Water: the medium for life
• Earth has existed for 4.5 billion years
• Water has existed on Earth for 3.8 billion years
• First cells on Earth originated 2000 mya in water.
• Water blocked harmful UV rays from destroying these cells leading to evolution of life forms
• 65%-95% by mass of most multicellular organisms is water
• 80% of human cells is water
Why is water important to life?
• Provides a medium in which enzymes dissolve to work
• Provides a chemically stable medium for life processes to operate
Atoms, Molecules and Covalent bonds
• There are 118 chemical elements
• These elements are the fundamental building blocks of matter.
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• The structure of atoms includes protons and neutrons in the central nucleus and electrons in outside orbitals.
• The outermost electrons are known as valence electrons.
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• Pairs of valence electrons can be shared between atoms forming covalent bonds to form a molecule.
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• A water molecule is formed by covalent bonding between 1 Oxygen atom and 2 hydrogen atoms sharing their valence electrons.
• Valence electrons can be lost by an atom, creating a cation, or gained by an atom, creating an anion.
Polarity in water molecules
• Electrons are not equally shared between oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a water molecule
• Water molecule has the shape of letter V.
• The nucleus of oxygen atom draws electrons away from hydrogen atoms.
• There is a net negative charge on the oxygen atom and net positive charge on hydrogen atoms
Water molecules show Dipolarity
• A polar molecule is one having positively & negatively charged areas because of an uneven distribution of electrons.
• Water molecule has a:
Negative pole – Area with more electrons around oxygen atom
Positive pole – Area with fewer electrons near the hydrogen atom nuclei.
Hydrogen bond between water molecules
• The positively charged hydrogen atoms are attracted to negatively charged oxygen atoms of neighbouring water molecules.
• These (weak) attractive forces are called hydrogen bonds
Hydrogen bonds:
• Are weaker than covalent bonds
• Are strong enough to hold water molecules together
• Attract water molecules to a charged surface or charged particles
• Are largely responsible for the unique properties of water
Properties of water molecules :
• Force by which individual molecules of the same type attract and associate (stick together)
• H-bonds make water molecules stick to each other more strongly.
• Cohesion is important in transporting water through xylem in vascular plants
• In the leaves of a tree, water evaporates from the surface of inner cell walls into air spaces in the leaf.
• As water molecules evaporate, they are replaced by water from within the cells
• More water molecules move from the xylem into the leaf cells, creating tension, a force to pull water against gravity.
• This tension is transmitted down a continuous column (cohesive force) of water molecules all the way to the root.
Cohesion and surface tension
• There are no neighbouring water molecules above the surface of water.
• These water molecules exhibit stronger attractive forces with water molecules below them and with nearest neighbours on the surface.
• The net inward force causes molecules on the surface to contract and resist being stretched or broken.
• This is called surface tension.
Consequence of surface tension to organisms
• Water striders (Gerris lacustris, also called pond skaters) live on the surface of calm and unpolluted bodies of water.
• Mass of the insect is not great enough to break the surface tension.
• Waxy cuticle prevents the insect from getting wet.
• When the pond skater moves over the surface of water:
Surface tension supports it
The surface of water is depressed but hydrogen bonds hold it together
Adhesion of water and its impact on organisms
• The attraction between water and other materials
• Adhesion make surfaces “wet”
• Hydrogen bonds are readily formed between molecules and a hydrophilic substance
• Water adheres to most surfaces and can be drawn up long columns like xylem
n.b. cohesion is a far stronger force in xylem transport than adhesion – cohesion can resist tension
• Water molecules slide past each other very easily, below the surface
• Hence water flows through tiny capillaries, gaps and pores.
Capillary action in soils
• Cohesion and adhesion causes water to be pulled through narrow tubes and spaces – capillary action
• Occurs when adhesion is greater than cohesion
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• Channels between soil particles (where plant roots are) behave like capillary tubes.
• Adhesion between water molecules and these capillary tubes draws up water, above the water table
• Hence soil does not dry out around plant roots.
Capillary action in plant cell walls
• Cell wall in plant cells are made of a fibrous material called cellulose
• As water enters a leaf cell from the xylem, water is pulled by capillary action into the spaces between the cellulose fibers
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• Water evaporates from the surface of spongy mesophyll cells into the air spaces inside the leaf and then out through the stomata
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• Capillary action draws out more water from the xylem into the walls of these cells, preventing these cells from drying out.
• These events draw water up continuously through the plant.
Water is a liquid at room temperature
• The potential energy of hydrogen bonds in water is greater than the KE of its molecules upto 100⁰C.
• Hence hydrogen bonds pull water molecules very close to each other
• This makes water liquid at normal temperature and pressure.
Solvent properties of water and polar substances
• Ionic substances (extremely polar) like (NaCl) dissociate into anions (negative charge) and cations (positive charge) while dissolving in water
• These ions become surrounded by a layer of orientated water molecules
• Amino acids are hydrophilic as they have ionized groups - positively charged amino (‒NH₃⁺) groups and negatively charged carboxyl (‒COO⁻) groups.
• Sugars have slightly charged hydroxyl (–OH) groups, which forms hydrogen bonds with water to dissolve in it.
• These hydrophilic molecules become chemically reactive and are free to move around inside the cell in soluble form.
Solvent properties of water and non-polar substances
• Non-polar substances are hydrophobic and are repelled by water.
• Cell membrane is made from phospholipids.
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• Each phospholipid molecule has a hydrophilic part which forms the head and two hydrophobic tails.
• While forming cell membrane, the phospholipids orient themselves to form a bilayer.
• Hydrophilic heads of the bilayer are in contact with aqueous environment inside and outside the cell.
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• Hydrophobic tails are oriented inwards away from the watery environment.
• CO₂ is more soluble in water than oxygen and nitrogen.
• Some CO₂ dissolves in water to form carbonic acid (H₂CO₃) which dissociates into hydrogen ions (H⁺) and bicarbonate ions (HCO₃⁻)
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• Oxygen gas is a non-polar substance.
• Poor solubility of oxygen has resulted in evolution of respiratory pigments like haemoglobin which has efficient oxygen-carrying capacity than water.
Solvent properties of water and metabolic reactions
• Most enzymes become active forms only in water and hence many enzyme-catalysed reactions occur in water
• Water is a requirement for some enzymes to maintain its shape, stability and functionality.
• Hydrogen bonds often act as bridges between the active site of enzymes and its substrates.
Solvent properties of water and transport
• Polar substances like amino acids and sugars are transported from cell to cell in a watery medium in multicellular plants and animals.
• Blood in animals have plasma which uses water as a solvent to transport small, hydrophilic molecules.
• Plants transport sucrose and amino acids which are dissolved in the phloem sap
Movement of water through cell membrane
• Water moves through special transmembrane proteins called aquaporins.
• These proteins have a hydrophilic interior which allows water to move inside or outside a cell
• These proteins are anchored in place in the membrane by a hydrophobic exterior
Ø Buoyancy
• The ability of any fluid to provide a vertical upward force on an object placed in/on it.
• Liquid water has high density allowing materials that are less dense to float on it.
• Air is less dense than water, so less buoyant as well
Ø Viscosity
• Viscosity is resistance to flow
• Related to how much energy is needed to change the shape of a liquid.
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• Water has low viscosity compared with other liquids, but greater viscosity than air.
• Water molecules slide past each other very easily, below the surface
• Hence water flows through tiny capillaries, gaps and pores.
Ø Specific heat capacity
• The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1⁰C.
• Water has a higher specific heat capacity than air
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• More energy is needed to overcome the intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonds) in water to increase its temperature
• Aquatic environments therefore, have stable temperature.
• Water has the ability to absorb and lose heat without undergoing large temperature change.
• This protects cells and organisms from large changes in temperature fluctuations.
Ø Thermal conductivity
• The ability of a substance to transfer heat when there is a temperature difference.
• Water has a high thermal conductivity compared with other liquids (except liquid metals).
• Air has a much lower thermal conductivity than water.
Physical properties of water and its consequences to Ringed Seal and Black-throated loon
Refer to WS
Extraplanetary origin of water on Earth
• Extremely hot conditions on Earth 4.5 b.y.a
• Impossible for water vapour to condense into liquid water
• Asteroids and meteorites are most likely Earth’s source of water
• Asteroids still contain ice and amino acids – critical for evolution of life
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• Meteorites (break off from asteroids) like carbonaceous chondrites contain water trapped in mineral crystals
• These contain isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium and protium), which closely matches with that of ocean water.
• Two 4.5-billion-year-old meteorites support this hypothesis
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• The meteorite eucrite achondrite (origin from asteroid Vesta in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars) has deuterium protium ratio that matches with current Earth.
• Meteorites heated up on impact with Earth releasing water vapour which were trapped by Earth’s gravity
• When surface temperature of Earth became cooler, water vapour condensed into liquid water.
• Earth’s gravity retained this water.
• The presence of liquid water as a solvent and medium for metabolism is considered necessary for life.
Goldilock Zone
• Astrobiologists believe extraterrestrial life will be found only in the presence of liquid water on other planets or natural satellites.
• The habitable zone, or Goldilocks zone, refers to the orbital distance from a star that will result in liquid water.
• Earth is in the Goldilocks zone because its distance from its star (the Sun) is neither too hot nor too cold to prevent liquid water – it is just the right distance.
Search for extraterrestrial life
• Wavelengths of light are absorbed or reflected when a planet passes in front of its nearest star.
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• By analysing the light (transit spectroscopy) it is possible to find whether the atmosphere of the planet contains water.
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• This technique is used to establish that exoplanets in the Goldilocks zone (right distance from its star and right size) like Kepler-186f may have a “water signature” and therefore extraterrestrial life.