unit 5 vocab

  1. Absurd illogical or ridiculous; implausible; foolish; ridiculous; silly

  1. Accusatory stating someone has done something wrong, complaining; critical; reproachful.

  1. Acerbic curt and forthright; biting comments or looks; hurtful; abrasive; severe

  1. Admiring approving or thinking highly of; respectful; praising; favorable

  1. Belligerent hostile and threatening; combative; aggressive; confrontational

  1. Benevolent caring and sympathetic; tolerant; generous; well-meaning

  1. Bitter angry and harsh; acrimonious; antagonistic; spiteful; nasty

  1. Callous cruel disregard and insensitive; unfeeling; indifferent; ruthless

  1. Candid truthful and straightforward; blunt; honest; unreserved

  1. Caustic making cruel, corrosive comments; critical; destructive; sarcastic

  1. Defensive defending or protecting a position; shielding; guarding; watchful

  1. Defiant obstinate and resistant; argumentative; challenging; contentious

  1. Demeaning disrespectful and undignified; degrading; humiliating; shaming

  1. Depressing upsetting or feelings of distress; melancholic; discouraging; pessimistic

  1. Earnest showing deep sincerity or feeling; intense; solemn; serious

  1. Egotistical excessively self-absorbed; self-centered; conceited; boastful

  1. Empathetic ability to understand and share the feelings of another; kind; rapport; sensitive

  1. Facetious treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; glib; whimsical

  1. Farcical humorous and highly improbable; ludicrous; absurd; mocking

  1. Flippant superficial and shallow; thoughtless; frivolous; nonchalant 
