Environmental Science
Chapter 10 Study Guide
10.1 - What is biodiversity
What is biodiversity?
The diversity of organisms in a given area
What are the three levels of biodiversity and describe them?
Species diversity, genetic diversity, ecosystem diversity
What are some benefits of protecting biodiversity?
The biome and ecosystem directly correlated to the biodiversity
What is a keystone species?
Is a species that is critical to the environment and other organisms rely on it
What is a gene?
Segment of dna in the chromosome and code for hereditary traits
Where are some areas in the U.S. with high levels of biodiversity?
California, florida, and hawaii
What is the estimated number of species on Earth?
10 mill
Why are there more species that are on Earth than we know about?
1.9 mill
10.2 - Biodiversity at risk
What is an endangered species?
In danger of being extinct
What is a threatened species?
In danger of being endangered
What is an exotic species?
A species that is not native to a particular region
Why are exotic or invasive species so harmful to ecosystems?
Due to them not being native it can throw off a ecosystem
What is poaching?
The illegal harvesting of an animal
What are the characteristics that make a species more prone to extinction?
Low genetic variation, small population size
What is different about the current amount of extinctions compared with past extinctions?
Now extinction is self-inflicted. Past was natural cause
What are causing extinctions today?
Habitat loss, poaching, pollution, invasive species
What percent of species are expected to become extinct between 1800 and 2100?
Where in the world are the greatest number of extinctions occurring?
Tropical rainforests
What is a biodiversity hotspot?
The most threatened areas of high species diversity on Earth
Where would you typically find a biodiversity hotspot?
and include mostly tropical rainforests, coastal areas, and islands.
Where are the biodiversity hotspots in the U.S.?
California, florida, and hawaii
What are some major reasons why species are facing extinction today?
Habitat loss, poaching, pollution, invasive species
10.3 - The future of biodiversity
What are the four provisions of the Endangered Species Act?
List, creates the laws, government prevention of building, recovery plan
What are some ways to save individual species?
Captive breeding,
What are some benefits of protecting ecosystems instead of single species?
If we protect the ecosystem then we are protecting the spaces in it
Why are we unsure how many species live on Earth?
We just have not explored all of the earth yet and we have to have someone who wants to study each organism.
What is germ plasm?
Hereditary material.
Why is it difficult to save individual species (list multiple reasons)?
Vulnerable to inbreeding, diseases, expensive
What are some examples of cooperative efforts that have been used to prevent extinctions?
Biodiversity treaty, IUCN
The California condor is a success story of what?
Captive breeding