Albin - white
Alopec - loss or lack of hair
Cutaneo - skin
Cyan - blue
Derma - skin
Fascia - thick connective tissue
Jaund - yellow
Lipo - fat
Melan - pigment or black
Ous - condition
Papill - projection
Sebac - oil
Stratum - layer of tissue
Thermia - temperature
Vascul - blood vessel
Acne vulgaris - chronic acne
Athlete’s foot - fungal infection on the foot
Burns - damage to the skin caused by the heat of something
First degree - burn that affects outer layer of the skin
Second degree - blister
Third degree - when a burn fully destroys the top layer of skin and the layers under it
Dermatitis - condition that causes skin to become red, swollen, and sore
Eczema - condition where patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters that cause itching and bleeding
Herpes - viral contagious infection
Impetigo - contagious skin infection that mainly affects infants and young children
Psoriasis - skin disease marked by red, itchy, scaly patches.
Ringworm - common skin infection that is caused by a fungus.
Scabies - an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite
Shingles - viral infection that causes a painful rash
Skin Cancer - abnormal growth of cells in the epidermis
Basal Cell - cell found in the base of the epidermis
Squamous Cell - flat cells that look like fish scales
Malignant Melanoma - worst type of skin cancer
Macule - discolored area of skin
Papule - raised area of skin tissue
Pustule - a type of pimple
Ulcer - A break on the skin, lining of an organ, or on the surface of a tissue
Decubitus ulcer - Damage to an area of the skin caused by constant pressure over time
Vesicle - small fluid-filled blister on the skin
Warts - infection caused by viral