Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes
A psychologist seeks to discover what makes people behave in certain ways and uses this understanding to solve problems
You will learn the fundamental principles of psychology and gain a comprehensive understanding of the human mind
Psychology in Everyday Life
Mental illness and health
Psychology in sports, relationships, and advertisement
Goal, rewards, supportive peers, motivation, encouragement, friendly environment
Leadership skills
Decision making & problem solving
Emotional intelligence
Personal growth
Industrial/organizational psychology
Recovery from mental disorders
Reduce stress
Cope with medical conditions
Improve educational attainment
Goal setting and relationships
Increase self-esteem and confidence
Health and wellness
Subfield Description
Behavioral genetics- inheritance of traits related to behavior
Behavioral neuroscience- examines the biological basis of behavior
Clinical psychology- deals with study, diagnosis and treatment of psy disorders
Clinical neuropsychology- unites the areas of biopsychology and clinical psychology, focusing on relationship between biological factors and psychological disorders
Cognitive psychology- study of higher mental processes
Counseling psychology- educational, social and career adjustment problems
Cross-cultural psychology- similarities and differences in psychological functioning in and across various cultures and ethnic groups
Developmental psychology- how people grow and change from conception to death
Educational psychology- teaching and learning processes such as the relationship between motivation and school performance
Environmental psychology- relationship between people and physical environment
Evolutionary psychology- how behavior is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors
Experimental psychology- studies processes of sensing, perceiving, learning and thinking about the world
Forensic psychology- legal issues, such as determining accuracy of witness memories
Health psychology- explores relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments of witness memories
Industrial/organizational psychology- psychology of workplace
Personality psychology- consistency in people’s behavior over time and traits that differentiate one person from another
Program evaluation- assessing large-scale programs, such as the Head start preschool program, to determine whether they are effective in meeting their goals
Psychology of women- discrimination against women and causes of violence against women
School psychology- counseling children in elementary and secondary schools having academic or emotional problems
Social psychology- study of how people’s thoughts, feelings and actions are affected by others
Sport psychology- applied psychology to athletic activity and exercise.
Psychology helps us understand and embody our thoughts and feelings
It allows us to build better relationships and improve communication
Psychology helps us develop self-confidence and improve our self-image
It enriches our career by providing a new perspective on mental illness
Psychology helps us understand ourselves and others better
Greater understanding of human relationships
It fosters critical thinking skills
Psychology helps us stay motivated and achieve our goals
It improves our communication skills
Psychology provides a new perspective on mental illness
It improves learning abilities and memory
Psychology helps us deal with stress
Psychology- Psyche + Logos
Psyche-soul/mind, logos- knowledge - greek
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Behavior refers to outward or overt actions and reactions
Mental processes
- internal, covert activity of our minds/ internal subjective experiences
that we infer from our behaviours such as sensations, perceptions, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings
Psychology is the science of activities of the individual in relation to its environment
Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behavior
Itis a science: prevents biases and ensures precise and careful measurement
Description: observing and objectively describing behavior
Explanation: understanding the reasons behind behavior
Prediction: predicting future behavior
Control: changing behavior to improve quality of life
Psychologists cannot read minds or analyze individuals directly
Acc to APA, psy is scientific study of mind and behavior, does not mean psys can read minds or are analyzing you
through various assessments and interactions, they can gauge a person’s mental state and understand them but reading a person’s mind directly is not humanly possible.
The idea that "opposites attract" in relationships is a myth
People tend to be attracted to those who are similar to themselves
could be because: personality contrasts tend to stand out and become bigger over time
We seek out people similar to us in both attitude and personality (Univ of Iowa study) Similarity-attraction effect (SAE)
The notion that humans only use 10% of their brain is a myth
fMRI scans show that almost all of the brain is active during simple activities
Memory is not an exact reproduction, but a reconstruction
Eyewitness testimony can be shockingly unreliable
Therapy duration depends on various factors such as the degree to which someone is struggling and the quality of the therapeutic relationship and can be adjusted
sessions may be spread out if desired with a few booster sessions scheduled later if needed
There is no requirement to go to therapy forever
Bottling up negative emotions like anxiety and anger can disrupt the normal function of cortisol, a stress hormone.
This disruption can result in lowered immune function and an increased risk of developing chronic illnesses.
Not expressing your emotions can also be a gateway to developing mental health conditions.
A 2021 study conducted in Italy during the first wave of lockdown demonstrated that regulating or ignoring emotions can lead to short-term mental and physical reactions.
Suppressing emotions, whether they are anger, sadness, grief, or frustration, can place physical stress on your body.
Differences in personalities and talents cannot be explained by brain dominance
A psychologist's role goes beyond listening and understanding
Psychologists ask questions to understand background and circumstances
Collaborative treatment and goal development with the psychologist
Psychologists do more than just listen to people vent
PES Debate: For & Against Science
Characteristics of a science:
A science relies on empirical evidence and systematic observation to uncover and explain natural phenomena.
Three stages of the development of a science proposed by Kuhn:
Kuhn's model suggests that scientific fields go through phases of pre-paradigm, normal science, and scientific revolution, illustrating the evolution of scientific understanding.
Arguments for psychology being a science:
Psychology employs the scientific method to formulate hypotheses, conduct experiments, and gather data, making it a science akin to other natural and social sciences.
It has produced valuable insights into human behavior, cognition, and mental processes, demonstrating its systematic and empirical approach.
Psychologists follow rigorous research methods, including controlled experiments and statistical analysis, emphasizing the scientific nature of their work.
Arguments against psychology being a science:
Critics argue that psychology's subject matter, which includes complex human thoughts and emotions, is inherently subjective and cannot be measured or studied in the same objective way as natural sciences.
The lack of a unified theory or paradigm in psychology raises questions about its scientific status, as it lacks a universally accepted framework like physics or chemistry.
Psychology often faces difficulties in replicating experiments and achieving consensus, leading to skepticism about its scientific rigor.
Desirability of psychology being a science:
Recognizing psychology as a science is desirable because it allows for a systematic and evidence-based understanding of human behavior and mental processes.
Scientific status enhances psychology's credibility and legitimacy as a field, promoting its acceptance and application in various domains, including clinical and educational settings.
As a science, psychology can contribute to solving complex societal issues by providing evidence-based interventions and strategies.