A process for testing skills and knowledge.
enterprise information system
An information system that an organization uses to define structured interactions among its own employees and/or with external customers, suppliers, government agencies, and other business partners.
workgroup information system
Systems that support teamwork and enable people to work together effectively, whether team members are in the same location or dispersed around the world.
information system
A set of interrelated components that work together to support fundamental business operations, data reporting and visualization, data analysis, decision making, communications, and coordination within an organization.
interorganizational IS
An information system that enables sharing of information and conducting business electronically across organizational boundaries.
Leavitt’s Diamond
A model that states an organization’s information systems operate within a context of people, technology infrastructure, processes, and structure.
personal information system
An information system that improves the productivity of individual users in performing stand-alone tasks.
A set of steps that need to be followed to achieve a specific end result, such as entering a customer order, paying a supplier invoice, or requesting a current inventory report.
A structured set of related activities that takes input, adds value, and creates an output for the customer of that process.
shadow IT
The information systems and solutions built and deployed by departments other than the information systems department.
strategic planning
A process that helps managers identify desired outcomes and formulate feasible plans to achieve their objectives by using available resources and capabilities.
A definition of the relationships among the members of an organization including their roles, responsibilities, and lines of authority necessary to complete various activities.
supply chain
A key value chain whose primary processes include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service.
technology infrastructure
All the hardware, software, databases, networks, facilities, and services used to develop, test, deliver, control, or support the information technology applications and services an organization requires to meet the needs of its customers, suppliers, key business partners, regulatory agencies, and employees.
value chain
A series (or chain) of activities that an organization performs to transform inputs into outputs in such a way that the value of the input is increased.
workgroup information system
Systems that support teamwork and enable people to work together effectively, whether team members are in the same location or dispersed around the world.