquer | to take offence |
| al' opposé | on the other hand |
| le parti politique | political party |
| en petit | in miniature |
| la pression | pressure |
| progressivement | progressively |
| promettre | to promise |
| à propos de | with regard to |
quasiment | almost |
en raison de | because of |
| réduire | to reduce |
| renforcer | to reinforce |
| le renfort | reinforcement |
| le reportage | report |
| se réjouir | to rejoice |
la rixe | brawi, scuffle |
la rue commerçante | shopping street |
| sciemment | deliberately |
| le seuil | threshold |
la solidarité | solidarity |
souffler | to blow |
| souhaiter | to wish |
| toutefois | nevertheless, however |
| la volonté | willingness |