Durkheim - specialist skills and social solidarity
teaches to fit into workplace and the join students together, eg- pshe values lessons
Parsons - focal socialising agency
transitions from primary socialisation values and norms to workplace norms and values. Bridge between family and world. Particularistic standards to universalistic standards
Davis & Moore - role allocation, sifting and sorting
placing students into suitable jobs for their skill set
Class - Marxism
Althussar - ideological state apparatus
making working class students fail institutionally and making them think its their fault, not the systems
Bowles and Gintis - myth of meritocracy and correspondence principle
myth - system claims to be fair for all, but it only advantages MC and disregards WC
principle - close relationship between society and education. Hierarchy, fragmentation, external reward, alienation
Willis “the lads” study
12 WC lads who reject education end end up in manual jobs as a result of not getting an education.
Bernstein - language codes
restricted code for WC so fail and elaborated for MC so succeed since system built around elaborated code
Bourdieu - cultural capital (LAPS)
MC have more access to leisure so have more cultural capital eg- museums and literature
Sugarman - subcultural traits MV vs WC
Gerwitz - privileged vs unprivileged skilled choosers
WC and MC have different abilities of choice and therefore WC get placed in worse schools
Leech and Campus - selection by mortgage
MC can afford to live in catchment of good schools and WC cannot so don’t get into good schools
Gender - Feminists and Antifeminists?
Archer - hyper heterosexual identity
WC victims of symbolic violence and do not get symbolic capital
Sue sharp - girls aspirations
1970s vs 1990s
from family and marriage to career and success
McRobbie - bedroom culture
girls stay in and study w/ friends but boys go out and play football w/ friends instead
Mitsos & Browne - coursework
coursework favours girls > boys so system now benefits girls to succeed further than boys which the men hate
Sewell - feminsation of education
fears new education system is built to benefit girls in school eg- more female teachers hence feminine teaching styles
Marketisation of education - NEW RIGHT
Chubb & Moe - vouchers for WC kids
claim system does not benefit WC at all so need them to access education w/ vouchers to get same chance as MC
Marie David - parentocracy
parents changing education system and have more choice when choosing their childs education
Bartlett - League tables, cream skimming and silt shifting
choosing MC, girls and Asians to boost league table position and avoid others, especially black boys
A-C economy (Gillborn and Youdell) educational triage, disregard b+ and d- and focus on c/d to boost league tables.
Gewitz - MC advantage - privileged and unprivileged skilled choosers
Leech and Campos - selection by mortgage so MC advantage
Internal factors - factors inside schools
Ethnocentric curriculum - educational syllabus made surrounding white history and white bias history. EM children struggle to learn this history
Pupil Identities - Archer
ideal pupil - white MC w/ natural ability
Pathologised pupil - Asian WC, overachiever
Demonised pupil - black or white WC underachiever and peer led
External Factors - factors outside school
Language barriers
English not as a first language so cannot understand teachers and texts
Bernstein language codes - restricted code
restricted code as EM are more likely WC
Asian work ethic & Tiger mums
Asian kids are more likely to have pressuring parents so try harder in school and succeed
CLASS, GENDER, ETHNICITY AND FUNTONALISM CAN BE USED TO EVAL EACHOTHER eg- eval for class would be that boys are the ones who suffer in education not working class, using Sewell’s feminisation of education