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Stagecraft - Chapter 1

  • House: Where the audience sits

  • Stage Right: The right side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the audience.

  • Stage Left: The left side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the audience.

  • Wings: Offstage spaces to the sides of the acting area

  • Trailers (Legs): long pieces of black cloth hanging in pairs on stage left and stage right, that touch the stage floor

  • Apron: the acting area in front of the main curtain

  • Proscenium Arch: the arch or frame enclosing the visible downstage; the opening between the stage and the house

  • Teaser: a short curtain hung across the stage above the acting area to mask overhead lights.

  • Orchestra Pit: A place where musicians perform the musical score for a production

  • Drops: Specialized Fabric with scenery painted on it

  • Acting Area: The part of the stage or theatre that is use by actors during a play

  • Upstage: The stage area away from the audience

  • Downstage: the area of the stage closest to the audience

  • House Right: The right side of the stage from the audience members' perspectives as they face the stage.

  • House Left: The left side of the stage from the audience members' perspectives as they face the stage.

  • Sets: The scenery that gets placed or wheeled on and off stage for each scene.

  • Sound/Lighting Booth: The area designated for sound and lighting equipment. Sound operator and lighting operator control the lights and sound

  • Props House: The area where the items that the actors use, but that are not part of their costume.

  • Cyclorama: a curved plain cloth or plastered wall filling the rear of the stage

  • Dressing Room (Green Room): Apace where performers change their wardrobe and prepare to perform

  • Grand Curtain: The main / front curtain

  • Traveler Curtains: Curtains that split the stage (mid, back

Stagecraft - Chapter 1

  • House: Where the audience sits

  • Stage Right: The right side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the audience.

  • Stage Left: The left side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the audience.

  • Wings: Offstage spaces to the sides of the acting area

  • Trailers (Legs): long pieces of black cloth hanging in pairs on stage left and stage right, that touch the stage floor

  • Apron: the acting area in front of the main curtain

  • Proscenium Arch: the arch or frame enclosing the visible downstage; the opening between the stage and the house

  • Teaser: a short curtain hung across the stage above the acting area to mask overhead lights.

  • Orchestra Pit: A place where musicians perform the musical score for a production

  • Drops: Specialized Fabric with scenery painted on it

  • Acting Area: The part of the stage or theatre that is use by actors during a play

  • Upstage: The stage area away from the audience

  • Downstage: the area of the stage closest to the audience

  • House Right: The right side of the stage from the audience members' perspectives as they face the stage.

  • House Left: The left side of the stage from the audience members' perspectives as they face the stage.

  • Sets: The scenery that gets placed or wheeled on and off stage for each scene.

  • Sound/Lighting Booth: The area designated for sound and lighting equipment. Sound operator and lighting operator control the lights and sound

  • Props House: The area where the items that the actors use, but that are not part of their costume.

  • Cyclorama: a curved plain cloth or plastered wall filling the rear of the stage

  • Dressing Room (Green Room): Apace where performers change their wardrobe and prepare to perform

  • Grand Curtain: The main / front curtain

  • Traveler Curtains: Curtains that split the stage (mid, back