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Exam 4 

Characteristics of All Animals

  • Eukaryotic Cell without a cell wall

  • Multi-cellular

  • Ability to move

  • Heterotrophic

    • Cannot make its own food

Monophyletic Groups

  • Presence of Specialized Cells (Specific Function)

    • Tissue - Group or layer of S.C.

      • Skin - Epithelial cells

      • Cardiac - Muscle cells

  • Symmetry

    • Asymmetrical - No line of symmetry (Sponges)

    • Radial - Sectioned into identical halves

    • Bilateral - Split into a mirror image

  • Gut Formation

    • Protostomes - Mouth first

    • Deuterostomes - Mouth second

    • One direction (mouth to anus or anus to mouth)

  • Growth

    • Molting - Shedding outer covering

    • Continuous - Adding to their existing body

Characteristics Unique

  • Specialized Cells

  • Radial/Bilateral

  • Protostomes

    • Continuous/Moltin

  • Deuterostomes

Polyphyletic Groups

  • Invertebrates - No backbone (95% of animals)

  • Vertebrates - Have backbone


  • Sponges (Phylum Porifera)

    • No tissue

    • Hollow tubes or canals

    • Feed through pores

    • Free swimming larvae

    • Move as adults

  • Cnidaria

    • Radially symmetrical

    • Tentacles with stingers

    • Sea Anemones

      • Tentacles on top of body

      • Free swimming larvae and adults move a few inches

    • Corals

      • Secrete calcium carbonate shell

      • Energy from algae (zooxanthellae

      • Z gives oxygens and nutrients

      • C gives C02

  • Worms

    • Flatworms

      • Well defined and tail regions

      • Grow by adding

      • Herm.

      • Asexual and sexual

      • Mouth = anus

    • Roundworms

      • Unsegmented

      • Strong, flexible cuticle

      • Molt

    • Segmented

      • Polychaeta

        • Marine worms (lateral bristles)

      • Oligochaeta

        • Earth

        • Burrow in ground

        • Adds nutrients to the soil

      • Hirudinea

        • Leeches

        • Not all bloodsuckers

        • Eat other worms, snails, and insect larvae

  • Mullusca

    • Shell

    • Mantle (tissue forms the shell)

    • Radula (tongue structure)

    • Body Mass

  • Gastropoda

  • Bivalvia

  • Cephalopoda

  • Arthropoda

  • Millipedes/Centipedes

  • Chelicerates

  • Crustaceans

  • Insects

Adaptive Radiation

  • Metamorphosis and ability to fly (Insects)

    • Escape from predators

    • Move from one place to another

    • Complete/Incomplete

      • Division of organisms into 3 stages (83%)

      • Doesn’t pass through separate stages (17%)

From Water to Land

  • Respiration - Need to breath air

    • Lungs

  • Gravity - Structure

    • Limbs and vertebrae

  • Eggs - Eggs dry up

    • Waterproof eggshell



  • Mammals

    • Monotremes - Eggs

    • Marsupial - Young develop outside moms body

    • Placental - Inside mother and placenta

  • Tetrapods (Four Feet)

    • Non-amniotes - Gelatinous eggs that do not have shell

      • Laid in or near water

      • Amphibians (Dual Life)

    • Amnoites - Eggs have protective shells or fluid filled sac (Reptiles and birds)

  • Vertebral Column

    • Lampreys

  • Jaw, Paired Appendages

    • Cartilaginous Fishes

  • Intenal Bony Skeleton

    • Fay-Finned Fishes

  • Lobed Appendages

    • Laobe-Finned Fishes

  • Legs with Multiple Digits

    • Amphibians

  • Amniotic Egg

    • Reptiles and Birds

  • Mammary Glands, Hair

    • Mammals

  • Groups

  • Mammals

    • Monotremes - Eggs

    • Marsupial - Young develop outside moms body

    • Placental - Inside mother and placenta

  • Tetrapods (Four Feet)

    • Non-amniotes - Gelatinous eggs that do not have shell

      • Laid in or near water

      • Amphibians (Dual Life)

    • Amnoites - Eggs have protective shells or fluid filled sac (Reptiles and birds)


  • Protist

    • Algae

  • Plants

    • Eukaryotic

    • Multicellular

    • Cant move

    • Cell wall

    • Alternation of Generations

  • Fungi

    • Eukarya (Mono)

    • Hetero - Decomposers or symbionts

    • Moving

    • Cell Wall (Chitin)

From Water to Land

  • Gravity - Grow low to the ground

  • Desiccation (Drying out) - Traps in water

Stationary Life Cons

  • Obtaining Nutrients

    • Can’t move to sunlit

    • Store

  • Finding a Mate

    • Disperse pollen

  • Resisting Predation

    • Thorns or toxins


  • Non- Vascular - Earliest

    • Water and nutrients (diffusion)

    • Haploid spores

    • Multicellular haploid and diploid

  • Seedless Vascular - Next split

  • Water and nutrients (circulatory system)

  • Haploid spores

  • Multicellular haploid and diploid

  • Seeded Vascular - Last big split

  • Gymnosperms - Cone producing

    • Pine, furs and redwoods

  • Angiosperms - Flower producing

    • Fruit and nut trees, grasses, cactus and herbs

Alternation of Generation

  • Sporophyte - Diploid with spores

  • Gametophyte - Haploid, prothallus

    • Male and female need water for fert.


Flower Reproduction

  • Pollination

    • Trickery

    • Bribery

  • Seed Dispersal

    • Hitching a ride

    • Flying and floating

    • Food Source

Double Fert.

  • Two sperms. One fert. the egg the other fert. endosperm.

  • More energy efficient

  • Do it rapidly (small size)

Fungi Uses and Relationships

  • Relationships

    • Symbionts

      • Fungus get sugar

      • Plant get nutrients

  • Uses

    • Food Source -Cap

    • Antibiotic - Penicillium

    • Bread - Yeast

    • Bioluminescent -Glow in dark

Organization of Life

  • Domain -Dont

  • Kingdom - Kill

  • Phylum -People

  • Class - Cuz

  • Order -Other

  • Family

  • Genus - Get

  • Species -Sad

  • Specific Epithet - Species name is the Genus and Species

  • Three Domains

    • Bacteria - 1 King.

    • Archaea - 1 King.

    • Eukarya - 3 Dom. 6 King.


  • An organism that cant be seen without a microsope

    • In all 3 Domains

      • Genetically diverse: 500,000

      • Live almost every place on Earth 5F - 750

      • Eat anything

      • Abundant

  • Evolution

    • Bacteria and Archaea (Prokaryotic)

    • Eukarya

      • Arose from endosymbiosis - Lrg. cell engulfed another


  • Shapes

    • Cocci - Spherical

    • Bacilli - Rod

    • Spirilla - Spiral

Exam 4 

Characteristics of All Animals

  • Eukaryotic Cell without a cell wall

  • Multi-cellular

  • Ability to move

  • Heterotrophic

    • Cannot make its own food

Monophyletic Groups

  • Presence of Specialized Cells (Specific Function)

    • Tissue - Group or layer of S.C.

      • Skin - Epithelial cells

      • Cardiac - Muscle cells

  • Symmetry

    • Asymmetrical - No line of symmetry (Sponges)

    • Radial - Sectioned into identical halves

    • Bilateral - Split into a mirror image

  • Gut Formation

    • Protostomes - Mouth first

    • Deuterostomes - Mouth second

    • One direction (mouth to anus or anus to mouth)

  • Growth

    • Molting - Shedding outer covering

    • Continuous - Adding to their existing body

Characteristics Unique

  • Specialized Cells

  • Radial/Bilateral

  • Protostomes

    • Continuous/Moltin

  • Deuterostomes

Polyphyletic Groups

  • Invertebrates - No backbone (95% of animals)

  • Vertebrates - Have backbone


  • Sponges (Phylum Porifera)

    • No tissue

    • Hollow tubes or canals

    • Feed through pores

    • Free swimming larvae

    • Move as adults

  • Cnidaria

    • Radially symmetrical

    • Tentacles with stingers

    • Sea Anemones

      • Tentacles on top of body

      • Free swimming larvae and adults move a few inches

    • Corals

      • Secrete calcium carbonate shell

      • Energy from algae (zooxanthellae

      • Z gives oxygens and nutrients

      • C gives C02

  • Worms

    • Flatworms

      • Well defined and tail regions

      • Grow by adding

      • Herm.

      • Asexual and sexual

      • Mouth = anus

    • Roundworms

      • Unsegmented

      • Strong, flexible cuticle

      • Molt

    • Segmented

      • Polychaeta

        • Marine worms (lateral bristles)

      • Oligochaeta

        • Earth

        • Burrow in ground

        • Adds nutrients to the soil

      • Hirudinea

        • Leeches

        • Not all bloodsuckers

        • Eat other worms, snails, and insect larvae

  • Mullusca

    • Shell

    • Mantle (tissue forms the shell)

    • Radula (tongue structure)

    • Body Mass

  • Gastropoda

  • Bivalvia

  • Cephalopoda

  • Arthropoda

  • Millipedes/Centipedes

  • Chelicerates

  • Crustaceans

  • Insects

Adaptive Radiation

  • Metamorphosis and ability to fly (Insects)

    • Escape from predators

    • Move from one place to another

    • Complete/Incomplete

      • Division of organisms into 3 stages (83%)

      • Doesn’t pass through separate stages (17%)

From Water to Land

  • Respiration - Need to breath air

    • Lungs

  • Gravity - Structure

    • Limbs and vertebrae

  • Eggs - Eggs dry up

    • Waterproof eggshell



  • Mammals

    • Monotremes - Eggs

    • Marsupial - Young develop outside moms body

    • Placental - Inside mother and placenta

  • Tetrapods (Four Feet)

    • Non-amniotes - Gelatinous eggs that do not have shell

      • Laid in or near water

      • Amphibians (Dual Life)

    • Amnoites - Eggs have protective shells or fluid filled sac (Reptiles and birds)

  • Vertebral Column

    • Lampreys

  • Jaw, Paired Appendages

    • Cartilaginous Fishes

  • Intenal Bony Skeleton

    • Fay-Finned Fishes

  • Lobed Appendages

    • Laobe-Finned Fishes

  • Legs with Multiple Digits

    • Amphibians

  • Amniotic Egg

    • Reptiles and Birds

  • Mammary Glands, Hair

    • Mammals

  • Groups

  • Mammals

    • Monotremes - Eggs

    • Marsupial - Young develop outside moms body

    • Placental - Inside mother and placenta

  • Tetrapods (Four Feet)

    • Non-amniotes - Gelatinous eggs that do not have shell

      • Laid in or near water

      • Amphibians (Dual Life)

    • Amnoites - Eggs have protective shells or fluid filled sac (Reptiles and birds)


  • Protist

    • Algae

  • Plants

    • Eukaryotic

    • Multicellular

    • Cant move

    • Cell wall

    • Alternation of Generations

  • Fungi

    • Eukarya (Mono)

    • Hetero - Decomposers or symbionts

    • Moving

    • Cell Wall (Chitin)

From Water to Land

  • Gravity - Grow low to the ground

  • Desiccation (Drying out) - Traps in water

Stationary Life Cons

  • Obtaining Nutrients

    • Can’t move to sunlit

    • Store

  • Finding a Mate

    • Disperse pollen

  • Resisting Predation

    • Thorns or toxins


  • Non- Vascular - Earliest

    • Water and nutrients (diffusion)

    • Haploid spores

    • Multicellular haploid and diploid

  • Seedless Vascular - Next split

  • Water and nutrients (circulatory system)

  • Haploid spores

  • Multicellular haploid and diploid

  • Seeded Vascular - Last big split

  • Gymnosperms - Cone producing

    • Pine, furs and redwoods

  • Angiosperms - Flower producing

    • Fruit and nut trees, grasses, cactus and herbs

Alternation of Generation

  • Sporophyte - Diploid with spores

  • Gametophyte - Haploid, prothallus

    • Male and female need water for fert.


Flower Reproduction

  • Pollination

    • Trickery

    • Bribery

  • Seed Dispersal

    • Hitching a ride

    • Flying and floating

    • Food Source

Double Fert.

  • Two sperms. One fert. the egg the other fert. endosperm.

  • More energy efficient

  • Do it rapidly (small size)

Fungi Uses and Relationships

  • Relationships

    • Symbionts

      • Fungus get sugar

      • Plant get nutrients

  • Uses

    • Food Source -Cap

    • Antibiotic - Penicillium

    • Bread - Yeast

    • Bioluminescent -Glow in dark

Organization of Life

  • Domain -Dont

  • Kingdom - Kill

  • Phylum -People

  • Class - Cuz

  • Order -Other

  • Family

  • Genus - Get

  • Species -Sad

  • Specific Epithet - Species name is the Genus and Species

  • Three Domains

    • Bacteria - 1 King.

    • Archaea - 1 King.

    • Eukarya - 3 Dom. 6 King.


  • An organism that cant be seen without a microsope

    • In all 3 Domains

      • Genetically diverse: 500,000

      • Live almost every place on Earth 5F - 750

      • Eat anything

      • Abundant

  • Evolution

    • Bacteria and Archaea (Prokaryotic)

    • Eukarya

      • Arose from endosymbiosis - Lrg. cell engulfed another


  • Shapes

    • Cocci - Spherical

    • Bacilli - Rod

    • Spirilla - Spiral
