2024 Dragon Year failed to boost S’pore’s total fertility rate, which remains at a low of 0.97 | The Straits Times

Overview of Singapore’s Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

  • Current TFR: Singapore's TFR remains low at 0.97 in 2024, unchanged from 2023.

  • Birth Statistics: Preliminary data reports 30,800 resident births in 2024, slight increase from 30,500 in 2023.

Official Statements

  • Indranee Rajah's Commentary: The Minister in the PMO highlighted diminishing effects of the Dragon Year on fertility due to shifting generational attitudes and priorities among young couples.

  • Implications of TFR: The low TFR poses significant economic and societal challenges for Singapore as the local workforce declines and the elderly population increases.

Historical Context

  • Replacement Rate: A TFR of 2.1 is necessary for population replacement, indicating Singapore's TFR of 0.97 is far below this substitute level, meaning fewer births than needed to replace the aging population.

  • Previous Trends: Historically, TFRs increased during Dragon Years (1988, 2000, 2012) but not in 2024.

Marriage and Birth Trends

  • Marriage Statistics: In 2024, there were 24,800 resident marriages, a drop from 26,500 in 2023.

  • Childbearing Age: Despite an increase in births, TFR remained static due to variations in the number of women within prime childbearing ages.

  • Government Response: Government addressing low fertility through initiatives promoting marriage and parenthood.

Policy Measures

  • Shared Parental Leave: Starting April 1, 2025, couples will receive an additional 10 weeks paid parental leave.

  • Large Families Scheme: Encouraging couples to have more children with enhanced monetary incentives for each additional child:

    • Baby Bonus: $11,000 for first and second born; $13,000 for third and subsequent born.

    • Child Development Account: $10,000 for third and subsequent children; $5,000 for all newborns.

    • MediSave Grant Increase: From $4,000 to $5,000 for all newborns; applicable from April 1.

    • LifeSG Credits: Families with more than three children will receive $1,000/year for ages 1-6.

Societal Initiatives

  • Support from Companies: Collaboration with over 30 companies is underway to offer discounts to families with three or more children. This includes deals from private-hire platforms and grocery providers.

  • Cultural Shift in Workplaces: Emphasis on building family-friendly policies by fostering support from employers and altering workplace culture.

Childcare and Family Support

  • Childcare Leave: Parents with children under seven years currently entitled to 6 days paid childcare leave. Unpaid infant care leave doubled to 12 days per parent.

  • Ongoing Review of Policies: Government plans to further evaluate childcare leave needs in consultation with stakeholders.

Immigration Insights

  • New Citizens and PRs: In 2024, 24,000 new citizens and 35,000 PRs granted residency, helping to alleviate TFR impact.

  • Multicultural Dynamics: Acknowledgment that transnational unions constitute over a third of citizen marriages in the past decade, reflecting Singapore’s openness and diversity.
