Topics Covered:
Personality Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Overview by Annegret Krause-Utz, Clinical Psychology, LUG DUNO, Universiteit Leiden
Personality Disorders:
Categorical and Dimensional Models
Example: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Development and Treatment
Dissociative Disorders:
Definitions and Classifications
Development, Models, and Treatment
Key Concept: Live with BPD, but do not be defined by it.
Celebrate your uniqueness.
Recognize both good and bad days, embrace emotions as part of life.
Transform negative self-labels into positive affirmations.
Definition: Personality refers to enduring traits that differentiate individuals.
Traits Listed:
Insecurity, emotional lability, perfectionism, shamefulness, etc.
Relation to Big Five Personality Traits:
Low/High Scores: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness
Stable and pervasive patterns affecting perception, relating, and behavior.
Onset typically in adolescence or early adulthood.
Cultural deviations leading to distress.
Cluster A: Odd/Eccentric**
Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal Personality Disorders
Cluster B: Emotional/Dramatic
Antisocial, Histrionic, Borderline, Narcissistic
Cluster C: Anxious/Fearful
Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive
Paranoid Personality Disorder: Suspected pervasive mistrust.
Schizoid Personality Disorder: Reduced interest in interpersonal relationships.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Mix of social discomfort, paranoia, and sudden episode symptoms.
Antisocial Personality Disorder: Disregard for rights with harmful actions.
Histrionic Personality Disorder: Excessive emotionality; attention-seeking.
Borderline Personality Disorder: Impulsivity and emotional instability.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Grandiosity with a lack of empathy.
Avoidant Personality Disorder: Extreme social anxiety; fear of criticism.
Dependent Personality Disorder: Reliance on others for emotional needs.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder: Focus on perfectionism and control.
Levels of Severity:
0: No Personality Disorder
1: Personality Difficulty
2: Simple Personality Disorder
3: Complex Personality Disorder
4: Severe Personality Disorder
Focus on Personal Functioning:
Identity and self aspects, interpersonal function, emotional manifestations.
Former Criteria:
Fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, impulsivity, mood swings, etc.
Review of Agenda Covered for Clarity in Understanding.
Genetic predispositions, environmental influences, emotional dysregulation, and negative beliefs.
Link Between ACES and Various Disorders:
PTSD, personality disorders, depression, somatic disorders, etc.
Sensitive Periods for Brain Development:
Impact of ACEs throughout different life stages, listing MRI volume studies.
Specific Effects:
DEvelopmental timing and type of ACE influence brain structure and function.
Stern and Linehan's views:
Combination of biological irregularities and dysfunctional environments contribute to BPD development.
Need vs. Response Mismatch:
High processing sensitivity, neurodiversity considerations.
Fragmented Self-View:
Negative beliefs about self and mistrust, fear of abandonment, and feelings of defectiveness.
Rejection Sensitivity and Its Impact:
Influence of early life experiences on social interactions and maladaptive beliefs.
Consequences of Maltreatment:
Development of aggressive behaviors and mistrust based on past experiences.
Intense emotions, impulsive actions, and maladaptive strategies.
Motives for Self-Harm:
Stress reduction, emotional numbing, and regaining a sense of control.
Summary of Emotional Challenges:
Overwhelming emotions, difficulty focusing attention, and ineffective regulation strategies.
Meta-Analysis Overview:
Presented data on the prevalence and treatment of dissociative experiences.
Key Goals Include:
Identifying triggers for maladaptive behaviors, enhancing emotion regulation, improving self-esteem.
Therapies with Evidence Based Ratings:
DBT, MBT, SFT, TFP, STEPPS and their efficacy regarding treatment of BPD.
Confirmation of agenda areas for effective coverage of personality/disorder treatment.
Dissociation Explored:
Disruption in integration of psychological functioning sectors affecting behavior and memory.
Prevalence among Populations:
Ranges from benign lapses to clinical phenomena affecting general and psychiatric populations.
Major dissociative disorders listed, including types of depersonalization and amnesia.
Disruption Patterns:
Memory gaps, derealization, identity distortion descriptions.
Immersive experiences leading to disengagement from immediate surroundings.
Outcome Definitions:
Excessive fantasizing linked to distress and impairment.
Understanding Everyday Experiences of Detachment.
Exemplified Experiences:
Descriptions of feeling detached from oneself or one's environment.
Detailed Understanding of Reality Testing:
Experiences are real but may feel different/strange under duress.
Unwanted intrusions that can occur post-trauma,
Recurring sensory or cognitive disruptions.
Core Aspects:
Temporary memory loss, distinct from substance/organic causes.
Defining Presence of Multiple Identities:
Amnesia comprehension and personality state variations.
Indicators of DID:
Sudden shifts in behaviors, appearance, and self-awareness challenges.
Differentiation and Similarities:
Reality testing and cognitive functioning differences in symptoms.
Understanding Causative Factors:
Roles of trauma, social-cognitive factors, and neurobiological predispositions.
Impact of Childhood Experiences on Development of Dissociative Disorders.
Highlight of Interconnected Findings from meta-analysis studies.
Alteration Across Different Dysregulations Post Traumatization:
Emotional, behavioral, and relational impacts examined.
Study exploring psychological factors linked to interpersonal violence and maltreatment.
Risk Factors Discussed:
Higher trauma exposure, dissociation phenomena, and maladaptive coping methods.
Analysis of how trauma and dissociation interact within various contexts.
Various factors, including fantasy tendencies and sleep variations, affecting dissociative states.
Negative Impact of Poor Coping Responses:
Association between severity of dissociation and emotional regulation challenges.
Mixed Results on Executive Function Deficits:
Explore findings around memory and integration during acute dissociative episodes.
Findings on amygdala activity during emotional working memory tasks in dissociative patients.
Influences of Various Brain Areas:
Enhanced activity indicators for pathological dissociation across conditions.
Key teachings on dissociation such as state vs trait distinctions, and risk factors.
Fundamentals of Individual Psychotherapy:
Integrative methodologies and therapeutic relationships outlined.
Importance of collaborative, transparent diagnostic processes, especially with traumatic histories.
Comprehensive means for accurate diagnosis, including SCID-D assessments highlighted.
Potential Red Flags:
Presents contrasting symptoms that necessitate careful evaluation.
Establish support frameworks for reconnection and identification of triggers and symptoms.
Representation of prevalent themes from personal narratives of those with BPD.
Comparison of perceived benefits and drawbacks results between immediate and subsequent impacts of dissociation.
Activities and interventions aimed at promoting grounding and agency within dissociative episodes.
Summary of Daily Assessment and Monitoring Tools:
Methods for continued mental health evaluation during treatment.
Defining skills aimed to counter dissociative tendencies in individuals.
Summary of effective techniques such as EMDR and CBT for individuals with dissociation.
Presentation of schema modes and their role in therapy for emotional integration.
Holistic treatment approaches should emphasize flexibility, transparency, and patient engagement.
List of researchers and contributors from associated institutes.
For Further Questions:
Credentials and affiliations of Annegret Krause-Utz, including relevant qualifications.