Questions! Questions! Questions!
Partie écrite: Écris, écris tes réponses! Réponds aux 15 questions.
Décris ta personnalité en utilisant quelques adjectifs.
Je suis sportive, gentille, calme et tranquille.
D’où viens-tu et où habites-tu ?
Je viens de Turquie mais j'habite à Toronto, au Canada.
Quelle est ta nationalité et quelle langue parles-tu?
Je suis Turc. Je parle turc, anglais et un peu de français.
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? (2 choses; no FAIRE or JOUER)
J'aime lire, marcher, regarder des films et étudier.
Qu’est-ce que tu détestes faire? (2 choses; no FAIRE or JOUER)
Je déteste laver les vêtements, cuisiner et prendre des médicaments.
Qu’est-ce que tu préfères faire? (2 choses; no FAIRE or JOUER)
J'aime lire et écouter de la musique.
Qu’est-ce que tu fais pendant ton temps libre ?
Pendant mon temps libre, je vais au centre commercial, je cuisine et je me promène.
Est-ce que tu fais du sport ?
Je joue au badminton, au volleyball et au basketball. Aussi, j’adore nager.
Est-ce que tu joues des instruments de musique ?
Non, je ne joue pas d’instruments de musique. Mais je jouais du piano. (comment dit on “i used to play”)
Quelle est ta nourriture préférée ? (2 choses)
Ma nourriture préférée est le poulet et les hamburgers.
Describe a friend
Décrire un ami
My friend Tim is sporty, impatient, and kind.
Mon ami Tim est sportif, impatient et gentil.
Nom: _____________________________________
Échelle d’évaluation:
Marks | |
Communication | 10 |
Range and Accuracy of Language | 10 |
Pronunciation and Intonation | 5 |
Interaction and Fluency | 5 |
TOTAL | 30 |
9 –10 | Information, ideas and points of view are presented and explained with confidence. Can narrate events when appropriate. |
7– 8 | A good amount of information and points of view are conveyed and regularly developed. |
5 – 6 | A reasonable amount of information and points of view are conveyed and sometimes developed. |
3 – 4 | Some simple information and opinions are conveyed. Few, if any, responses are developed. |
1– 2 | Little relevant information communicated. Very few appropriate responses are developed. |
0 | No relevant information conveyed. |
Range and Accuracy of Language
9–10 | A wide range of vocabulary, complex structures and a variety of verb tenses. Errors usually appear in more complex structures. |
7–8 | A range of vocabulary; some complex structures and a variety of verb tenses attempted, though not always well formed. Some errors occur but the message is clear. |
5–6 | Limited vocabulary; sentences generally simple but occasionally more complex. Errors are quite frequent, but the language is more accurate than inaccurate. |
3–4 | Very limited vocabulary; short, simple sentences. Errors very frequent. |
1–2 | Isolated words of vocabulary. Occasional short phrases. Errors often impede communication. |
0 | No language produced is worthy of |
Pronunciation and Intonation
5 | High degree of pronunciation accuracy with good accent and intonation. |
4 | Generally good. |
3 | Generally accurate but some inconsistency. |
2 | Understandable, but comprehension is sometimes delayed. |
1 | Barely understandable, making comprehension difficult. |
0 | No language produced is worthy of credit. |
Interaction and Fluency
5 | Responds readily and shows initiative. Conversation sustained at a reasonable speed, language expressed fluently. |
4 | Answers without hesitation and extends responses beyond the minimum with some flow of language. |
3 | Ready responses; some evidence of an ability to sustain a conversation; little if any initiative. |
2 | Some reaction. Sometimes hesitant, little natural flow of language. |
1 | Little reaction. Very hesitant and disjointed. |
0 | No language produced is worthy of credit. |