Bio 1300 Lab Final

To test the CN I you ask the patient to smell something while covering one nostril

To test the CN II you do the eye test with one eye covered, wiggle fingers behind them, and put a light in the eye looking for dilation making sure one eye is covered).

To test CN III, IV, VI you do the six cardinal locations, convergence aka cross eyed

to test CN V you touch a cotton ball on face in 6 places, touch their TMJ have them clench jaw and depress

to test CN VII you allow them to make different faces, WOULD be testing the anterior 2/3 of tongue

to test CN VIII you whisper 3 words to patient while close one ear, and close eyes stand up and balance on one foot

to test CN IX, X you look at uvula (say aaaahhh), WOULD be testing the posterior 1/3 of tongue, WOULD test gag reflex

to test CN XI you shrug shoulders and head movements press against them

to test CN XII you move tongue in different directions

The seven bones that make up the orbit ethmoid, lacrimal, frontal, sphenoid, palatine, zygomatic, maxilla

the sagittal suture is between both parietal bones

lambdoid suture is between parietal and occipital bone

the coronal suture is between frontal and parietal bone

the two bones make up the zygomatic arch are zygomatic and temporal

the internal acoustic meatus in the temporal bone

The spinal cord goes through the vertebral foramen

internal jugular vein goes through the jugular foramen

the olfactory nerve goes through the cribform plate

the sella turcia liea in the sphenoid bone

the nasal bone is not a part of the orbit

The hyoid bone does not articulate with any other bones

There are 8 cranial bones

there are 14 facial bones

theperpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone forms the nasal septum

the longitudinal fissure separates the cerebral hemispheres

the Wernickes area is located in the temporal lobe

the lateral lobe separates the temporal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobe

the hypothalamus is the master control center of the endocrine system

loss of neurons can cause parkinsons disease

the function of the dura mater is protection of brain and spinal cord

Postcentral gyrus is in the parietal lobe

The precentral gyrus controls Voluntary movement

The vertebral level that the spinal cord ends is L2

the grey matter is deep

the rami communicans contain sympathetic information

The number of hemispheres in the cerebrum is 2

gyri is folds in the brain

sulci are grooves in the brain

The part of the brain responsible for coordinating movement is cerebellum

Diencephalon is a part of the thalamus

the three sections of the brainstem are midbrain, pons, medulla

Number of ventricles in the brain is four

the four ventricles of the brain are two lateral ventricles, third ventricle, fourth ventricle

what connects the lateral and third ventricle is the interventricular foramen

the narrow part of the third ventricle that leads to the fourth ventricleis called the cerebral aquaduct

CSF is produced by choroid plexus

The cells that make CSF are ependymal cells

interneurons are only found in the CNS

the cauda equina apart of the PNS

lumbar punctures are done at L4

The type of nerve fibers that are shorter in the sympathetic nervous system are called preganglionic fibers

the heart rate increase when the sympathetic system fires

preganglionic fibers are found in the thorarcolumbar

preganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic cell bodies are found in the craniosacral

The two spinal nerves responsible for taste are CN VII, XI

the cranial nerve that is responsible for the posterior 1/3 of the tongue is CN IX

The cranial nerve responsible for the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is CN VII

the organ of equilibrium is the semicircular ducts

the organ of hearing is the cochlea

The structure that allows light to pass through is the pupil

The perilymph is found in the cochlear ducts

the life span of a taste bud is 10-12 days

The number of vallate papillae that is present at a time is 8-12

The part of the retina that has the best vision is the fovea centralis

The part of the eye that lacks photoreceptors is the optic disk

when sound waves enter they strike the tympanic membrane

the three bones of the ear are incus, malleus, stapes