Current TFR: Singapore's TFR remains low at 0.97 in 2024, unchanged from 2023.
Birth Statistics: Preliminary data reports 30,800 resident births in 2024, slight increase from 30,500 in 2023.
Indranee Rajah's Commentary: The Minister in the PMO highlighted diminishing effects of the Dragon Year on fertility due to shifting generational attitudes and priorities among young couples.
Implications of TFR: The low TFR poses significant economic and societal challenges for Singapore as the local workforce declines and the elderly population increases.
Replacement Rate: A TFR of 2.1 is necessary for population replacement, indicating Singapore's TFR of 0.97 is far below this substitute level, meaning fewer births than needed to replace the aging population.
Previous Trends: Historically, TFRs increased during Dragon Years (1988, 2000, 2012) but not in 2024.
Marriage Statistics: In 2024, there were 24,800 resident marriages, a drop from 26,500 in 2023.
Childbearing Age: Despite an increase in births, TFR remained static due to variations in the number of women within prime childbearing ages.
Government Response: Government addressing low fertility through initiatives promoting marriage and parenthood.
Shared Parental Leave: Starting April 1, 2025, couples will receive an additional 10 weeks paid parental leave.
Large Families Scheme: Encouraging couples to have more children with enhanced monetary incentives for each additional child:
Baby Bonus: $11,000 for first and second born; $13,000 for third and subsequent born.
Child Development Account: $10,000 for third and subsequent children; $5,000 for all newborns.
MediSave Grant Increase: From $4,000 to $5,000 for all newborns; applicable from April 1.
LifeSG Credits: Families with more than three children will receive $1,000/year for ages 1-6.
Support from Companies: Collaboration with over 30 companies is underway to offer discounts to families with three or more children. This includes deals from private-hire platforms and grocery providers.
Cultural Shift in Workplaces: Emphasis on building family-friendly policies by fostering support from employers and altering workplace culture.
Childcare Leave: Parents with children under seven years currently entitled to 6 days paid childcare leave. Unpaid infant care leave doubled to 12 days per parent.
Ongoing Review of Policies: Government plans to further evaluate childcare leave needs in consultation with stakeholders.
New Citizens and PRs: In 2024, 24,000 new citizens and 35,000 PRs granted residency, helping to alleviate TFR impact.
Multicultural Dynamics: Acknowledgment that transnational unions constitute over a third of citizen marriages in the past decade, reflecting Singapore’s openness and diversity.