Untitled Flashcards Set

Unit 5

  • Abolitionism

    • The movements to end slavery

  • Adam Smith

    • Laid the foundations for free market capitalism

  • Bourgeoisie

    • The upper middle class who own the production processes

  • Boxer Rebellion

    • An uprising in China against foreign influence and religion. Killed people.

  • Capitalism

    • Laissez Faire

    • Believed in private ownership with no government interference

  • Communism

    • Believed in a classless society and collective ownership.

  • Cult of Domesticity

    • A 19th century belief that women belonged in the household for family and nurturing.

  • “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”

    • The French revolution’s declaration of independence of sorts from their monarchy.

    • Declared all men equal

  • Enlightenment

    • An intellectual movement in the 17th and 18th centuries advocating reason, individualism, and skepticism of traditional authority. It heavily influenced political and philosophical thought.

  • First Industrial Revolution

    • A period of rapid industrialization in the early 19th century.

    • Rise in steam ships and factories and mass production

  • Haitian Revolution

    • A revolutionary movement in Haiti, created the first slave state. The slaves took over Haiti and overthrew the French.

  • Karl Marx

    • German philosopher who argued for a classless society and overthrow of capitalism

  • Labor Unions

    • Organizations created to improve workers rights and ensure better conditions.

  • Latin American Revolutions

    • A series of revolutions in Latin America, aimed at overthrowing Spanish and Portuguese rule.

  • “Letter of Jamaica”

    • A letter written by Simon Bolivar outlining his view of latin American independence.

  • Liberalism

    • A philosophy advocating for individual government rights

  • Limited-Liability Corporation

    • A corporation that protects owners from personal liability for the debts and other liabilities of the corporation.

  • Maori Nationalism

    • A movement in New Zealand that advocated for the rights and autonomy of the indigenous people in response to the British Rule.

  • Mary Wollstonecraft’s “Vindication of the Rights of Women”

    • A publication advocating for Women’s rights that pioneered the movement.

  • Meiji Restoration

    • A transformation in Japan in order to properly westernize themselves and build their industries. A response to increased western pressure from the U.S.A to open borders.

  • Muhammad Ali

    • The ruler of Egypt credited with modernizing and industrializing Egypt.

    • Established strong central government

  • Nationalism

    • Feelings of deep loyalty to one’s country and their principles of the country.

    • Desire for self-autonomy of the nation

  • Olympe de Gouges “Declaration of the Rights of Women & Female Citizen”

    • A 1791 work that advocated for the rights of women

    • A response to the Declaration of Rights of Man

  • Propaganda Movement

    • A 19th century movement in the Philippines aimed at reforming Spanish rule through written pieces and activism.

  • Second Industrial Revolution

    • The second phase of industrialization in the late 19th and early 20th century marked by innovations in steel, electricity, and chemical processes

  • Self-Strengthening Movement

    • A movement in Qing China to strengthen and industrialize the country to combat western influence.

  • Simon Bolivar

    • Leader of the Latin American revolutions against Spain. Played a key role in the independence movements of several countries.

  • Socialism

    • The belief that government should own the production process

  • Specialization of Labor

    • Dividing the work into specific tasks for the work, seen in industrial workplaces

  • Stock Market

    • A system for buying and selling shares of a company.

    • Influences wealth distribution and economy heavily.

  • Taiping Rebellion

    • A massive civil war in China led by Hong Xiuquan. It was a religious revolution with Xiuquan believing he was Jesus’ brother

  • Tanzimat

    • Reforms to modernize and industrialize Egypt into a better economy and more modern military. Brought rights to citizens

    • Centralized power for the Egypt government

  • Transnational Business

    • Companies operating across multiple countries like British East India

  • Urbanization

    • The rapid expansion of urban centers due to people moving to urban centers

Unit 6

  • Cherokee Nation

    • A nation of Indian Americans that was forcibly relocated during the trail of tears

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    • The act that restricted Chinese Immigration in the U.S. and reflected the Xenophobia

  • Civilizing Missions

    • Principles to “civilize” the non-european countries to help justify imperialism.

    • Civilizing meant educating them about religion and social customs.

  • Economic Imperialism

    • When a foreign country controls the economy of another country or businesses dominate. There is no political rule

  • Ghost Dance

    • A dance done by the Natives to bring spirits and help restore the indigenous lands.

  • 1857 Indian Rebellion (Sepoy Mutiny)

    • An uprising against British rule in India, sparked by grievances among the Indian soldiers.

  • Imperialism

    • A political, economic, or military control of another country by a foreign power.

  • King Leopold II

    • Belgian king who took control of the Congo and had many infamous human’s rights abuses. He exploited the Congo for rubber and other resources.

  • Mahdist War

    • A late 1800s Sudanese revolt against Egyptian and British rule, led by the Mahdi, Muhammad Ahmad.

  • Opium Wars

    • A war between the Chinese and British after the British started to import Opium into China at the expense of the people.

  • Scramble for Africa

    • The western powers scrambling for power and resources in Africa by rapid colonization.

  • Settler Colonies

    • Territories that are settled by foreign civilians of the country and often

  • Social Darwinism

    • A belief that certain human groups are superior to others and in the survival of the fittest. Used to justify imperialism

  • Sokoto Caliphate

    • A powerful Islamic kingdom in West Africa,formed by Usman dan Fodio’s jihad, later colonized by Britain.

  • Tupac Amaru II’s Peruvian Rebellion

    • An 18th century indigenous revolt in Peru to defeat Spanish rule, demanded rights and autonomy.

  • United Fruit Company

    • A U.S. company that had large control over Latin American economies, exemplifying economic imperialism

  • White Australia Policy

    • A series of laws restricting Non-European immigrants to Australia to maintain Australia’s racial homogeneity

  • “White Man’s Burden”

    • The white man's burden to civilize other races according to a poem by Rudyard Kipling justifying imperialism according to moral values.

  • Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement

    • A movement in South Africa where Xhosa people slaughtered cattle to help drive the British out

  • Yaa Asantewaa War

    •  Queen Yaa Asantewaa led the Asante in resisting British colonial rule in Ghana.

  • Zulu Kingdom

    • A powerful 19th-century South African kingdom, known for military strength under leaders like Shaka Zulu.
