Abraham / Sarah Notes
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Gen 12
Abraham's father is named tarah.
Tarah lives in Ur
Went to the town of haran
Tarah dies in haran
Abram becomes head of family
Abrahm and sarai can’t have kids
Abrahm is 75 sarai 65
If a women cant have kids then she is barren
Tarah had four kids
Sarai and Abram were related
God appears to Abram.
God says “I want you to follow me to a land that i will show you”
God wants him to abandon everything (except wife.. Etc.. ppl working for him”
“If you do, some things are gonna happen. From you will come a Great natation, great name, all nations blessed”
Canaan is the promised land
Lot is like an adopted son because abrams brother died.
They are in canaan
Because of a famine, abram takes his family to egypt, tells sarai to tell egyptians she is his sister Pharaoh takes her for his wife
A plague comes
Everyone goes back to canaan and the promise still stands
Gen 13
Abrams and Lots flocks and herds grow so large, they have to separate and not dewell together. Lot chose to go live on Jordan Plain.
There are two towns by the Deal sea.
The two names are Sodom and Gomorrah
They have bad reputations
Now Lot cannot be the heir to Abram and Sarai.
Abram and sarai still dont have children
God visits them
Abram tells God “See, you have given me no offspring, will my servant eliezer inherent all this.”
God says no, you will have a child
God says sacrifice animals, kill them drain the blood out and cut them in half. 4 animals in falf.
“If i fail to meet this part of the covenant, do to me what you did to these animals”
God and abram made a blood covenant.
Light pass through the animals.
“Unconditional covenant”
Ten years pass, following custom, gave her servant Hagar to abram to father a child, and they would become the parents of the child. Abram was 86 when ishmael was born, told ishmael was not the promised son.
Gen 17- Abram’s and Sarai’s heir
Twenty four years later, Abram is 99 God appears again, renews covenant. Abram’s name is changed to Abraham. He and all his soon to be male descendants are required to be circumcised. Sarai is now to be named Sarah.
Conditional covenant
Everyone has to be circumcised
Abrahma is visited by three men (one of whom is the lord) Provides hospitality. Abraham is told he will have a son in a year. Sarah laughs at this suggestion. The reason God has come is to investigate Sodom and Gomorrah.
They have a son named issac- it means laughter
God wants to destroy the towns.
Abrhahms says if there's 10 good people spare the city.
God visits the town
No one is the town offers hospitality.
Lot recognizes them and offers hospitality.
The rest of the village of Sodom comes to the house and is angry and tells him to throw them out to rape them.
Lot offers to send out his daughters
The village said no.
The angles send a light to blind the men. The angels tell Lot he needs to leave now.
Fire and stuff hits sodom and gomorrah and they all died except Lot and his family
Lots group now thinks they are the only people in the world
The girls get Lot drunk and sleep w him to have kids
Now they both are pregnant.
They name the kids Moab (moabites) and bemmi (bemmites)
Abraham and Sarah have a child names Isaac and Hagar and Ishmael are banished
Ishmael become his own tribe (ishmaelites)
God wants Abraham to sacrifice his kid as a test
They go on a three day journey to this mountain
They go up the mountain and issac has wood on his back
They make an alter
ABraham raise up the knife
God says stop and throughout the whole family line will not sacrifice the child
A ram is offered instead
Sarah died at 127. Abraham is allowed to buy a cave for her burial. This is the first of the promised land owned by abraham.
He gets a cave and this is when the promised land starts