Sports psych midterm

1. What are the four areas of sports psychology?

  • Research

  • Teaching (Education)

  • Consulting

  • Clinitian

2. 2 types of research in sports psychology

  1. Empirical data - gained from experiments

  2. Subjective data - gained from survey

3. What acronym gives the critera for creating effective goals?

- S.M.A.R.T.E.R is an acronym for:

Specific, Meaningful, Agreed, Relevent, Time-specific, Engaging, Recorded.

4. Why did the Spartak Tennis club in Moscow produce multiple tennis champions?

- The club is a sacred space. Its run-down location mentally prepares students, potentially putting them in the headspace of an 'underdog'.



The children/students are excited for the lessons, and there is a motivated community.

The instructor requires sutdents to train for three years before entering competitions. This prevents bad habits and reinforces ideal form.

5. What two factors contribute to an athlete's achievement motivation?

- Achievement motivation is an athlete's effort to succeed in their event.

- Fun

- Self-efficacy (feeling worthy)

6. What is myelin?


Myelin is the fat around nerve fibers in the brain. It works like rubber insulation to keep the signal strong

- Myelin gets thicker when the nerve is repeated ly stimulated. If a motion or habit is repeated in the same exact way, the nerve is repeatedly stimulating, thickening the myelin of that pathway in the brain.

7. Definition of sacred time and sacred space

  1. Sacred time: time stops during special moments

  2. Sacred space: a place where homeric deeds in sports were achieved

8. What is sports psychology

-The scientific study of people and their behavior in sport and exercise activities and the practical application of that knowledge.

Discovers why fancied champions tend to be overconfidence

  • Sports psch views how preparation and recovery from under-performance impact an athlete

  • Identifies factors for success: motivation, confidence, knowledge, routines, handling pressure

9. What are the factors for athletic success:

a. motivation, confidence, knowledge, routines, hand ling pressure

10. What factors contribute to an athlete's confidence?

  1. Experience

  2. Modeling (by someone else)

  3. Positive feedback

11. 3 methods to improve confidence:

  1. Imagery/Visualization

  2. Self talk

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c. Anxiety management/Relaxation

  1. 2 types of goallnders tano atient od vsuchology pactor motor performance

  2. Goal theory - outcone goals and performance 9o0.

  3. 2 components of anxiety - cognitive

15. Intrinsie vs extrinsic motivation - Intrin sic athlete paroicrunt insour ener

17. Catastrophy theory - Oplar how high level oF

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Vietnam War

19. What was Mr. Tweedy's job?

a. Lawyer

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c. Keep focus in check

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Historical Continuum

1. Freud & Yung (collective unconscious)

Freud = father of the unconscious

- Pre-Freud, mentally unwell were caged, tortured, and socially isolated

2. Skinner & Pavlov ("behaviors")

  • Skinner = rats

  • Pavlov = dogs

3. 1896 modern olympic games

-Rebirth of Greek ancient olympics in Paris

  • Athletic movement gained importance

  • Sports studies and early photography (on horses)

4. 1900-1912 Golden Age of Sports

- "Era of the Amateurs" - none made money during compete

5. WWl 1914

  • 1920 olympic games at Antwerp

  • Marathon runners ran in the trenches to remind young men not to repeat the mistaks of the past

6. WWII - with greater technology

- Plastic invented and sports equipment improved

7. Cold war

  • Sports viewed as a road to freedom

  • Russians sought a way out (to defect)

8. Age of computers 1950s

- U.S. education: American physical education starts to be quantified

  1. Space Age

  2. Samarach opens olympics to professionals

  • 1980s

  • Dream team!

  • Influx of money

  • 2000 Nike

  • Psychology of sports marketing

  • Wider acceptance in academic study of sports psychologists

  • Russians = formidable opponents; practiced visualization

  • Sports are the greatest social movers in the world [Jung - universal experience]

  • "How to make a better athlete"

-Play > games > sports
