Unit 5
The movements to end slavery
Adam Smith
Laid the foundations for free market capitalism
The upper middle class who own the production processes
Boxer Rebellion
An uprising in China against foreign influence and religion. Killed people.
Laissez Faire
Believed in private ownership with no government interference
Believed in a classless society and collective ownership.
Cult of Domesticity
A 19th century belief that women belonged in the household for family and nurturing.
“Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”
The French revolution’s declaration of independence of sorts from their monarchy.
Declared all men equal
An intellectual movement in the 17th and 18th centuries advocating reason, individualism, and skepticism of traditional authority. It heavily influenced political and philosophical thought.
First Industrial Revolution
A period of rapid industrialization in the early 19th century.
Rise in steam ships and factories and mass production
Haitian Revolution
A revolutionary movement in Haiti, created the first slave state. The slaves took over Haiti and overthrew the French.
Karl Marx
German philosopher who argued for a classless society and overthrow of capitalism
Labor Unions
Organizations created to improve workers rights and ensure better conditions.
Latin American Revolutions
A series of revolutions in Latin America, aimed at overthrowing Spanish and Portuguese rule.
“Letter of Jamaica”
A letter written by Simon Bolivar outlining his view of latin American independence.
A philosophy advocating for individual government rights
Limited-Liability Corporation
A corporation that protects owners from personal liability for the debts and other liabilities of the corporation.
Maori Nationalism
A movement in New Zealand that advocated for the rights and autonomy of the indigenous people in response to the British Rule.
Mary Wollstonecraft’s “Vindication of the Rights of Women”
A publication advocating for Women’s rights that pioneered the movement.
Meiji Restoration
A transformation in Japan in order to properly westernize themselves and build their industries. A response to increased western pressure from the U.S.A to open borders.
Muhammad Ali
The ruler of Egypt credited with modernizing and industrializing Egypt.
Established strong central government
Feelings of deep loyalty to one’s country and their principles of the country.
Desire for self-autonomy of the nation
Olympe de Gouges “Declaration of the Rights of Women & Female Citizen”
A 1791 work that advocated for the rights of women
A response to the Declaration of Rights of Man
Propaganda Movement
A 19th century movement in the Philippines aimed at reforming Spanish rule through written pieces and activism.
Second Industrial Revolution
The second phase of industrialization in the late 19th and early 20th century marked by innovations in steel, electricity, and chemical processes
Self-Strengthening Movement
A movement in Qing China to strengthen and industrialize the country to combat western influence.
Simon Bolivar
Leader of the Latin American revolutions against Spain. Played a key role in the independence movements of several countries.
The belief that government should own the production process
Specialization of Labor
Dividing the work into specific tasks for the work, seen in industrial workplaces
Stock Market
A system for buying and selling shares of a company.
Influences wealth distribution and economy heavily.
Taiping Rebellion
A massive civil war in China led by Hong Xiuquan. It was a religious revolution with Xiuquan believing he was Jesus’ brother
Reforms to modernize and industrialize Egypt into a better economy and more modern military. Brought rights to citizens
Centralized power for the Egypt government
Transnational Business
Companies operating across multiple countries like British East India
The rapid expansion of urban centers due to people moving to urban centers
Unit 6
Cherokee Nation
A nation of Indian Americans that was forcibly relocated during the trail of tears
Chinese Exclusion Act
The act that restricted Chinese Immigration in the U.S. and reflected the Xenophobia
Civilizing Missions
Principles to “civilize” the non-european countries to help justify imperialism.
Civilizing meant educating them about religion and social customs.
Economic Imperialism
When a foreign country controls the economy of another country or businesses dominate. There is no political rule
Ghost Dance
A dance done by the Natives to bring spirits and help restore the indigenous lands.
1857 Indian Rebellion (Sepoy Mutiny)
An uprising against British rule in India, sparked by grievances among the Indian soldiers.
A political, economic, or military control of another country by a foreign power.
King Leopold II
Belgian king who took control of the Congo and had many infamous human’s rights abuses. He exploited the Congo for rubber and other resources.
Mahdist War
A late 1800s Sudanese revolt against Egyptian and British rule, led by the Mahdi, Muhammad Ahmad.
Opium Wars
A war between the Chinese and British after the British started to import Opium into China at the expense of the people.
Scramble for Africa
The western powers scrambling for power and resources in Africa by rapid colonization.
Settler Colonies
Territories that are settled by foreign civilians of the country and often
Social Darwinism
A belief that certain human groups are superior to others and in the survival of the fittest. Used to justify imperialism
Sokoto Caliphate
A powerful Islamic kingdom in West Africa,formed by Usman dan Fodio’s jihad, later colonized by Britain.
Tupac Amaru II’s Peruvian Rebellion
An 18th century indigenous revolt in Peru to defeat Spanish rule, demanded rights and autonomy.
United Fruit Company
A U.S. company that had large control over Latin American economies, exemplifying economic imperialism
White Australia Policy
A series of laws restricting Non-European immigrants to Australia to maintain Australia’s racial homogeneity
“White Man’s Burden”
The white man's burden to civilize other races according to a poem by Rudyard Kipling justifying imperialism according to moral values.
Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement
A movement in South Africa where Xhosa people slaughtered cattle to help drive the British out
Yaa Asantewaa War
Queen Yaa Asantewaa led the Asante in resisting British colonial rule in Ghana.
Zulu Kingdom
A powerful 19th-century South African kingdom, known for military strength under leaders like Shaka Zulu.